Top 1200 Romantic Poet Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Romantic Poet quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
You couldn't be romantic if your life depended on it." "You know what's lucky? Most bad guys don't ask you to be romantic on command, so that probably won't matter.
Campion is a poet who knows that what a poet sees is nothing without a mixture of formal prowess and emotional insight.
Perhaps no poet is a conscious plagiarist, but there seems to be warrant for suspecting that there is no poet who is not at one time or another an unconscious one. — © Mark Twain
Perhaps no poet is a conscious plagiarist, but there seems to be warrant for suspecting that there is no poet who is not at one time or another an unconscious one.
If a poet would work politically, he must give himself up to a party; and so soon as he does that, he is lost as a poet.
The most romantic thing a guy has ever done for me is starting a family. That's as romantic as it gets.
I like to see love stories: romantic comedy or romantic drama.
Every contemporary poet is a door to another poet.
The Brazilian poet Vinicius de Moraes wrote that beauty is fundamental. Well, with the poet's permission, so is courage.
A true poet is more than just a man who can write a poem with a pen. A true poet writes poetry with his very life. A true poet doesn't use poetic devices to con the heart of a woman but uses the beauty of all that is poetic to serve, cherish, and express love to the heart of a woman. Just as a true warrior is not a conqueror of femininity but a protector of femininity, a true poet is not just a wooer of a woman's heart but one who knows how to nurture and plant love in a woman's heart. Simply put, a true poet is a man who knows how to be intimate with a lover - first and foremost with Christ.
'Wuthering Heights' is portrayed as a great romantic novel, and when I read it again, I thought, 'How is this romantic? All these people are horrible to each other!'
I'm an incurable romantic, and Casablanca's one of the most romantic pictures I've ever seen - the combination of Bogart and Bergman is just magical.
No one is a poet from eight to twelve and from two to six. Whoever is a poet is one always, and continually assaulted by poetry.
For some odd reason, the expression 'death of a poet' always sounds somewhat more concrete than 'life of a poet.' — © Joseph Brodsky
For some odd reason, the expression 'death of a poet' always sounds somewhat more concrete than 'life of a poet.'
In the eyes of others a man is a poet if he has written one good poem. In his own he is only a poet at the moment when he is making his last revision to a new poem. The moment before, he was still only a potential poet; the moment after, he is a man who has ceased to write poetry, perhaps forever.
I never meant to be a full-time poet: I started out as a gardener, an ideal job for a poet because your head is left free.
A poet in history is divine, but a poet in the next room is a joke
Being Poet Laureate made me realize I was capable of a larger voice. There is a more public utterance I can make as a poet.
What's funny about the slacker thing, people project an image of what they think a musician is: young, slack, unemployed - like a really romantic idea of a poet, writer or musician - which isn't really true a lot of the time. I don't reckon you would know anything about me if I wasn't moderately hard-working.
To state the obvious, romantic comedies have to be funny and they have to be romantic. But one of the most important things, for me anyway, is that they be about two strong people finding their way to love.
To the poet fated to be a poet, self-expression is as natural and as involuntary as breathing is to us ordinary mortals.
The immature poet imitates, the mature poet plagiarizes.
I don't believe a good poet is very often deliberately obscure. A poet writes in a way necessary to him or her; the reader may then find the poem difficult.
If I were to have a dream job, it would probably be a poet. Then again, I don't think I'm a very good poet!
I am very romantic. Given a choice, I'd do only romantic films!
I don't have a favourite romantic scene, but I enjoy romantic movies like 'Ghost' and 'Music and Lyrics.'
I guess I'm a romantic. Call me rough and romantic. Girls like that.
I'm an incurable romantic, and 'Casablanca''s one of the most romantic pictures I've ever seen - the combination of Bogart and Bergman is just magical.
I'm not a poet. I wish I was a poet but I'm not. I'm a playwright. And so I have a different set of antecedents.
A poet is not a public figure. A poet should be read and not seen.
The only nice poets I've ever met were bad poets, and a bad poet is not a poet at all - ergo, I've never met a nice poet.
I know that in a poem, even when the speaker is speaking from the poet's experience, there's always something that's borrowed, some authority that sits outside of the poet that the poem has claimed. There's a dramatic pitch that makes the speaker capable of saying something more courageous or stranger or simply other than what the poet would be able to say.
I got out of Iowa all set to be a poet and a novelist, but you know what? It's really tough to make a living as a poet.
I'm a romantic, but I'm not a romantic in the traditional sense. I like to romanticize what happens to me. Whatever happens to me - you could quantify it as good or bad - I romanticize it. I think along the lines of 'When that thing happened, it made me who I am.' That kind of thing. It's a different way of being romantic.
People know where romantic comedies are going. It's not brain surgery to figure out the end of a romantic comedy.
Part of the pleasure of giving a reading comes from the rapport between the audience and the poet. I don't want to get mystical here, but there's an energy flow that begins with the poet, and the energy goes out to the audience, and they're energized, and then they return that energy to the poet. As someone standing up there alone, facing these people, I can feel that rapport (or its absence).
"You know that it is quite preposterous of you to chase rainbows," said the sane person to the poet. "Yet it would be rather beautiful if I did one day manage to catch one," mused the poet.
One of the great injustices in fiction is that on the whole people with romantic yearnings have romantic faces. But in real life it's not always like that.
You think, 'Musicals, they must always be romantic' - You'd be surprised how few of them historically have ever been romantic. — © Harold Prince
You think, 'Musicals, they must always be romantic' - You'd be surprised how few of them historically have ever been romantic.
So how can a poet-an intelligent, serious poet-write mystical verse now? The poetry of Adam Zagajewski provides the beginning of an answer to this question.
I'm very romantic, I'm extremely romantic. I date my wife.
It wasn't until I was named Youth Poet Laureate of L.A. in high school though that I officially began calling myself a poet. I just always loved writing, period.
The epic poet has behind him a tradition of matter and a tradition of style; and that is what every other poet has behind him too; only, for the epic poet, tradition is rather narrower, rather more strictly compelling.
Whoever would understand the poet Must go into the poet's country. [Ger., Wer den Dichter will verstehen Muss in Dichters Lande gehen.]
When I'm romantic, I'll make minted lamb. Yeah, man, I do have my romantic moments.
Am I a romantic? I've seen 'Wuthering Heights' ten times. I'm a romantic.
I am very uncomfortable being romantic. I can be funny; I can be all over the place. I can be anything but romantic.
For me, musicians are poets. Beethoven describes himself as a poet of tones, just like Coltrane's a poet of tempo.
For a poet to depict a poet in poetry is a hazardous experiment; in regarding one's own trade a sense of humour and a little wholesome cynicism are not amiss. — © Edward Dowden
For a poet to depict a poet in poetry is a hazardous experiment; in regarding one's own trade a sense of humour and a little wholesome cynicism are not amiss.
I'm very much a romantic. I'm highly attuned to an older sensibility, which I believe is alive and well. We're not that far ahead of the Romantic Age in society.
A poet in history is divine, but a poet in the next room is a joke.
I like to swim a lot, while Stjepan likes to take long walks with girls. He's the very romantic type. Yes, musicians are romantic.
I'm a big romantic, so I love guys who are romantic too.
I think a poet is anybody who wouldn't call himself a poet.
In urban America, you do not so much meet a romantic partner as inherit the product of someone else's romantic crimes.
It was a time after 'Lady Sings the Blues' and 'Mahogany' and all those romantic movies: I became this romantic figure on the street in a very special way.
I once gave a workshop and I asked the women poets there, If you went back to that little town you've come from - these were from small towns - would you say, I'm a poet? And one of them said, If I said I was a poet in that town, they'd think I didn't wash my windows. And that stayed with me for so long, the sense of the collective responsibility of someone as against the individual thing it takes to be a poet.
Living is the original art. As a young man I wanted to be a poet and I learned along the way that I already was a poet.
You don't necessarily have to write to be a poet. Some people work in gas stations and they're poets. I don't call myself a poet, because I don't like the word. I'm a trapeze artist.
I never got the opportunity to be romantic or feel romantic with anyone.
Kierkegaard was once asked, 'What is a poet?' He answered that a poet was an unhappy man whose moans and cries of anguish were transformed into ravishing music.
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