Top 1200 Day To Day Living Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Day To Day Living quotes.
Last updated on October 24, 2024.
You're going to struggle. You're going to do well. You can't really let the past or the day before - whether you had a good day or bad day - dictate the day you have that certain day.
Day-to-day life is a lot of work. I work a lot on stand-up stuff, and then day-to-day life and, you know, just living. It's always different. Try to work out, try to stay in shape, and try to have some fun.
Quality involves living the message of the possibility of perfection and infinite improvement, living it day in and day out, decade by decade. — © Tom Peters
Quality involves living the message of the possibility of perfection and infinite improvement, living it day in and day out, decade by decade.
I really focus on what my fans will take from it, people living their day-to-day lives. At the end of the day, the music isn't for me; it's for people who are going through their struggles and want to relate to someone who feels the same way they do. I've got to go all-in, expressing myself, right there in the moment.
Nothing is easier than saying words. Nothing is harder than living them, day after day. What you promise today must be renewed and redecided tomorrow and each day that stretches out before you.
The day before is what we bring to the day we're actually living through, life is a matter of carrying along all those days-before just as someone might carry stones, and when we can no longer cope with the load, the work is done, the last day is the only one that is not the day before another day.
I plan for the future, but the only day I really worry about is the day I'm living right now.
The broken heart. You think you will die, but you just keep living, day after day after terrible day.
Luckily I haven't fallen into the trap, which has claimed so many writers, of living from day to day thinking 'Ah, I'll write a book about that.'
I liked that music was a window into a world with a lot of unpredictability and chaos; it was almost diametrically opposed to my very regimented day-to-day living.
Living on $6 a day means you have a refrigerator, a TV, a cell phone, your children can go to school. That's not possible on $1 a day.
Happiness consists of living each day as if it were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation.
Acting is what I'm living and breathing on a day-to-day basis. — © Ruby Rose
Acting is what I'm living and breathing on a day-to-day basis.
This is not a day for asking questions, not a day on any calendar. This day is conscious of itself. This day is a lover, bread, and gentleness, more manifest than saying can say.
Now the way of life that I preach is a habit to be acquired gradually by long and steady repetition. It is the practice of living for the day only, and for the day's work.
Put paying your dues and all that puts so much into being a success. You have an understanding of what it's about, being on your own for three or four years and living day to day on $3, or living in an apartment with no electricity.
Earth Day was created because we were doing a lot of drugs, more drugs than you could ever f@*! imagine. And so we came up with Earth Day, so we'd have one day that would remind us what planet we were living on.
We cannot advance without new experiments in living, but no wise man tries every day what he has proved wrong the day before.
The Sabbath day has become a day of pleasure, a day of boisterous conduct, a day in which the worship of God has departed, and the worship of pleasure has taken its place. I am sorry to say that many of the Latter-day Saints are guilty of this. We should repent.
Eva. Every day I've climbed up the belfry chanting a lucky chant at one syllable per beat, "To-day-to-day-let-her-be-here-to-day-to-day.
I'm living day by day. I'm not trying to the think about the past.
Soon it will be daybreak. Soon the day will break. I can't stop it from breaking in the same way it always does, and then from lying there broken; always the same day, which comes around again like clockwork. It begins with the day before the day before, and then the day before, and then it's the day itself. A Saturday. The breaking day. The day the butcher comes.
I just take it day by day, and I hope one day I can say I feel good - not just be cancer free, but just feel good. I'm just living every day to the fullest: I enjoy myself, I have fun, and I pray every day that it doesn't come back.
I just find that you can become a very boring person living in L.A. I tell you, living there on a day-to-day basis is vacuous: terribly fake.
I'm still living it now, every day, living it out in my mind - following the ups and downs, walking the pathways, reliving the moments of our Moonlight World... It's a day that never dies.
These rovers are living on borrowed time. We're so past warranty on them. You try to push them hard every day because we're living day to day.
Peace is more the product of our day-to-day living than of a spectacular program, intermittently executed.
Have you not done tormenting me with your accursed time! It's abominable! When! When! One day, is that not enough for you, one day he went dumb, one day I went blind, one day we'll go deaf, one day we were born, one day we shall die, the same day, the same second, is that not enough for you? They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more.
I have to read something positive every single day. I have to have faith that the day is unfolding in a way that is going to be useful to somebody else... For me, living every day in gratitude has been profound for me.
You are graduating from college. That means that this is the first day of the last day of your life. No, that's wrong. This is the last day of the first day of school. Nope, that's worse. This is a day.
Put paying your dues and all that puts so much into being a success. You have an understanding of what its about, being on your own for three or four years and living day to day on $3, or living in an apartment with no electricity.
Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.
Part of me knows one more day won't do anything except postpone the heartbreak. But another part of me believes differently. We are born in one day. We die in one day. We can change in one day. And we can fall in love in one day. Anything can happen in just one day.
Pale January lay In its cradle day by day Dead or living, hard to say.
One day of practice is like one day of clean living. It doesn't do you any good.
I love the preparation, the excitement of game day, the nervousness of game day. But I enjoy the day-to-day stuff. Game day is a great day but I enjoy Mondays and Tuesdays, watching yourself on film, watching the next opponent, getting the game plan.
It gives you great pleasure to know that millions of developers, day to day, make their living using the software that you created.
I do think there was a period there when my sanity was under intense pressure, and I didn't know what to say or do or how to act. I was literally living from day to day. — © Salman Rushdie
I do think there was a period there when my sanity was under intense pressure, and I didn't know what to say or do or how to act. I was literally living from day to day.
Every day, at the end of the day, I ask myself, 'Am I living my life worthy of the sacrifice and commitment the people who went before me made on my behalf?'
In a living society every day is a day of judgment; and its recognition as such is not the end of all things but the beginning ofa real civilization.
It was so easy living day by day Out of touch with the rhythm and blues But now I need a little give and take The New York Times, The Daily News.
Sexism is deeply rooted in our history and society that waking up and stepping outside of it is like I'm watching 'Night of the Living Dead Part Two' all day, every day.
In West Delhi I lived a very Punjabi way of life; I have always loved its gregariousness, courage, fun, drama and day-to-day joy of living and celebrating.
When you're making your living as a writer or an artist or a musician, you kind of live in a trance. You're sort of in the day-to-day world, you're certainly there for your day-to-day relationships with people, and so on.
I'm living in Los Angeles, I'm in films and I'm on television, and I'm working with actors and telling stories. I'm living the fantasy. My worst day is a great day.
You have to adhere to a philosophy that the life unexamined is not worth living, because otherwise you're just living from day to day and you don't have any real sense of yourself or where you are.
A day lived without doing something good for others is a day not worth living.
I’m a total atheist, and for me it’s just about trying to find something that rises above the banal day-to-day bullshit of living. — © Myla Goldberg
I’m a total atheist, and for me it’s just about trying to find something that rises above the banal day-to-day bullshit of living.
I just take it one day at a time, try to forget about what I did the day before. Go out there like every day is Opening Day.
I remember being a kid and saying, 'One day, I'm going to have a ranch. One day, one day, one day.' And now, I'm fighting in the UFC. I'm here making the money, and that one day is here. I can finally go get those things that I want.
They never exhale, the trees; on a very windy day, they rustle and inhale, and then the leaves and the branches all tremble as though something means to strangle the life from them. The sky watches on. The world is filled with anticipation, as if to wonder if this day will be a great day, or a horrible day, or the last day.
Living for Christ is a day-to-day going on with Him. It is a continuous dependence upon the Spirit of God. It is believing in His faithfulness.
I think it's easier to identify with guys who are just trying to make a living and working day to day.
As I get older, I'm trying to accept improvisation into my day-to-day living.
Positive Thinkers get positive results because they appreciate the inestimable value of a day, this day, not the next day, but this day, and every day. Today offers at least sixteen waking hours that may be crammed FULL of opportunity, joy, excitement, and achievement.
Every single day since Day 1, to Day 2, to Day 3, to Day 4, to Day 5, to Day 6, to Day 7 to Day 8, whatever day it is now, I've gotten better.
When you don't know what you're living for, you don't care how you live from one day to the next. You're happy the day has passed and the night has come, and in your sleep you bury the tedious question of what you lived for that day and what you're going to live for tomorrow.
Do not say that every day you spend on this earth is a day closer to dying. Every day you spend on this earth is a day closer to finally living.
And so you have a life that you are living only now, now and now and now, gone before you can speak of it, and you must be thankful for living day by day, moment by moment a life in the breath and pulse and living light of the present
Lose yourself in generous service and every day can be a most unusual day, a triumphant day, an abundantly rewarding day!
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