Top 1200 Progress And Development Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Progress And Development quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
It is through technological innovation and the pursuit of sustainable social, economic, and ecological development that we can chart the country's path to progress and power a greener tomorrow.
We need to reaffirm that politics is not merely compatible with economic progress and development in the 21st century, but essential to it.
Material objects give rise to physical happiness, while spiritual development gives rise to mental happiness. Since we experience both physical and mental happiness, we need both material and spiritual development. This is why, for our own good and that of society we need to balance material progress with inner development.
The movement toward a holistic approach to community development has been long in the making, but the housing crisis has motivated further progress. — © Ben Bernanke
The movement toward a holistic approach to community development has been long in the making, but the housing crisis has motivated further progress.
Chinese economic development has cost many American workers their jobs. That's the price of progress.
I am of the firm belief that the nation should progress on the issue of development. And it is necessary that the country moves forward on the issue of development.
Global sustainability is now the only avenue to future inclusive progress that can deliver the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris climate agreement.
The perfecting of one's self is the fundamental base of all progress and all moral development.
Once we become interested in the progress of the plants in our care, their development becomes a part of the rhythm of our own lives and we are refreshed by it.
It is not advisable to hasten development, because everything needs time. Patience, perseverance and tenacity are fundamental conditions of the development. The pains taken in one's development will be amply rewarded.
The level of our educational development is high and serves as a strong basis for our future progress.
It is the duty of every person to contribute in the development and progress of India.
It's hard to find a writer that really understands the intricacies of flirting and the development of love, the development of getting to know someone, the development of chemistry in real life.
Photography and photographers have an inevitable development. They progress more or less by steps. Every five or ten years some new point of view is developed and young people are inclined to follow it.
Progress in manufacturing is measured by the production of high quality goods. The unit of progress for Lean Startups is validated learning-a rigorous method for demonstrating progress when one is embedded in the soil of extreme uncertainty.
China is a main energy consumer and, therefore, is also a big greenhouse gas emitter. We must use energy resources rationally and must conserve. This needs us to adjust our economic structure, transform the mode of development, to make economic development more dependent on progress of science and technology and the quality of the work force.
The sharing of goods and resources, from which authentic development proceeds, is not guaranteed by merely technical progress and relationships of utility, but by the potential of love that overcomes evil with good.
It's weird because there is progress somehow. But there's so much that just feels the same. How important is that rank? How important is it that I am allowed to make these decisions? What does that really mean? What is progress? Is it progress that a black guy gets to push a button for the nuclear bomb? Is that progress? Maybe, I don't know.
So, to say Barack Obama is progress is saying that he's the first black person that is qualified to be president. That's not black progress. That's white progress. — © Chris Rock
So, to say Barack Obama is progress is saying that he's the first black person that is qualified to be president. That's not black progress. That's white progress.
The business model is both the starting point and the scorecard for Customer Development progress.
Besides, all evil is relative. Something that is evil at one level of evolution can be good at an earlier stage because it provides the essential stimulus for development. But you want to judge everything by your own standards. You have reached a comparatively high level and so you see what you fight against as evil. Just think of the others, those who are at an earlier stage of development. Do not bar them from the path toward progress and evolution.
I am proud to represent the capital of Kerala, a state that in so many ways is a trailblazer for India's progress, though in other respects it seems to have been left behind in the race for 21st century development.
Scientific progress consists in the development of new concepts.
What we want is progress, development, realisation.
As the opportunity grows for unlimited growth and progress, the chances of failure increase. There is no such thing as a program that will provide security and growth and progress with no risk . . . even within the church. As freedom for unrestricted development is enhanced, the possibilities for failure are also increased. The risk factor is great.
Development which has no regard for whom or what it harms is not development. It is the opposite of progress, damaging the Earth's capacity to support us and the rest of its living systems.
I believe it safe to say that all progress must lead, not to further progress, but finally to the negation of progress, a return to the point of departure.
The destination of progress and development will be achieved by imparting latest education to the youth.
Nature knows no pause in progress and development, and attaches her curse on all inaction.
There’s this thing called progress. But it doesn’t progress. It doesn’t go anywhere. Because as progress progresses the world can slip away. It’s progress if you can stop the world slipping away. My humble model for progress I the reclamation of land. Which is repeatedly, never-ending retrieving what it lost. A dogged and vigilant business. A dull yet valuable business. A hard, inglorious business. But you shouldn’t go mistaking the reclamation of land for the building of empires.
Pluralism is no longer simply an asset or a prerequisite for progress and development, it is vital to our existence.
Free and just political institutions are absolutely essential to the progress and development both of the individual and of the race.
Leave to your opinions their own quiet undisturbed development, which, like all progress, must come from deep within and cannot be pressed or hurried by anything.
An environment of peace and security is essential for regional cooperation to progress and achieve economic development and prosperity of our people.
To achieve progress and development it is necessary to bring about co-ordination between liberty and security through Devotion.
The humanists' replacement for religion: work really hard and somehow you'll either save yourself or you'll be immortal. Of course, that's a total joke, and our progress is nothing. There may be progress in technology but there's no ethical progress whatsoever.
Marxism is an interpretation of history which explains the progress of society as a product of the expansion of the forces of production of the material means of life, that is, the development of economy.
The indigenous peoples never had, and still do not have, the place that they should have occupied in the progress and benefits of science and technology, although they represented an important basis for this development.
SP is the only party which can put in efforts for the development of the State. Therefore, I request Kanpurites to vote for the SP candidate and ensure progress of the city.
Ethical religion affirms the continuity of progress toward moral perfection. It affirms that the spiritual development of the human race cannot be prematurely cut off, either gradually or suddenly; that every stone of offence against which we stumble is a stepping-stone to some greater good; that, at the end of days, if we choose to put it so, or, rather, in some sphere beyond the world of space and time, all the rays of progress will be summed and centred in a transcendent focus.
India's role is not to interfere in what Nepal does but to support Nepal in their development. Nepal should scale new heights of progress. — © Narendra Modi
India's role is not to interfere in what Nepal does but to support Nepal in their development. Nepal should scale new heights of progress.
True progress lies in the direction of decentralization, both territorial and functional, in the development of the spirit of local and personal initiative, and of free federation from the simple to the compound, in lieu of the present hierarchy from the centre to the periphery.
The attachment to a rationalistic, teleological notion of progress indicates the absence of true progress; he whose life does not unfold satisfyingly under its own momentum is driven to moralize it, to set up goals and rationalize their achievement as progress.
Each stage of development, remember, has a dialectic of progress--in plain language, every new development is good news, bad news.
We need to make material progress, but we need inner development too ... remember that the real development we seek is not in the buildings but in our hearts and minds.
Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. Our requirements for world leadership, our hopes for economic growth, and the demands of citizenship itself in an era such as this all require the maximum development of every young American's capacity. The human mind is our fundamental resource.
I think without the harsh critics, I would maybe have not made progress. From BloodRayne on, I spent more time and money on the development.
Economic progress means the discovery and application of better ways of doing things to satisfy our wants. The piping of water to a household that previously dragged it from a well, the growing of two blades of grass where one grew before, the development of a power loom that enables one man to weave ten times as much as he could before, the use of steam power and electric power instead of horse or human power - all these things clearly represent economic progress.
Rich people are the experimental ground for every new development. The nature of progress is that what begins as a luxury for the rich becomes a necessity for the poor as it's developed and passed on.
Technology is central to Development. It touches one and all, and is an important instrument of our national progress.
Pedagogy must be oriented not to the yesterday, but to the tomorrow of the child's development. Only then can it call to life in the process of education those processes of development which now lie in the zone of proximal development
For Arkansas, I think the sky is the limit, but I think we are going to have to fight the urge to avoid risks. We need to look first at where we are as a state. I think, as a state, we have made progress over the years, but there are two kinds of progress: absolute progress and relative progress.
Every other word out of every other Chinese mouth is "development, development, development, development." And that's what they're talking about it - because they believe it, A, enables them, with development, to have the kind of status they want in the world, and B, it enables them to deal with their internal problems, having to do with poverty, urban-rural as well as the environment.
The true law of the race is progress and development. Whenever civilization pauses in the march of conquest, it is overthrown by the barbarian. — © William Gilmore Simms
The true law of the race is progress and development. Whenever civilization pauses in the march of conquest, it is overthrown by the barbarian.
We need to make sure that the laws we're passing are protecting people. And we should not be voting against something that makes progress just because it doesn't make as much progress as we'd like to see made. As much as I might like to see any number of issues progress in larger steps, I understand that some of these things happen in smaller steps. And so for that reason, progress is progress. And success is success.
This is what evolution means--ordered progress; development from poorer to richer, from lower to higher, from less to greater--progress. In the material universe, progress to higher forms; in the moral universe, progress to higher life.
This is what aesthetics, development and progress depend upon: that we go out on thin ice.
The US is often the first to call for transparency and integrity in the reporting of other governments. It has never provided transparency or integrity in its reporting on the war in Iraq. It has downplayed the growth of the insurgency and other civil conflicts. It exaggerated progress in the development of Iraqi forces, and has reported meaningless macroecomic figures claiming 'progress' in the face of steadily deteriorating economic conditions for most Iraqis outside the Kurdish security zone, and does so in the face of almost incredible incompetence by USAID and the Corps of Engineers.
Pluralism is no longer simply an asset or a prerequisite for progress and development; it is vital to our existence.
vivisection is not the same thing as scientific progress. There is such a thing as scientific progress. But this wholesale dedication of scientists to vivisection, which is the easy and cheap way, actually prevents them from scientific progress, for true progress is difficult and requires genius and imagination in its devoted workers.
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