Top 1200 Crime And Punishment Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Crime And Punishment quotes.
Last updated on October 10, 2024.
Ever since Eve started it all by offering Adam the apple, woman's punishment has been to supply a man with food then suffer the consequences when it disagrees with him.
Capital punihsment: That without the Capital get the punishment.
Force, punishment, and violence are patriarchy's answer to conflicts and social problems. Patriarchy finds its ultimate expression in war. — © Starhawk
Force, punishment, and violence are patriarchy's answer to conflicts and social problems. Patriarchy finds its ultimate expression in war.
In places where marriage's core meaning has been altered through legal action, officials are beginning to target for punishment those believers and churches that refuse to adapt.
It's about getting in there and being ready, getting the fight on your terms, taking the least amount of punishment possible.
There was a time when I stopped singing, between 16 and 19, but that was done on purpose, maybe as a punishment, maybe as a cure.
Who is there that can adequately gauge the greatness of the humility, gentleness, self-surrender, revealed by the Lord of majesty in assuming human nature, in accepting the punishment of death, the shame of the cross?
In hell there is no other punishment than to begin over and over again the tasks left unfinished in your lifetime.
My only crime is breathing and existing.
The infectiousness of crime is like that of the plague.
[I'm a conscious parent] when I stay away from fear-based control tactics - punishment, yelling and threats and I'm seeking more enlightened ways to create boundries with my child.
Everyone must be equal before the law, abide by it, pay their taxes and bear the punishment should they break the law.
No crime has been without a precedent.
Crime generally punishes itself. — © Oliver Goldsmith
Crime generally punishes itself.
It should never be a crime to be gay.
One of the problems of our society is that we spend too much time thinking about punishment and not enough about prevention.
Where is the expectation of privacy in the commission of a crime?
The perpetration of a crime is accompanied by illness!
He who helps the guilty, shares the crime.
Hagler was a puncher-slugger. He'd box sometimes, but boxing wasn't his forte. His thing was relentless punishment and 'beat you.'
The bottom line is: If any government has a rule that would legally allow it to punish people for things that don't deserve punishment, then that law should be scrapped or changed.
Behind every fortune there is a crime.
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
My actions and reactions, and the way I treated certain scenarios, were way out of line, so I deserved some punishment.
Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, but I enjoy anything where you get to flex your acting muscles, you get to really go for it.
There should be no such thing as a vice law. Every vice is only a bad habit, and the punishment is inherent in the act.
When gentle persuasion [of children] falls on deaf ears, we resort to ridicule and rebuke. Then we return to threats and punishment. This is the modus operandi of a mutual frustration society.
All the friends that I loved and wanted to reward are dead, and all the enemies that I hated and I had marked out for punishment are turned to my friends.
Hate begets hate and if karma and punishment is the only language you understand then the road ahead will be rocky.
Not failure, but low aim, is crime.
Many of us do not believe in capital punishment, because thus society takes from a man what society cannot give.
Divine punishment is at once followed by Divine pity.
It's now a crime to be a conservative in America.
The goal is not to just have rapists expelled from schools. I don't want rapists transferring schools. I don't want them out there, being able to commit these crimes. I want them to go to prison. But if you understand this crime and you understand what happens in the reporting of this crime and the support that a victim does or does not get, you realize that our legislation increases the likelihood that a young woman will go to the police in a timely manner and that the police will investigate and that they will be able to administer real justice in the criminal system.
A punishment to some, to some a gift, and to many a favor.
The crime of a mother is a heavy burden.
Like other human institutions, courts and juries are not perfect. One cannot have a system of criminal punishment without accepting the possibility that someone will be punished mistakenly.
It may be that the most striking thing about members of my literary generation in retrospect will be that we were allowed to say absolutely anything without fear of punishment.
It [abortion] is a crime, an absolute evil. — © Pope Francis
It [abortion] is a crime, an absolute evil.
We genuinely believe to this day that it was an honest genuine mistake and we never imagined the punishment would be eight months. The precedent dictated that it was unlikely to be that. We don't regret he played for that period.
Crime, like virtue, has its degrees.
There is no country in the world with nil crime.
Poverty is not the root cause of crime.
Terrorism isn't a crime against people or property. It's a crime against our minds, using the death of innocents and destruction of property to make us fearful. Terrorists use the media to magnify their actions and further spread fear. And when we react out of fear, when we change our policy to make our country less open, the terrorists succeed -- even if their attacks fail. But when we refuse to be terrorized, when we're indomitable in the face of terror, the terrorists fail -- even if their attacks succeed.
If you are willing to take the punishment, you're halfway through the battle. That the issues may be trivial, the battle ugly, is another point.
Christ lived the life we could not live and took the punishment we could not take to offer the hope we cannot resist.
The fear of punishment, the desire of reward, the sense of duty, are all useful arguments, in their way, to persuade people to holiness. But they are all weak and powerless, until a person loves Christ.
It is the bungled crime that brings remorse.
For us there is but one crime: to be untrue to ourselves. — © Francis Parker Yockey
For us there is but one crime: to be untrue to ourselves.
Allah is Most Merciful even when He sends us trials, for even His punishment is for our own good.
You need a crime, a detective, and the solution.
Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Word with boldness. Even when threatened with punishment, he said that he could not help but share the things he had seen and heard.
The national laws of the five regions of India prescribe no cangue, beatings or prison. Those who are guilty are fined in accordance with the degree of the offence committed. There is no capital punishment.
Many without punishment, none without sin.
A friend to honesty and a foe to crime
I was a bad kid. I was a really naughty kid. I couldn't read or write. And that was me punishment - going to acting school.
Coming from college, where they tell you exactly what you have to do, and they tell you have to be at this at this time, you kind of get punishment for that. Now you're in the NFL, and you have to do it on your own.
We can play politics, or we can reduce crime.
Discipline is not punishment. Discipline is changing someone’s behavior.
I am really into crime documentaries.
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