Top 915 Communicable Diseases Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Communicable Diseases quotes.
Last updated on October 18, 2024.
Gossip columnists are diseases, like 'flu. Everyone is subject to them.
In low-income countries, the main problems you have is infectious diseases.
Excessive animal protein is at the core of many chronic diseases. — © T. Colin Campbell
Excessive animal protein is at the core of many chronic diseases.
There is at bottom only one genuinely scientific treatment for all diseases, and that is to stimulate the phagocytes.
My diseases are an asthma and a dropsy and, what is less curable, seventy-five.
They certainly give very strange names to diseases.
The covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated that infectious diseases know no borders.
The diseases that we civilized people labor under most are melancholy and pessimism.
In these days half our diseases come from neglect of the body in overwork of the brain.
It was also my experience at Hull-House that aroused my interest in industrial diseases.
The trouble with being a hypochondriac these days is that antibiotics have cured all the good diseases.
Medications are palliatives. They are not designed to cure the degenerative diseases of the body.
This isn't one of those rare diseases that we don't have the solution for. We know how to fix hunger. — © Josette Sheeran
This isn't one of those rare diseases that we don't have the solution for. We know how to fix hunger.
There is no doubt that environmentally related diseases will continue to pose problems in the future.
Evils, like poisons, have their uses, and there are diseases which no other remedy can reach.
Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases.
First of all, many human diseases are influenced by, if not caused by mutations in genes.
Ooh good I've got syphilis, the BEST of the sexually transmitted diseases.
As a Yoga Therapist, focus on increasing people's quality of life not on curing diseases.
Against diseases here the strongest fence is the defensive vertue, Abstinence.
Vaccinations absolutely work, and have dramatically decreased rates of childhood diseases.
Every 30 seconds a patient dies from diseases that could be treated with tissue replacement.
The hope is that if we can increase youthfulness, we can postpone age-related diseases.
The forms of diseases are many and the healing of them is manifold.
No good is ever done to society by the pictorial representation of its diseases.
Health consists of having the same diseases as one's neighbors.
Festivals cause diseases, since they lighten cares but increase gluttony.
When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads.
I want to cure many diseases and save children's lives.
It is time to lay to rest the notion that germs jump into people and cause diseases.
As war and government prove, insanity is the most contagious of diseases.
Mathematics is like childhood diseases. The younger you get it, the better.
One of the worst diseases to which the human creature is liable is its disease of thinking.
Medicine heals diseases of the body, wisdom frees the soul from passions.
We have not only multiplied diseases, but we have made them more fatal.
We cause our diseases. We are directly responsible for any illness that happens to us.
The list of fun and easily-fixed brain diseases is very short.
There exist thousands of Americans who have AIDS-defining diseases but are HIV negative. — © Serge Lang
There exist thousands of Americans who have AIDS-defining diseases but are HIV negative.
Every educated physician knows that most diseases are not appreciably helped by medicine.
For those who are so courageously battling these terrible diseases, the least we can do is not stand in their way.
When you're dealing with new and emerging diseases, you have no idea and you can't predict in advance what would happen.
Polite diseases make some idiots vain, Which, if unfortunately well, they feign.
Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in women.
Fear is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases.
Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases
I've had to confront a lot of pandemics and infectious diseases around the globe.
The list of fun and easily fixed brain diseases is very short. — © Mike Birbiglia
The list of fun and easily fixed brain diseases is very short.
God’s Word, when rightly expounded, is medicinal for a whole host of spiritual diseases.
Our goal is to figure out a therapy for prion diseases.
The longer I have been at this the more I think that lectins are the cause of leaky gut and all diseases.
We are a puny and fickle folk. Avarice, hesitation, and following are our diseases.
Wherever there is a heart and an intellect, the diseases of the physical frame are tinged with the peculiarities of these.
All sorts of bodily diseases are produced by half-used minds.
Skepticism relieved two terrible diseases that afflicted mankind: anxiety and dogmatism.
Some follies are caught, like contagious diseases.
They do certainly give very strange, and newfangled, names to diseases.
My program is to leave the fools to nature. She has diseases with which to deal with them.
The fundamental imbalance that is behind all of the other social diseases is patriarchy.
A plant-based diet is like a one-stop shop against chronic diseases.
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