Top 1200 Not Feeling Good Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Not Feeling Good quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
It's not always the player that's talking in the dressing room that becomes a good manager. It's a feeling that you need to develop, it's a feeling that needs to grow on you.
Feeling good about your body and feeling sexy comes from within, not from a number on the scale.
Not everyone knows how to be silent or to leave in good time. It happens that even people of good breeding fail to notice that their presence provokes in the weary or preoccupied host a feeling akin to hatred, and that this feeling is tensely concealed and covered up with lies.
I can't sing “I Believe I Can Fly”. I sing that horrible. But I can sing “I Gotta Feeling” good. I wrote it for my capabilities. So I Gotta Feeling is just about let me make a song to inspire people to have a good time.
Feeling good about yourself is not the same thing as doing good. Good policy is more important than good feelings. — © Theodore Dalrymple
Feeling good about yourself is not the same thing as doing good. Good policy is more important than good feelings.
There is no better feeling than the feeling that I have done something right. That feeling comes so rarely and is so fleeting that I can never really enjoy it. So in a way, it's not a good feeling at all.
I have a feeling,’ he said, ‘I have a feeling that we were meant to be together. That we have fought the good fight, side by side, in the past or in the future, I do not know. I am a rational man, but I have learned the value of a good companion, and from the moment I clapped eyes on you, I knew I trusted you as well as I do myself. Yes, I want you with me.
For a moment he felt good about this. A moment or two later he felt bad about feeling good about it. Then he felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about it and satisfied, drove on into the night.
It sounds sweet when, after a long time, people talk good about you, especially when you have done a lot for the country and played with distinction. It's good; it's a good feeling.
When they don't have your back on a show, it's the worst feeling ever. That energy trickles down to the cast and crew. You can feel when it's not gonna be a winner. But when you have the support of the network and the studio, it's a really good feeling.
I am pleased, with a feeling of good fortune, to be from Selanik. If you want to know the truth better, I feel that my chest is overflowing with a feeling of pride.
Every American wants MORE & MORE of the world and why not, you only live once. But the mistake made in America is persons accumulate more & more dead matter, machinery, possessions & rugs & fact information at the expense of what really counts as more: feeling, good feeling, sex feeling, tenderness feeling, mutual feeling. You own twice as much rug if you're twice as aware of the rug.
I've always wanted to shoot a good percentage for my team, because I'm the point guard, and I can take fewer shots, still score more, so that I can get my teammates feeling good about themselves. That was always my feeling - that if I shoot a high percentage, I don't have to shoot a ton.
We get up in the morning feeling tired. Sometimes we feel good, sometimes bad, but we go through it with feeling. That's the root to the truth, that's where everything starts
It's maybe a good thing to try to make music that feels reassuring in some ways - something that's got a good feeling, a good vibe about it. — © Thom Yorke
It's maybe a good thing to try to make music that feels reassuring in some ways - something that's got a good feeling, a good vibe about it.
When I'm feeling down on myself or not feeling good about who I am, or maybe something happened and I'm feeling depressed, I eat to fill that void. Afterwards I'll beat myself up about it. I regret doing it, but I'll turn around and do it again.
I have a feeling that I make a very good friend, and I'm a good mother, and a good sister, and a good citizen. I am involved in life itself - all of it. And I have a lot of energy and a lot of nerve.
Writing well is at one and the same time good thinking, good feeling, and good expression; it is having wit, soul, and taste, all together.
Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I'm going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy.
I have two kids who were like me, we get out of bed feeling good, and the other two would sit at the breakfast table and grumble. I think it's born into us. I usually wake up feeling pretty good. Looking forward to the day.
The best feelings in your life come when you start feeling good after you've been feeling just awful
Being in love is a good thing, but it is not the best thing. There are many things below it, but there are also things above it. You cannot make it the basis of a whole life. It is a noble feeling, but it is still a feeling. Now no feeling can be relied on to last in its full intensity, or even to last at all. Knowledge can last, principles can last, habits can last; but feelings come and go.
There are only two emotions from our perspective ....... The one that feels good, that feeling of hope or happiness or love. That good feeling, that positive emotion, is guidance saying, that which you are thinking right now is in alignment with what you are wanting
The First Splendid Truth: To be happy, I need to think about feeling good, feeling bad, and feeling right, in an atmosphere of growth.
If you're feeling really sad, there is only one reason: it's because you're deleting all the reasons you could be feeling good. And if you're feeling good, it's because you're deleting all the bad things you could be focusing on.
Bad feeling is a country no woman want to visit. So they take good feeling any which way it come. Sometime that good feeling come by taking on a different kind of bad feeling.
Art films aren't necessarily photography. It's feeling. If we can capture a feeling of a people, of a way of life, then we made a good picture.
Demonstration of mastery gives a feeling of power and that feeling of power is a good feeling.
I'm feeling really grateful. I'm feeling grateful that I've been able to participate in this game for as long as I have. I'm feeling grateful that I've been able to tell my stories. I don't know that my mom and dad are that grateful, or Carey [Hart, Pink's husband], but it's been good for me. I'm grateful if I've kept one girl from feeling different or ugly or unempowered.
It's fun to play a dark character, but you go home at the end of the day not feeling very good about yourself. You go away feeling dirty. It seeps into the air.
The fact is that all the recording science and technology in the world is no substitute for a good song or for real feeling. Music is about feeling and if there isn't any genuine feeling, if the song isn't about anything that anyone gives a damn about, there's nothing you can do. All the technique that exists won't make it any good; it'll just make it technological. All the production values you add won't do anything except make it glossy.
I was shy at dancing. I practice at home. I was practicing in the mirror. Dancing everywhere. Then I just started feeling good. I started feeling coordinated. I started feeling the music better.
Do you feel insecure because you keep getting the nagging feeling that you're not that smart? Well, I've got good news for you, my friend. You have no need to be insecure. That nagging feeling is absolutely right on target. You are not that smart. But I have more good news for you. You are also not alone.
You never feel better than when you start feeling good after you've been feeling bad.
In today's society, looking good and feeling good often trumps doing good and being good. And some people don't know the difference anymore.
I've actually apologized to some people I was a real jerk to, because I feel ashamed. I didn't need to be that hungry. There was something going on inside me when I was angry and feeling very threatened and not feeling good about myself.
You need to stop looking outside and look inside - and it's such a good feeling. A feeling of love and that everything is going to be OK, and all you have to do is nothing.
Jealousy is not a nice feeling, I hate feeling jealous. But if you can admit it and laugh at yourself, then that's a good way of dealing with your feelings.
My feeling about Al Ain was very positive, was very good, and if my feeling wasn't like that I would never have come.
Real beauty is created when you are feeling good inside, whether that means being healthy, feeling confident or just wearing your favorite scent. — © Koo Stark
Real beauty is created when you are feeling good inside, whether that means being healthy, feeling confident or just wearing your favorite scent.
Fake feeling good.... You're going to have to learn to fake cheerfulness. Believe it or not, eventually that effort will pay off: you'll actually start feeling happier.
People always talk about good time rock and roll, Chuck Berry or whatever, like this liberating force for feeling good. But what I need in my life is to be liberated into feeling bad. Not sad. I have plenty of sad. What I need is a place where I can spray anger in sparks like a gnarled piece of electrical cable. Just be mad at stuff and soak in the helplessness.
I've been juicing lately, making different smoothies and such. It was interesting, and tough at first, but it's been doing wonders for me. I've been leaning in up, shedding fat, burning fat and I'm feeling good, feeling clean. My favorite so far is some almond milk with a little cinnamon there. It's good. I have that as a little night cap at the end of the day.
Love is not a feeling; it's a sensation. Drinking water when you're thirsty is a sensation, not a feeling. Being in nature or swimming in the sea is a sensation, not a feeling. Lying down when you're tired is sensational, not a feeling, although you may say it feels good. Feeling is an emotional interpretation of experience and these sensations don't need interpretation; they are just good or right. Making physical love rightly is a sensation, not a feeling. So is the love of God. The same goes for joy and beauty; both are sensational.'
Listen, after almost twenty years of call-in radio, I can tell you that the main thrust of too many lives is an overemphasis on feeling good instead of doing good. Being admired and respected by the self and others has taken a back seat to feeling good, or, at least, avoiding feeling bad. And, oh boy, the excuses some of you can come up with for doing so!
It's a good feeling to come away from a day's work feeling like you've achieved something. Tired brain is good.
My body's feeling sore, but my soul is feeling pretty good.
I've found a bit of success in my career, and I'm very relieved by it, but the success that comes after a book is published is never as happy as the feeling of writing, of knowing you've written something good, of feeling like you've had a worthwhile day in the chair. That's the best feeling I know, and as soon as writing stops making me feel that way, I'll stop doing it.
You have an atmosphere at Tottenham like, 'Okay, we are not scared of anyone,' and we have the same feeling with the national team. Everywhere we go at Tottenham, we have a good feeling.
Keep going and keep believing and do what makes you feel good. And when you feel good and get to the point where no-one can take that from you, then that feeling will the best feeling.
It doesn't matter whether I'm judged criminal. I have a great feeling of guilt - I have a feeling that I ran after Hitler like a wildfire without reason. If I can sacrifice my life to make something good, I'd gladly do it.
Feeling animalistic. Feeling Hyena. Feeling Wolf. Feeling Dog. I am tongue and heart. — © David Wojnarowicz
Feeling animalistic. Feeling Hyena. Feeling Wolf. Feeling Dog. I am tongue and heart.
The absence of feeling bad isn't enough to make you happy; you must strive to find sources of feeling good
I love that feeling of just finishing a workout and knowing I'm taking care of my body. It is such a good feeling.
I really like feeling connected to people and feeling like I have a good, solid sense of empathy.
Feeling good and feeling bad are not necessarily opposites. Both at least involve feelings. Any feeling is a reminder of life. The worst 'feeling' evidently is non-feeling.
If you're feeling pain, express that to the Lord. If you're feeling worried, express those worries. One passage that gives me comfort is in Psalms, Chapter 11, verse 3, it reads, "When all that is good falls apart, what can good people do?" That's really the question of the day.
All the stuff that keeps you safe from feeling scary emotions? They also keep you from feeling the good emotions. You have to shake those off. You have to become vulnerable.
You get into feeling like you are in a zone. You can't be stopped. It's a good feeling but it never lasts.
I felt like this is a story in 'Life', that does not go too far away from the feeling that something like this could really happen - it's part of what makes you connect and stay with the story. The feeling of "all is good and calm" in the beginning really sets you up for when things start to go "not so good..."
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