Top 1200 Right-Handed Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Right-Handed quotes.
Last updated on October 15, 2024.
Remember the box fight: You start as a southpaw, you go back to fighting as a right-handed fighter.
One funny thing is, though, I wear my watch on my right hand and I'm actually right-handed. People always wonder why - I don't know myself, I've just always done it that way and I like it the way a good watch fits on my right wrist.
Adam Hess - he thinks that if you swallow enough chewing gum you go from being left-handed to being right-handed, and vice versa, but he is my best friend anyway. — © Lolly Adefope
Adam Hess - he thinks that if you swallow enough chewing gum you go from being left-handed to being right-handed, and vice versa, but he is my best friend anyway.
I'm right-handed in everything other than basketball. I actually use my right hand a lot more in basketball than people think.
I'm right-handed, and the police report said I was jerking off with my left hand. That would have been the end of the case right there, proof it couldn't have been me.
I'm right-handed, whereas the fellow in my mirror is left-handed. I start shaving from the left; he starts from the right. Differences only in perception, but religious wars have been fought over such.
I do everything right-handed - football, tennis, darts and golf - except for snooker.
Two and a half thousand left-handed people are killed every year using things made for right-handed people.
I didn't know Albert back then - I just learned to play that way. He and I were the only guys that played left-handed. Then left-handed people came from every direction.
There were so many stories and so many instances where I had guys telling me that this game was for two-handed players and not for one-handed players, and I'll go out here and get myself hurt.
Most of the time, I'm playing right-handed players, so it's a little easier to adjust going back to a righty.
I'm left handed and I'm playing a right handed kit... That's why everyone thought, 'Wow, he's a genius,' but all I was doing was trying to play backwards... It's one of those mad accidents, you can't learn it.
I kind of waited for opportunities to be handed to me. I think I was lazy, and when things didn't go right, I just said, 'Oh well.' — © Jennifer Coolidge
I kind of waited for opportunities to be handed to me. I think I was lazy, and when things didn't go right, I just said, 'Oh well.'
Because I believe that humans are computers, I conjectured that computers, like people, can have left- and right-handed versions.
People think catching a football one-handed is a technique, but it's more a reaction. Because you really don't think about it when you're doing it. You just do it. I couldn't sit there and try to teach someone how to catch a one-handed football.
Born empty handed, Die empty handed. I witnessed life at its fullest, Empty handed.
Taking the best left-handed pitcher in baseball and converting him into a right fielder is one of the dumbest things I ever heard.
To you, W. B. Yeats, good praiser, wholesome dispraiser, heavy-handed judge, open-handed helper of us all, I offer a play of my plays for every night of the week, because you like them, and because you have taught me my trade.
I am a lefty, though I bat right-handed... When I was a kid I pitched, played first, outfield and shortstop as well. Now it's mainly softball with some friends.
We like to think about how smart we are. But I think talent as a writer is hard-wired in, it's all there, at least the basic elements of it. You can't change it any more than you can choose whether to be right handed or left handed.
Mike Elizondo had an incredible array of guitars in the studio, but they were all right-handed.
My first audition for 'The Magicians' came up in conversation with a close friend who, right then, handed me the first book.
But I think talent as a writer is hard-wired in, it's all there, at least the basic elements of it. You can't change it any more than you can choose whether to be right handed or left handed.
I'm left handed, but my dad taught me to play guitar right-handed.
I feel like, in general, lefties hit fastballs from right-handed pitchers better than right-handers hit fastballs from right-handed pitchers.
Anything over-handed, I do left-handed. Like throwing a ball or serving in tennis. Otherwise, right-handed, like writing and shaving.
It is often argued that left-handed batsmen have an advantage compared with the right-handers. I do not agree.
I guess there hasn't been a tough enough opponent for me to fight. But fighting a southpaw is OK. It's something different and maybe I need something different. I look at a right-handed fighter then I look at a left-handed fighter, and it's even better.
Hendrix was the bass player for Little Richard. We were both left-handed, but we would use a right-handed guitar held upside down and backwards. He developed my slides and my riffs. In fact he used to say, and this is documented, 'I patterned my style after Dick Dale.'
The one-handed palmer can always reach higher, they say. They may be right, but the result is that nearly every line-out is like a tropical island - all waving palms.
The truth is, the first golf club I owned was an old left-handed, wooden-shafted, rib-faced mashie that a fellow gave me, and that's the club I was weaned on. During the mornings we caddies would bang the ball up and down the practice field until the members arrived and it was time to go to work. So I did all that formative practice left-handed. But I'm a natural right-hander.
If I had a choice, I'd say I'm right-handed.
With my tattoos, I've got my war side on my left side, being left handed, and a faith side on my right side, right with God.
It is important as a mentalist to notice small things about people... little things such as being able to tell if someone is right or left handed by looking at which way their belt is pointing. Looking at a book of matches will tell you if they are right or left handed by the side the matches are removed.... It's important to notice these things because the more you do, the more you will realize that each person has little psychological nuances that tell you a lot about the individual. Doing so will tremendously sharpen your skills.
I'm right-handed with everything. My mom was lefty.
There is a tradition in Southern cooking of recipes handed down for generations. And when I make my grandmother's strawberry pie - she is gone on now - I feel her right with me.
If you have a universe that was just the mirror image of the one we know about, then in fact, presumably it would have right-handed amino acids. That's why I'm only half kidding when I say there is a guy on the other side of the universe with his heart on the right hand side.
Verlander is a guy every right-handed power pitcher looks up to since the beginning of time. — © Gerrit Cole
Verlander is a guy every right-handed power pitcher looks up to since the beginning of time.
It used to be said of a man who had suffered a catastrophic setback in his line of work that he had been handed his head on a platter. We are being handed our heads with tweezers now.
I wrote 'Lakeside View Apartment Suites' with Roman in my arms. He was about a month old. I was playing left-handed and finally handed him over. On the demo of it, you can hear him crying in the next room.
The optimist in me wants to believe sexuality will eventually become like handwriting: there’s no right way and wrong way to do it. We’re all just wired differently. It's also worth noting that when you meet someone, you never bother to ask if he’s right or left-handed. After all: does it really matter to anyone other than the person holding the pen?
People often speak of God being even-handed. God is not even-handed. God is biased, in favor of the weak, of the despised.
There was a time when rival teams used a shift against me. They would put the second baseman on the shortstop's side of the bag, move the shortstop into the hole to his right, and have the third baseman hug the foul line. The idea was to build an infield wall against a known right-handed pull hitter.
We need three kinds of pitching: left handed, right handed, and relief.
We need three kinds of pitching: left-handed, right-handed and relief.
I'm right-handed, whereas the fellow in my mirror is left-handed
I'm ambidextrous when I eat. But playing tennis right-handed - I can't do it. I'm clueless.
There is a tradition in Southern cooking of recipes handed down for generations. And when I make my grandmother's strawberry pie I feel her right with me. — © Kimberly Schlapman
There is a tradition in Southern cooking of recipes handed down for generations. And when I make my grandmother's strawberry pie I feel her right with me.
I write with my left hand even though I'm right-handed, I walk backwards in a very safe place - anything that engages your brain.
You know, the same percentage of people are gay and lesbian as are left-handed. Let's try to figure that out. How can it be that a left-handed person can get married to another left-handed person. Left-handed people can do anything they want. . . . I say, give homosexuals the same rights we give left-handed people.
Some great poet or philosopher once said that " he who goes to nature for comfort must go to her empty handed " , and I think he was right.
All that analysis is well and good, but what I need right now is a left-handed batter who can hit the ball over the shortstop's head.
Mike Caldwell, the Padres' right-handed southpaw, will pitch tonight.
Nobody can make a putt that breaks to the right. It's unnatural. Unless you're left-handed, of course. Standing over a putt that breaks to the right can actually make you dizzy. I've long thought that right-breaking putts are a major contributor to mental and physical ill health.
No game designed to be played with the aid of personal servants by right-handed men who can't even bring along their dogs can be entirely good for the soul.
My Daddy was left-handed, and I was left-handed when I was little. In fact, I was left-handed all the way to high school. Then I switched over to right-handed cause I wanted to play shortstop.
When I first started swinging a bat, I swung righty. So one time, my dad came home, and he wanted to see my batting stance. So I showed him. He says, 'You don't hit right-handed. You hit left-handed.' At that age I didn't even really think about it. Just like 'all right,' and I switched hands. He said I'd thank him later.
I'm left-handed, and it's not very easy to find reasonably priced, high-quality left-handed guitars. But out of all the guitars in the whole world, the Fender Mustang is my favorite. I've only owned two of them.
If an optimist had his left arm chewed off by an alligator, he might say in a pleasant and hopeful voice, "Well this isn't too bad, I don't have a left arm anymore but at least nobody will ever ask me if I'm left-handed or right-handed," but most of us would say something more along the lines of, "Aaaaaa! My arm! My arm!"
Otis barreled towards them empty-handed, before apparently realizing that a) he was empty-handed and b) charging towards a large body of water to fight a son of Poseidon was maybe not a good idea.
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