Top 202 Wig Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Wig quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
As long as I can wear a wig I can be any character, and in real life I can be myself.
A wig is a wig is a wig.
Once a guy starts using a wig, he has to keep using one. It's, like, his fate. That's why wig makers make such huge profits. I hate to say it, but they're like drug dealers.
I have so much hair; I have a separate wig closet in my house. — © Sherri Shepherd
I have so much hair; I have a separate wig closet in my house.
Go to a wig store with your girlfriends, never by yourself. You need someone to say, 'Girl that looks good!' You need someone to encourage you to try pieces on. Try to purchase a wig close to your natural hair color as possible, don't come in with brown hair and try to leave as a redhead unless you are fine with that!
Back in the day, when a man in a wig had to 'lip sync for their life,' they relied on a wig reveal, rose petals or picking up their opponent and twirling them around.
Well, you can't compete with a six foot five man in a wig.
Uh, I do not wear a wig in 'Star Trek' like I did in 'Bottle Shock,' thank God. 'Bottle Shock' will be the last wig movie I ever do.
When I was with Andy Warhol, I thought, 'God, his wig looks cheaper than mine!'
Even when I was a kid, I had this insane head of flaming hair. It looked like a wig.
Putting a wig on and a costume and doing a wacky character is always fun.
Some friends of mine work in an office. They were getting really nervous from their coffee breaks, so they started to have wig breaks. They tried on wigs for 15 minutes. They found this relaxing. So that's Wig Therapy.
Self-conscious? Try a wig, a corset, a veil, a beard. Or cultivate shamelessness.
Blondes do have more fun. But sometimes I look in the mirror and still feel like I'm wearing a wig. — © Emma Stone
Blondes do have more fun. But sometimes I look in the mirror and still feel like I'm wearing a wig.
As a child, I always chose a false nose and some face paint and a wig for my birthday.
All the pins stuck in my head from the wig. I would set off a metal detector. And you know when your head gets really itchy? So when the wig gets put on at like 5:30, 6 A.M., and you can't take it off until 7 P.M. - I won't miss all the pins scratching against my scalp.
Initially, in 'Suryaputra Karn,' we tried a wig but it looked unnatural, so I grew my hair.
President George Washington used to wear a wig and make-up. I mean, c'mon, if he could do it, I can do it.
You really just want to know that somebody loves you for you. Sometimes you feel like an ATM machine with a wig on it.
I'm the artist formally known as Beck. I have a genius wig. When I put that wig on, then the true genius emerges. I don't have enough hair to be a genius. I think you have to have hair going everywhere.
Black is a great color!!! it sets off your wig!
I'm acting when I serve as a hostess, when I run my wig business. I was born to act, and life itself is the greatest part.
I don't want a wig that looks like a wig; I want one that could pass for a weave.
I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to just put my hair under a wig cap and slap on a wig that’s already done. It’s dress up for your hair!
What am I supposed to do if I go bald? Get a wig? Fat, goofy, gay, wig. I might as well get a piano and start an Elton John tribute act!
Sometimes people think I'm wearing a wig when I'm not wearing a wig, and then sometimes they think I'm not wearing a wig when I am wearing a wig.
Anytime you give a man in a wig a microphone, anything can happen.
When I first started wearing wigs, I didn't know you had to anchor them down with bobby pins. I walked out during a windy day and my wig blew off and got stuck to a branch. I was walking while my wig was hanging! If that's not the most embarrassing thing... but you have to use bobby pins.
I laugh about it all the time, but, for whatever reason, a lot of people think that I wear a wig. I get emails and tweets about people commenting on my hair being a wig. It's one of the strangest but most entertaining things I've read about myself online.
I get a lot of people asking if my hair is a wig because it is in an elaborate style. I assure them it is all my own.
It was an odd situation. For a century and a half, men got rid of their own hair, which was perfectly comfortable, and instead covered their heads with something foreign and uncomfortable. Very often it was actually their own hair made into a wig. People who couldn't afford wigs tried to make their hair look like a wig.
Your wig steers the gig.
As funny as watching a man in a wig trying to hold down a job on a helipad
I never had to carry a wig from one set to another.
I do not have a helmet. But this is a wig, so it's a little protective.
I've taken my cue from people here and from viewers, especially survivors-who said, 'When it's time to literally flip your wig, you'll know.'
I slipped at a bus stop; I went one way and my hair went the other. That was the end of my wig.
I needed to make my wig ogg because I no longer wanted to apologize for who I am
Trump appeals to right-wingnuts because when the going gets tough, they wig out. — © Michael R. Burch
Trump appeals to right-wingnuts because when the going gets tough, they wig out.
Three things are men most likely to be cheated in, a horse, a wig, and a wife.
I was changing my outfits, my looks, my wig, sometimes several times a day. That's when I know my soul is restless.
I get more distracted by hair or a really bad wig than I do costumes any day of the week.
We want to pigeonhole things and people, but it is absurd to regard me just as a furry wig-and-britches actor.
I don't wear a wig. I'd feel terrible onstage with a wig. I hate to be so 'Actors Studio'-ish, but I like to feel it's me out there.
I can't tell you what a pleasure it is to just put my hair under a wig cap and slap on a wig that's already done. It's dress up for your hair!
If you wear a wig, everybody notices. But if you then dye the wig, people notice the dye.
A wasp in a wig is altogether beyond the appliances of art.
I can't disguise myself with a wig and dark glasses - the wheelchair gives me away.
I like to put on a wig or a fake mustache and do something silly with friends, do a little dance. — © Tom Lenk
I like to put on a wig or a fake mustache and do something silly with friends, do a little dance.
For my 10th birthday, what I wanted was Beatle boots and a Beatle wig. My parents couldn't find Beatle boots, but down at the dime store, Woolworths or someplace, they found a Beatle wig!
If I'm feeling like a Barbie girl, I'm gonna throw that blonde wig on. It's just the mood.
I can be an incredibly fabulous person, and I don't have to be in the highest heels, the tallest wig, the skimpiest outfit.
Even if I wore a hat and a wig, you can always tell it's me.
I'm a man in a wig who is an entertainer, I'm not a role model.
I benefit from the Mr. Potato Head syndrome. Put a wig and a nose and glasses on me, and I disappear.
Once I have a wig on, I become a different person. You can't get Tierra back until the wig comes off.
If I don't wear a wig, I'm called a nasty f*g, if I do wear a wig, I'm hilarious.
Don't fault me for wearing a 20-inch blond wig - it doesn't mean I want to be a white person.
I've been acting since I was six. I actually played a boy when I was six in 'Tommy.' I played Tommy and they put a wig on me. They put up my hair and put this little boy wig on me and that was my first acting experience. Then I did some other professional theater. I did Shakespeare when I was older.
I make an all right Bowie. Actually, I look more like Cilla Black with that wig.
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