Top 1200 Press Conferences Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Press Conferences quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
Godard is incredibly brilliant, the things he says. Apparently here in France, the most interesting thing when a new film of his is going to come out are his press conferences, because he's so brilliant
Barack Obama is pretty similar to the person you see in public, at press conferences. He's a little saltier, a little more sarcastic and cutting.
One of the principles of White House coverage is that a wide variety of news outlets should be represented at briefings and press conferences. — © Brian Stelter
One of the principles of White House coverage is that a wide variety of news outlets should be represented at briefings and press conferences.
Even athletic directors can do the simple math. Five conferences, five power conferences, and only four slots.
Personally I support 14,000 kids in Zambia - I feed and clothe them - but I don't hold press conferences about it. I don't do it so you'll think what a nice person I am; it's private.
And I would be the first to admit that probably, in a lot of press conferences over the time that I have been in coaching, indulging my own sense of humor at press conferences has not been greatly to my benefit.
The one thing that we discussed was whether or not we want to move the initial press conferences in the EOB, which, by the way, is the White House. So no one is moving out of the White House.
If there were rankings for press conferences, I wouldn't have to worry about dropping out of the top five, I hope.
Some people call it the 'Al Jazeera spirit' - courage, re-thinking authority, giving a voice to the voiceless. We have never been favored by the authority. The human being is the center of our editorial policy. We are not a TV station that rushes after stars, big names, press conferences, hand-shake journalism.
I wasn't a huge pro fan growing up; I wasn't loyal to any one team. Don't really know the divisions, even really the conferences. I know most of the conferences, but some of those, I really have no clue.
When Trump took office, it didn't matter if you'd covered the White House for 10 years or 10 minutes. No one knew what to expect. We would be told about press conferences a few minutes before.
Politics is quite draining. There are so many heated discussions and press conferences to cover during a convention.
Although boxing is a sport, it's still entertainment. You've still got the fear, press conferences, the stare-downs. It's all an act in some ways. My whole life I've been doing it. I love this side of boxing - as much as the actual fight.
We do not need a censorship of the press. We have a censorship by the press... It is not we who silence the press. It is the press who silences us. — © Gilbert K. Chesterton
We do not need a censorship of the press. We have a censorship by the press... It is not we who silence the press. It is the press who silences us.
Prior to his takeover of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini was camping near Paris, giving daily news conferences to a fawning international press corps without a murmur of complaint to France from the United States about the disaster it was coddling in the incredibly naive liberal belief that this extremist cleric would be an improvement over the Shah.
I was labeled at a young age - Miss Unemotional, Miss Cool, and that would carry over to my press conferences.
I've said so many things in so many press conferences that caused problems. There's been incidents with police and arrests in Miami. Obviously, I did these things and I regret them. Now I'm keen to show people a different side to my personality.
The Trump White House has employed several different strategies for sidestepping uncomfortable questions. There has been a rightward tilt at press conferences and briefings. At Q&A sessions with foreign heads of state, Trump has bypassed the country's biggest newsrooms and called on reporters from conservative outlets instead.
Is it really the right of the media to dictate to the president whom he will allow in his press conferences? That's tetchier. And then there is the added issue of whether it would be a service to their readers, and the country at large, for, say, the Washington Post to take itself out of the room -- meaning they don't have the ability to ask important questions the president is obliged to answer? I think that would be a mistake.
In contrast to what most prosecutors do, we try to treat all individuals with complete fairness. We do not go out and hold press conferences and the like.
After New - when Newhouse bought The New Yorker, he said in one of those grand press conferences that `Bill Shawn will stay here as long as he wants to be here.' Well, he wanted to be here until he died, but he wasn't allowed to.
And to me, that is the greatest danger, that people start questioning basic facts and start not understanding the importance of democratic institutions such as the free press. I mean, to call the press the enemy is dangerous and just remarkably bizarre. The press is the only profession protected in the Constitution because of how important the framers viewed the press. But in authoritarian regimes, they control the press. And to me, going down an authoritarian path is the greatest danger that we face as a republic.
You speak to the press at the Tour every day, but most often in a negative sense. Ninety per cent of the questions you are asked in the post-race press conferences are challenging or provocative, so you have to justify yourself; you have to try to give the right answers about every topic across the board.
My comfort zone is press conferences.
I'm not used to doing press conferences, and I don't like giving interviews.
Press conferences are good. I have my own philosophy about press conferences. I usually think that when they don't like the movie, they ask about other things.
I think the daily challenge for a lot of beat reporters is, how do you get past the regurgitated sound bites of powerful people or evasion masters who are so used to this routine - the theatricality of press conferences and stage-managed interviews and teams of handlers?
When I was coaching, I was out there, and you're doing press conferences, and the fans see a lot more of the head coach than they do either the general manager or the president.
It is rather absurd on its face to suggest that the president of the United States should not be managing his own press conferences no matter the situation.
A cantankerous press, an obstinate press, a ubiquitous press must be suffered by those in authority in order to preserve the even greater values of freedom of expression and the right of the people to know.
It is quite wrong for party conferences to be used as an excuse for the Commons not to sit. Conferences could be held at weekends.
Van Gaal is how you see him in the press conferences; he's like that with us, too. He's honest and straightforward. He believes in his style of training and way of preparing for games.
While teleprompter use is very common for politicians and others giving formal speeches, Biden is the first candidate to regularly use one outside of formal speeches, such as during press conferences.
There is an intimacy and trust that is needed between leaders, between their assistants and advisers. Usually, you have the real substance behind closed doors; and the press conferences, you have niceties, nice photo ops.
We did not organize press conferences and talk about fighting against corruption, we acted on the ground and brought changes in the schemes to fight corruption.
The Government's power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government.
Godard is incredibly brilliant, the things he says. Apparently here in France, the most interesting thing when a new film of his is going to come out are his press conferences, because he's so brilliant.
Nothing so enchants attorneys general, their eyes generally fixed on higher public office, as slinging accusations against successful financial executives. Preening press conferences and fawning media coverage are virtually guaranteed, whether or not the charges have substance.
Thank you for calling customer service. If you're calm and rational, press 1. If you're a whiner, press 2. If you're a hot head, press 3 — © Randy Glasbergen
Thank you for calling customer service. If you're calm and rational, press 1. If you're a whiner, press 2. If you're a hot head, press 3
I don't know anything about press conferences." "Oh, just Google it. I'm sure someone's written an article on holding a successful one. I mean, if the President can manage it, I'm sure you can. He looks like he can barely tie his shoes without help.
Press freedom does not mean that the press should be above the law. While it's vital that a free press can tell truth to power, it is equally important that those in power can tell truth to the press.
What does a professional photojournalist do that others cannot? Depicting photo opportunities as if they are authentic, covering press conferences, or making subjects play their assigned roles (the poor as passive victims, celebrities as glamorous) are hardly adequate responses. In fact, these might be reasons to ask for the help of amateurs who do not know how to stylize their imagery and are not interested in making a publication seem more palatable to its potential consumers.
The media want to maintain their intimate relation to state power. They want to get leaks, they want to get invited to the press conferences. They want to rub shoulders with the Secretary of State, all that kind of business. To do that, you've got to play the game, and playing the game means telling their lies, serving as their disinformation apparatus.
I know that some of the folks in the press are uptight about this [moving the press corps out of the West Wing ], and I understand. What we're - the only thing that's been discussed is whether or not the initial press conferences are going to be in that small press - and for the people listening to this that don't know this, that the press room that people see on TV is very, very tiny. Forty-nine people fit in that press room.
That is the White House, where you can fit four times the amount of people in the press conference, allowing more press, more coverage from all over the country to have those press conferences. That's what we're talking about.
Press conferences aren't the best thing to do, but it's part of the job.
Even though I've reached retirement age, I still plan to work - writing my investment newsletter, speaking at conferences, publishing books, and producing conferences like FreedomFest.
I've had my fill of Hitler. These conferences called by the ringing of a bell are not to my liking. The bell is rung when people call their servants. And besides, what kind of conferences are these? For five hours I am forced to listen to a monologue which is quite fruitless and boring
The press is the only profession protected in the Constitution because of how important the framers viewed the press. But in authoritarian regimes, they control the press.
I love listening to Coach Belichick's press conferences: even though they may not be what the media wants, they're great coaching, teaching tools. — © Jeff Van Gundy
I love listening to Coach Belichick's press conferences: even though they may not be what the media wants, they're great coaching, teaching tools.
Nixon, who spent much of his career attacking the press and saying he was a victim of the press, was in fact created by the press, in this case the L.A. Times.
Dan Rather pulling on a sweater and thereby winning a whole new chunk of the populace: That's television. President Reagan's press conferences: That's television. Keith Jackson is television. So are Kermit the Frog, instant replay, and the Fiesta Bowl.
Joe Gallager's like a petulant child sometimes. In press conferences, for instance, when we're talking, he's rolling his eyes like a schoolgirl, pretending he's not listening. It's disrespectful and I don't like that.
My seriousness as a politician will be seen from what I speak from a political stage and say in press conferences. If my comic flavor shows there, I cannot be taken as a serious politician.
With patient and firm determination, I am going to press on for jobs. I'm going to press on for equality. I'm going to press on for the sake of our children. I'm going to press on for the sake of all those families who are struggling right now. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I am going to press on.
I'm really not comfortable doing interviews in a group, in press conferences. One-on-one, I'm all right, but those press conferences at the All-Star Game, I just don't... I feel better when I'm by myself.
I don't really rate press conferences. It's not as though I leave the room fist-pumping my way down the corridor after a good one.
I never did any training in journalism or in finance, so I really was in the deep end. I got very good at going to press conferences and nodding. I'd figure it out when I got back to the office. Charts and numbers. I've never been great with facts, ever, my whole life. For a journalist, that's not a very good trait.
Having said that, I`ve got to tell you, looking ahead, it`s like these storms coming in over the pacific that`s we feel in the press corps.Because you look at a campaign, which was a war on the media - that was at the heart of Donald Trump`s campaign, where if he banned certain outlets from coming to news conferences, every day he attacked the dishonest press, he pointed the finger, he called out reporter by name and attacked him.
Sometimes when you get to the press conferences, you hear you're going to play this person in the semifinals, and in the quarters, you're going to play her. And I'm like, 'Hold on a second.' First of all, you have to make it there. Second, your opponent needs to make it there. It looks easier on paper than it is in real life.
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