Top 136 Interruption Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Interruption quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
There is no interruption between my older paintings and my cutouts. Just that with an increasing sense of the absolute, and more abstraction, I have achieved a form that is simplified to its essence.
In the secular view, suffering is never seen as a meaningful part of life but only as an interruption.
Ideals do exist, the rest is just temporary interruption. — © Vanna Bonta
Ideals do exist, the rest is just temporary interruption.
The interruption we now impatiently put off may be the most important thing we could be doing at this particular time?
In the city a funeral is just an interruption of traffic; in the country it is a form of popular entertainment.
Learn this great secret of life: What people call interruption or disturbance to their routine is just as much a part of living as the routine. To split life into two parts, one called routine and the other called interruption, is to be caught between them.
The ancestors of printed comics drew, painted and carved their time-paths from beginning to end, without interruption, ... the infinite canvas.
It is the leisured, I have noticed, who rebel the most at an interruption of routine.
Political talk on TV has degenerated so much. You can say something complex on 'The West Wing' and you will not suffer a screaming interruption by three other panelists.
The good work proceeds with tenacity, intention, without interruption, with an equal measure of passion and reason and it must surpass that goal the artist has set for himself.
There is but one way for a president to deal with Congress, and that is continuously, incessantly, and without interruption. If it is really going to work, the relationship has got to be almost incestuous.
Writing is my only interest. Even speaking is an interruption.
They were always doing something. Quietly, without interruption, and with great concentration, they carried on with the hundred-and-one small things that made up their world.
The mind is refrigerated by interruption; the thoughts are diverted from the principle subject; the reader is weary, he suspects not why; and at last throws away the book, which he has too diligently studied.
Downworld?" Tessa echoed, puzzled. "Is that a place in London?" "Never mind that," said Will. "I'm boasting of my investigative skills, and I would prefer to do it without interruption.
Sometimes success needs interruption to regain focus and shake off complacency. — © Lennox Lewis
Sometimes success needs interruption to regain focus and shake off complacency.
Today baseball is currently enjoying a run of more than 14 years without interruption, a record that would have been inconceivable in the 1990s.
If you're more susceptible to interruption, you do more out of the box thinking.
time spent in being interrupted is not time lost. ... How do we know but that the interruption we snarl at is the most blessed thing that has come to us in long days?
Just about the only interruption we don't object to is applause.
Instead of one-way interruption, Web marketing is about delivering useful content at just the right moment that a buyer needs it.
In solitude... one can think and feel deeply without interruption. I have definitely grown far closer to myself rather than to others because I see my quiltmaking as my experience which has nothing to do with other people.
The present's just a pleasant interruption to the past.
Death is only a small interruption.
What is life but an unpleasant interruption to a peaceful nonexistence.
Some day some one will write a book about that frantic search of the creative worker for silence and freedom, not only from interruption but from the fear of interruption.
If the word is not dead when it reaches the hearer, he murders it at once by a contradiction, a stipulation, a condition, a digression, an interruption, and all the thousand tricks of conversation.
Talk to anyone about himself positively and he'll listen without interruption.
In a digital world, there are numerous technologies that we are attached to that create infinite interruption.
We would never get away from it. ... It's bad enough as it is, but with the wireless telephone one could be called up at the opera, in church, in our beds. Where could one be free from interruption?
It is distraction, not meditation, that becomes habitual; interruption, not continuity; spasmodic, not constant toil.
One of the biggest problems of our contemporary civilization is that there's been an interruption of transmission. People have no past in their present.
A hermit is one who renounces the world of fragments that he may enjoy the world wholly and without interruption.
Today, the degradation of the inner life is symbolized by the fact that the only place sacred from interruption is the private toilet.
I can't walk down the street anywhere in the world without being stopped. It can be an interruption, but on the whole, it's flattering.
I am among the few who continue to draw after childhood is ended, continuing and perfecting childhood drawing - without the traditional interruption of academic training.
When I got my first loft, I still didn't know what I was going to paint... There were long stretches when I just sat there and thought without interruption.
No poem is worth anything unless it starts from a poetic trance, out of which you can be wakened by interruption as from a dream. In fact, it is the same thing. — © Robert Graves
No poem is worth anything unless it starts from a poetic trance, out of which you can be wakened by interruption as from a dream. In fact, it is the same thing.
Most people, I've noticed, are instinctively harsh to strangers. They expect every approach to be an attack, every question to be an interruption.
No other sporting event can compare with a good Series. The Super Bowl is a three-hour interruption in a week of drink and Rotarian parties.
We live in a society created by an empire That's based on terror...welcome to the One World Era, A complete interruption to your lil' paltry-ass life, That you thought you was livin, and what you been given.
I suppose one has to remember that 'life' is important too, though it's something I forget in some moods, everything except work seeming like an interruption or really non-life.
To find recreation in amusements is not happiness; for this joy springs from alien and extrinsic sources, and is therefore dependent upon and subject to interruption by a thousand accidents, which may minister inevitable affliction.
The shortest definition of religion: interruption.
What appears to be an interruption is often an intervention.
What goes on inside the school is an interruption of education.
One thinks one's something unique and wonderful at the center of the universe, when in fact one's just a slight interruption in the ongoing march of entropy.
Today, campaigning isn't an 'interruption' but a permanent condition. Indeed, if you are a successful campaigner, it's expected you'll be a successful president.
Nothing is so fragile as thought in its infancy; an interruption breaks it: nothing is so powerful, even to overturning empires, when it reaches its maturity.
Evil is the interruption of a truth by the pressure of particular or individual interests.
Mobile notifications put people in a state of perpetual emergency interruption - similar to what 911 operators and air traffic controllers experienced back in the '70s and '80s.
There was such a thing as women's work and it consisted chiefly, Hilary sometimes thought, in being able to stand constant interruption and keep your temper. . . . — © May Sarton
There was such a thing as women's work and it consisted chiefly, Hilary sometimes thought, in being able to stand constant interruption and keep your temper. . . .
Absent some international interruption, there's no real justification for oil being more than $90 or $100 a barrel.
I think there is only one way to write fiction - alone, in a room, without interruption or any distraction.
Instead of standing in the way, technology is increasingly an enabler of emotion. A message at the wrong time at dinner can turn a gourmet dish into something insipid because of the interruption.
Noise is the most impertinent of all forms of interruption. It is not only an interruption, but also a disruption of thought.
My TV stays locked at 'SportsCenter.' That and 'Pardon the Interruption.'
With everything so perfect, reality seemed somehow fragile, as if the slightest interruption could imperil her pretty future... all of it felt as tenuous as a soap bubble, shivering and empty.
Focusing on one thing without interruption is how you get meaningful work done.
The format of Netflix was the dream for us. It allowed us to make cinematic, longer episodes without interruption.
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