Top 1200 Lasting Legacy Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Lasting Legacy quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
That's why we're here: to leave a legacy that'll be remembered long after we're done. And what a great start to my legacy, man, being the first UFC flyweight champion.
I'm not a celebrity. I'm much more of a legacy. All things considered, I'd rather be a legacy.
Rosa Parks will be remembered for her lasting contributions to society. Her legacy lives on in the continued struggle for civil rights around the world. She will be missed.
Certainly it is important to work hard for your children, but if the only legacy you can give them is money it is a poor legacy indeed. — © Helen Beardsley
Certainly it is important to work hard for your children, but if the only legacy you can give them is money it is a poor legacy indeed.
Legacy? I'm a worker in the factory; all we care about is today! A legacy... what a bunch of baloney.
Your story is the greatest legacy that you will leave to your friends.It's the longest-lasting legacy you will leave to your heirs.
With sincere modesty, if there is such a thing, I have never thought of legacy at all. I am always grateful if people like what I have done. A legacy is something no one can forsee.
I want my lasting legacy to be that I was a good wrestler but a better person. I want people to remember me as a good dude. I think that's very important.
My legacy is not only about legacy, it's about how we as a human family learn to live together within our difference.
People often speak about legacy. And when they mention our legacy, I sure hope they don't only mention football.
don't talk about legacy. I have a job to do, and I'm doing it. And I'm not expecting a legacy and I'm not expecting to get pride from some legacy, I'm doing a job that I believe needs to be done. I am willing to do it for the time, and I am not looking for some kind of an accolade or whatever. I don't consider myself anything special. I work hard.
America's space program has been the envy and inspiration of the world. It has made landmark scientific discoveries that are a lasting legacy of this nation's greatness. It has studied Earth in ways no other nation can match.
I think the beautiful part about Yao is that his main legacy won't be about the game. His legacy will be about helping people. His legacy will be taking on important world causes to better his world.
When I'm asked about legacy, I say it's too early to talk about legacy.
My books and other works are my legacy, and it's a great comfort to know that mine is a legacy of pleasure for other people. — © Colleen McCullough
My books and other works are my legacy, and it's a great comfort to know that mine is a legacy of pleasure for other people.
There has been an intention since day one that it's as important to us that we build profits as much as we build a wonderful culture and a lasting legacy of a great company. We've created this inclusive environment that's very thoughtful in terms of how we can create allyship, how we create mentorship, and what kind of voices are heard.
If my life is motivated by my ambition to leave a legacy, what I'll probably leave as a legacy is ambition. But if my life is motivated by the power of the Spirit in me, if I live with the awareness of the indwelling Christ, if I allow His presence to guide my actions, to guide my motives, those sort of things. That's the only time I think we really leave a great legacy.
Graham's legacy is not as a maverick or a trailblazer. It is the legacy of a man who used Jesus as a tool to placate the masses so that the status quo of conservative white America could remain firmly in place.
I've been being asked about my legacy since I was about 25 years old. I'm not sure you can have a legacy when you're 25 years old. Even 37. I'd like to have to be, like, 70 to have a legacy. I'm not even 100 percent sure what the word even means.
It is to create the best Games the world has ever seen by unlocking the UK's unrivalled passion for sport, by delivering the best Games for athletes to compete in, by showcasing London's unmatched cultural wealth and diversity and by creating a real and lasting legacy.
Legacy is an issue, in my opinion. People in the ISL seemed very much more worried about winning, than in creating a legacy.
But Hillary Clinton’s legacy does not have to be America’s legacy. The problems we face now – poverty and violence at home, war and destruction abroad – will last only as long as we continue relying on the same politicians who created them in the first place.
In football, the result is an impostor. You can do things really, really well but not win. There's something greater than the result, more lasting - a legacy.
The lasting legacy of the Cooter Smash is that I'm the first to know when it's going to rain. That's right. I both sing and predict the weather with my hoo hoo.
Many people spend their lives trying to create a lasting legacy on earth. They want to be remembered when they're gone. Yet, what ultimately matters most will not be what others say about your life but what God says.
My lasting legacy now is just going to be in highlight reels.
Love cannot in its very nature be peaceful or content. It is a restlessness, an unsatisfaction. I can grant a lasting love just as I can grant a lasting unsatisfaction; but the lasting love cannot be coupled with possession, for love is pain and desire and possession is easement and fulfilment.
Wars don't bring lasting peace, only lasting death.
I believe our legacy will be defined by the accomplishments and fearless nature by which our daughters and sons take on the global challenges we face. I also wonder if perhaps the most lasting expression of one's humility lies in our ability to foster and mentor our children.
Legacy is really important to me. It's more important than dollars to me. So with that said, I try to find the fights that would solidify my legacy.
At the end of the day, we fight for the legacy, but you don't want to be just a fighter with legacy with no money.
As I reflect on the legacy of my father, the greatest aspect is his legacy of peace.
I don't believe in legacy. I feel that the 'mega' tag definitely acts as a platform, but after that, it's all on the individual. Legacy does not mean a crown that is passed on; we have to create our own paths.
The Vietnam War soured President Johnson's legacy. We still have to recognize his domestic legacy.
Chris didn't only leave a legacy of work. He left a legacy of love.
There are a lot of people - and time does this - who are going to be severely embarrassed for their bias and intolerance. And they're going to have to live with that; that's going to be their legacy. I refuse to have that as part of my legacy.
Legacy is a stupid thing! I don't want a legacy.
When the media defines something, you have to question: Is it the definition that you want applied to your culture? I'm trying to determine who's leaving the legacy, and if the legacy that is being left is a positive one.
Why is it that many contemporary male thinkers, especially men of color, repudiate the imperialist legacy of Columbus but affirm dimensions of that legacy by their refusal to repudiate patriarchy?
I actually don't hope for a legacy. I think that it impedes your ability to make the hard decisions if you sit around saying, 'How will this affect my legacy?' — © David Stern
I actually don't hope for a legacy. I think that it impedes your ability to make the hard decisions if you sit around saying, 'How will this affect my legacy?'
Ultimately, I think, as humans, we all care deeply about our life's legacy, and contemplating our own mortality is the only real way to approach that question of legacy honestly.
We will see about Obama's legacy. I still think the historical nature of his candidacy will be the biggest part of his legacy.
I am aware there are books that instruct you on how to manipulate the market, stocks and people... they might even help you get money. But, let me caution you... when there is no spiritual growth... there is no spiritual strength... there is no lasting happiness... and, there is no real or lasting wealth.
Everyone has a transferable commodity-knowledge. Sharing your unique expertise and making introductions for someone creates a lasting legacy.
We have no lasting friends, no lasting enemies, only lasting interests.
I'm also interested in creating a lasting legacy for collectors because bronze will last for thousands of years so I'm not really selling the art to this particular collector but it is being passed on.
To me, it's what WWE is: the history, the legacy, all the women who come before this. From Mae Young onwards, their legacy lives forever.
Audrey, it seems to me, never strove or hoped to leave a lasting legacy with her films - she was far too modest for that. But what I think she would have wanted, had she been given more time, would have been to continue her work for children because she knew that is a task with so much to be accomplished.
Unchain yourself from the guilt that you aren’t doing something right, that you’re not leaving the “right” legacy, and BE your real self. Just that. That’s all the legacy you’re here to give - the genuine best of you.
You can build your legacy and your legacy can be big, but even after you slip or fall, you learn, and your legacy is getting even bigger. — © Joanna Jedrzejczyk
You can build your legacy and your legacy can be big, but even after you slip or fall, you learn, and your legacy is getting even bigger.
When I leave the NBA, I don't want my legacy to be, 'He won a championship ring.' I want my legacy to say: 'He played for the people. He gave everybody in the world hope that they can be just like him.'
Long-lasting victory can never be separated from a long-lasting stand on the foundation of the cross.
The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.
Everyone leaves a legacy, whether they want to or not. The question is, “What kind of legacy will you leave?
When I leave the NBA, I don't want my legacy to be, 'He won a championship ring.' I want my legacy to say, 'He played for the people. He gave everybody in the world hope that they can be just like him.'
I recorded songs with a great deal of meaning, songs of lasting material. That's the legacy I want to leave behind - a legacy of love.
Hosting the Olympic Games of course guarantees the world's attention, but there is more to it than simply bathing in the global spotlight. Most importantly, host cities can use the opportunity to create a positive and lasting legacy, resulting in both tangible and intangible returns to local communities.
I been asked about my legacy and I really don't care much about the legacy.
I hope I would leave a legacy of joy -a legacy of real compassion.
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow is a character whose core is about legacy and responsibility. And that all comes from his father and the responsibilities of living up to his legacy.
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