Top 1200 Opposite Direction Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Opposite Direction quotes.
Last updated on October 5, 2024.
I'm just trying to do the opposite of left, as long as there's the opposite of death, ya know Yes, ya test and I just might bring the opposite of life, til' there's no one the opposite of right
When I do one thing for a long period of time, my attention is usually then drawn in the opposite direction.
The excessive increase of anything causes a reaction in the opposite direction. — © Plato
The excessive increase of anything causes a reaction in the opposite direction.
If everybody is doing it one way, there's a good chance you can find your niche by going exactly in the opposite direction.
I'd like to think, if I was ever in a fight, I'd win, although I'd probably run in the opposite direction.
The one thing we can't really train for is weightlessness, real weightlessness. It's a ton of fun. It's pure Newtonian physics. You push in one direction, you go in the opposite direction with an equal force.
Growing up, a lot of people wore baggy stuff. I went in the opposite direction. Just trying to be different.
We should not be pushing out figured when the facts are in the opposite direction.
As some people say, we're already in a Singularity relative to ancient Grecians, inasmuch as they couldn't understand our world at all... and I think it's true in the opposite direction, too.
The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.
Accept ignorance; pay more attention to the question than the answer; never be afraid to go in the opposite direction.
Success lies in the opposite direction of the normal pull.
At the moment we seem to be heading in the opposite direction. However you dress it up, it's pretty obvious who is being affected by the government's cuts. — © Jonathan Trigell
At the moment we seem to be heading in the opposite direction. However you dress it up, it's pretty obvious who is being affected by the government's cuts.
People pray in one direction but they walk in a different direction, and direction always determines where we end up.
A pain stabbed my heart as it did every time I saw a girl I loved who was going the opposite direction in this too-big world.
For many years, I used to run to the opposite direction when I saw photographers.
It's a rule worth having in mind. Income almost always flows along the same axis as power but in the opposite direction.
After following the crowd for a while, I'd then go 180 degrees in the exact opposite direction. It always worked for me.
Wrong way, Bones. The men's showers are in the opposite direction." I'll file that away with all the other information that doesn't pertain to me" was Bones' mocking reply.
It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
When the whole world is running headlong towards the precipice, one who walks in the opposite direction is looked at as being crazy.
The artist is the opposite of the politically minded individual, the opposite of the reformer, the opposite of the idealist. The artist does not tinker with the universe, he recreates it out of his own experience and understanding of life.
To any action there is always an opposite and equal reaction; in other words, the actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal and always opposite in direction.
What is needed is not a revolution in the opposite direction, but the opposite of a revolution.
so i do what i do best. i move in the opposite direction.
Excess generally causes reaction, and produces a change in the opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments.
Basically, when I hear the words 'family drama' I run in the opposite direction.
Basically, when I hear the words 'family drama,' I run in the opposite direction.
The idea that myth is the opposite of knowledge, or the opposite of truth, is simply to disallow it. It is like saying poetry is the opposite of truth.
Let us understand Darwinism so we can walk in the opposite direction when it comes to setting up society.
Is it not the case that many a life journey starts out in the opposite direction to its destiny?
The satirical direction I have chosen is an indication of my disappointment in man, which is the opposite way of saying that I have high expectations for the human race.
What fun it is to generalize in the privacy of a note book. It is as I imagine waltzing on ice might be. A great delicious sweep in one direction, taking you your full strength, and then with no trouble at all, an equally delicious sweep in the opposite direction. My note book does not help me think, but it eases my crabbed heart.
If anyone says 'Let's have a girls' night out', I will run in the opposite direction.
In any creative industry, the fact that others are moving in a certain direction is always proof positive, at least to me, that a new direction is the only direction.
I have ideas of subjects and atmospheres that I love. I either want to go in a tougher, stronger direction or do the opposite: simple ballads.
When we hear a prediction of some disaster we need to throw the entire weight of our positive thought in the opposite direction! — © Peace Pilgrim
When we hear a prediction of some disaster we need to throw the entire weight of our positive thought in the opposite direction!
Ignore the conventional wisdom. If everybody else is doing it one way, there’s a good chance you can find your niche by going in exactly the opposite direction.
Children in a family are like flowers in a bouquet: there's always one determined to face in an opposite direction from the way the arranger desires.
People are always warning me that I'm going to burn out. But the truth is, the only thing that tires me out is hearing people tell me that. Opposite shows, opposite coasts, opposite demographics, opposite everything - I love it, man!
A lot of narrative films leave you no space for anything else but eating popcorn. I want to go in the complete opposite direction. I have to evacuate all psychology, to be less a protagonist and more a presence.
But what's true about comedians is that we've all got a huge hole in our personality. In a room of 3,000 people, we're the one person facing in the opposite direction - yet we have this overwhelming desire to be liked.
My career has always kind of moved forward and upward. I've never had anything kind of stall out or go in the opposite direction. I've always kind of been moving in the right direction.
We've all got to make sure we're all pulling in the same direction. That's what's going to keep us ahead of the ball. As soon as we start getting in the opposite direction, that's when we start getting behind, and the results will start to show.
Chance is commonly viewed as a self-correcting process in which a deviation in one direction induces a deviation in the opposite direction to restore the equilibrium. In fact, deviations are not "corrected" as a chance process unfolds, they are merely diluted.
In a world of fugitives, the person taking the opposite direction will appear to run away.
Every time I hear a revenge story, I run the opposite direction. I just don't think such stories have any novelty value. — © Suniel Shetty
Every time I hear a revenge story, I run the opposite direction. I just don't think such stories have any novelty value.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
There are some things one can only achieve by a deliberate leap in the opposite direction.
Now all oscillatory movements of such an electron can be conceived of as being split up into force, and two circular oscillations perpendicular to this direction rotating in opposite directions.
First, you have to have fun. Second, you have to put love where your labour is. Third, you have to go in the opposite direction to everyone else.
I don't go to regular music festivals because I tend to run in the opposite direction wherever there's big crowds.
No matter what I tend to be doing, generally people always think I'm crazy, first of all, because I'm always talking about things in the future that haven't happened yet, and people have a hard time believing what's gonna happen. Secondly, I'm almost always a contrarian, whatever direction everybody else is going in, I'm probably figuring out a way to go in a completely opposite direction.
When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.
The older you get, the more you realize you're drifting toward a direction, and sometimes your significant other drifts into an opposite direction. You can't blame anybody for it.
What, then, is light according to the electromagnetic theory? It consists of alternate and opposite rapidly recurring transverse magnetic disturbances, accompanied with electric displacements, the direction of the electric displacement being at the right angles to the magnetic disturbance, and both at right angles to the direction of the ray.
She was the kind of gal that if she set her sights on a man, he'd be running in the opposite direction real quick.
If anyone says, 'Let's have a girls' night out,' I will run in the opposite direction.
Each new thing he encountered in life impelled him in a direction that fully convinced him of its rightness, but then the next new thing loomed up and impelled him in the opposite direction, which also felt right. There was no controlling narrative: he seemed to himself a purely reactive pinball in a game whose only object was to stay alive for staying alive's sake.
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