Top 81 Donation Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Donation quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
We all know how powerful the web can be for raising political money. Well, if you're game, the Duke Cunningham Legal Defense Fund is apparently ready to accept your donation.
What a privilege to be here on the planet to contribute your unique donation to humankind. Each face in the rainbow of colors that populate our world is precious and special.
Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Actions speak louder than words. — © Ibrahim Hooper
Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Actions speak louder than words.
I was once that kid that needed a donation - that needed help to go to camp because my mom wasn't able to pay for it.
Organ donation is very personal to me. My mother, before her death, was on kidney dialysis for several years.
The measure of life is not its duration, but its donation.
When you visit the Zen Monasteries, one of the first things required is that you bring a donation. They have to pay for those monasteries. The upkeep is fantastic. The monks have to be fed, and so on.
May I suggest that people in many African countries could be suffering from donation fatigue?
The gift that has been given to me says much about our capacity for great compassion and generosity, and I hope it sends an inspiring message to others about the importance of organ donation.
It does not matter how much we donate; it matters whether the donation is meaningful. How to define meaningful? Let society and history judge.
They got how many trillions of dollars in gold and silver and jewelry and art and real estate and stained glass and they're passing the basket on Sunday so they can get the tomato farmers' donation?
I've been involved with blood donation since the 1980s because there is a critical need.
I think for us as people, when we can help someone with a blood transfusion, when we can help somebody with a monetary donation that can go towards research, to know that you can possibly save a life, it's huge.
I am possibly thinking about doing an Internet show in the future that will highlight political organizations that I seek out to let people know about them, volunteer opportunities, and donation opportunities.
Philanthropy is lost. The human spirit is suppressed. Most people want a legacy; they want to give something back, a library, a hospital wing, a donation to their church. This is a form of socialism that must go.
Wealthy parents have long relied on a properly timed donation to improve their children's chances at admission to college. — © Michael J. Knowles
Wealthy parents have long relied on a properly timed donation to improve their children's chances at admission to college.
I don't write on topics that require a lot of urgency. But in 'Stiff,' I wanted to change people's hearts about organ donation. Whenever I get a chance, I try to talk about that.
While I'm confident in Obsidian being able to deliver a quality title, it only takes one other Kickstarter developer to ruin things for everyone else and cast doubt on the donation process going forward.
Yeah, but look, who really provided the world's information to everybody on Earth? That was Wikipedia, right? And if you're asking what could we do to make the digital world work for people, the Wikipedia model is great. It's a donation model.
Every donation received is a potential negative ad. Vetting money is just as important as raising it.
Be exceptional. Make tremendous efforts to be extraordinary. What a privilege to be here on the planet to contribute your unique donation to humankind. Just make sure you do so.
Trump was on WrestleMania in 2007. And in that year and 2009, the McMahons gave a total of $5 million. Now, we know that wasn't Trump's payment for WrestleMania. He got paid separately, but about the same time, they made this $5 million donation.
Profit is what we have left after we make a donation to a worthwhile cause.
The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation.
I want to do a big donation to the pandas for all the panda lovers out there.
I am the donation to the foundation.
Every country, every donation is a different case, and there are many cases where NGOs are getting support from foreign countries for good purposes.
I would never, ever trade any campaign donation - that's absurd - for some type of favor to anyone.
Transplant is a life-changing 'experience. Organ donation transforms lives. It is torture for you, torment for you as an individual in need.
Back in the 1970s, Kodak tried to give $25m to a black civil rights organisation in Rochester, New York. The company's shareholders rose up in arms: making this politically charged offering wasn't the reason they had entrusted Kodak with their money. The donation was withdrawn.
I think people forget that it doesn't take a big donation to help someone, just a lot of little donations.
I've never made a political donation to Hillary Clinton or any other political candidate.
If someone does not have a specific charity they would like to donate to, that's OK. An undesignated donation would be split up evenly amongst all the charities supported by the Annapolis Area Complex.
Ever since I got to know how easily skin donation can save the lives of serious burns patients, I have felt strongly about the issue.
You will not find that I ever changed a view or a vote because of any donation that I ever received.
God wants to use you to make a difference in His world. He wants to work through you. What matters is not the duration of your life, but the donation of it. Not how long you lived, but how you lived.
The people who believe in voter intimidation believe that the minute you make a political donation, that you immediately need to turn all your information over to the government.
A gift that cannot be given away ceases to be a gift. The spirit of a gift is kept alive by its constant donation. — © Lewis Hyde
A gift that cannot be given away ceases to be a gift. The spirit of a gift is kept alive by its constant donation.
He had a carrying, congressional sort of voice, the kind that sounded good saying things like Less of a tax burden on the middle class and Thank you for your donation and Honey, could you bring me my sweater with the duck on it?
Jessica Simpson is the youth ambassador for Operation Smile, and an episode of The Apprentice featured a team managing a charity concert she put on. Donald Trump came on stage and pledged a donation.
I think you should automatically donate your organs because that would turn the balance of organ donation in a huge way. I would donate whatever anybody would take, and I'd probably do the cremation bit.
While campaigns typically purchase mailing lists, it was strange to use donor money to buy a mailing list from the campaign`s own candidate, especially when [Newt] Gingrich could have gifted the mailing list for free as an in-kind donation.
There are many ways to push for much-needed reforms: One way is to make a donation. It doesn't matter much whether you contribute publicly or in a private way - either way is good. What matters is your true intention.
The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation.
What matters is not the duration of your life, but the donation of it.
If you take a tube TV to a donation center, they won't accept it.
One of the best gifts you can give to an animal is a donation of a blanket to your local animal shelter during the winter months.
There are so many ways now that people contribute through the Internet. We vet all of our contributions, and when something doesn't meet our requirements or a donation exceeds the amount that's allowed by the law, we return it.
Facebook is really about communicating and telling stories... We think that people can really help spread awareness of organ donation and that they want to participate in this to their friends. And that can be a big part of helping solve the crisis that's out there.
Any donation does make a difference. Getting involved is what makes BBC Children in Need so moving.
Vehicle donation programs have existed forever, but the typical model loses a lot. There had to be a place to store them, people who could only go out so far regionally to pick them up.
People wanna give you a $5 contribution online, but they have a million other things to do. But getting them to just sit still for 45 seconds and go in there and make the donation is, like, the hardest thing in the world.
If you want your checkbook to follow your heart, make a donation to those doing work you support. — © Donna Brazile
If you want your checkbook to follow your heart, make a donation to those doing work you support.
I wanted to be sure that my donation did two things: went directly into the hands of hurricane victims and that it was an amount that could really impact their lives and make a difference.
There have been so many incredible moments since the start of this organization. One that stands out specifically is when an anonymous businessman triple-matched our donation to Memorial Sloan Kettering after our NYC event.
Owing to our Indian beliefs, not many believe in organ donation. But I think it's an amazing thing to pledge the donation of organs and is not something people should look down upon.
Tea Party has now cost the Republicans 5 senate seats. My next donation is going to them.
It was really phenomenal [Warren Buffett donation]. It grew out of the friendship that we had and the fact that his plan to have his wife run the foundation and give things away changed when she tragically died.
I really don't need the public's money. I'd like to have something on the internet with charitable donation optional, where anyone can download my music for free.
If anything, the children of Paris should be giving me even more money for having the privilege of being in the same city as my incredible quality. And so should David Beckham. Call it a Zlaritable donation.
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