Top 1200 Straight Face Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Straight Face quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
My grade point average went from a 2.2 to a 4.0 over the summer. I wanted to get straight A's. I decided to get straight A's. I didn't want people to think I was dumb. And when you get straight A's once, its easier.
I've never been a straight guy, but it certainly seems that being one is exhausting. Every part of a straight guy's day is somehow related to him letting people know that he's straight.
My greatest qualification for writing fiction was my ability to lie with a straight face as a child. — © Ashwin Sanghi
My greatest qualification for writing fiction was my ability to lie with a straight face as a child.
A good poem looks life straight in the face, unflinching, sincere, equal to revelation through loss or gain.
On solemn asses fall plush sinecures, So keep a straight face and sit tight on yours.
Instead of trying to fit an impossible ideal, I took a personal inventory of all my healthy body parts for which I am grateful: Straight Greek eyebrows. They start at the hairline at my temple and, left unchecked, will grow straight across my face and onto yours.
Time flies, dreams die, people lose faith, Tryna hide behind a lie with a straight face.
If someone is a straight jazzhead, or a straight metalhead, or straight classical, they have a very narrow range of what they allow into their lives. But the people who listen to what we put out into the world have to be open-minded. Because we're so pluralist.
War is death. If we are to engage in war, then we should have to stare it straight in the face and call it by its rightful name.
When people warned me there would be long periods out of work if I became an actor, I couldn't keep a straight face because that was exactly what I had in mind.
And that's actually the brunt of what we do is, people going straight from their workplace, straight from home, straight into the classroom and working directly with the students. So then we're able to work with thousands and thousands more students.
A hound will die for you, but never lie to you. And he'll look you straight in the face.
Concrete you can mold, you can press it into - after all, you haven't any straight lines in your body. Why should we have straight lines in our architecture? You'd be surprised when you go into a room that has no straight line - how marvelous it is that you can feel the walls talking back to you, as it were.
I think support of the straight community is very important and I think there has been a profound shift in public opinion seen reflected in many ways. We do not need straight people to speak for us but we do want straight people to stand with us.
Today we live in a chaos of straight lines, in a jungle of straight lines. If you do not believe this, take the trouble to count the straight lines which surround you. Then you will understand, for you will never finish counting.
I don't want to face the reality of what people want from a female pop star. Everybody always laughs because I feel so much more comfortable with, like, a giant paper bag on my whole body and paint on my face. Sometimes I try really hard to take it all off. But inevitably what's underneath is still not a straight edge. And I don't think it ever will be.
The greatest thing that has ever happened is whenever I see people in the street, a smile comes on their face straight away and I'm like, 'How did that happen?' — © Chris Kamara
The greatest thing that has ever happened is whenever I see people in the street, a smile comes on their face straight away and I'm like, 'How did that happen?'
For by his face straight shall you know his heart.
I also have been called that terrible "N" word straight to my face and not known what to do about it because it was just in like 1993 that someone called me that.
I know I can never work in a comedy because I can't keep a goddamn straight face.
Let's face it: your average straight, cis-gender teenage boy isn't going to pursue a relationship with a trans-girl.
Because Scientology is perceived and conceived by Scientologists as being this salvation for mankind, you can have people that lie with a very straight face if they believe that what they are doing is protecting the Church of Scientology.
All lies are told with a straight face. It is truth that's said with a dismissive giggle.
I have a funny relationship to the British working class movement... I'm in it, but not culturally of it... I was aware that I'd come from the periphery of this process. I was reluctant to go canvassing for the Labour party. I don't find it easy to say, straight, face to face with an English working class family: 'Are you going to vote for us?'
I'm not that cool with people who lie straight to my face multiple times.
A silly comedy needs a straight guy, and that guy needs to be as straight as possible. The moment you start playing straight you're not straight anymore, you're bent straight, so it really requires the usual serious, straight-forward analysis and research, looking into it and finding the dramatic function, all of what you do until you feel you've collected enough points to safely and securely play the part.
I'm a big sucker for chocolate, and I love beer, but I can't drink it because it goes straight to my face like the Michelin Man.
Actually, I do have a knack of pulling things off with a straight face, guess it runs in my family.
I’m never wrong? Who besides Republican presidents and evil masterminds can say that with a straight face?
If you look at a shape like a straight line, what's remarkable is that if you look at a straight line from close by, from far away, it is the same; it is a straight line.
I hear poets complaining: 'We face what our forebears did not face. We face TV. We face radio. We face this and that.'
Ahimsa was preached to man when he was in full vigor of life and able to look his adversaries straight in the face.
You need the other team to be feeling the heat when they walk on to face you and that only comes from their being wary straight off of your dominance on the field of play.
The most difficult thing about shooting guns instantly on film is to not pull a silly face while the gun is going off, because it's always a bit of a shock. So you find yourself sticking your tongue out or blinking or whatever. So the hardest thing is to keep a straight face while you're shooting a gun.
Kristin Bauer is so funny. Half the time I'm working with her I'm just trying to keep a straight face.
I get why we don't want to be in pain, but there's something very essential about what happens when we're in pain and some of the growth that can come from it if we stare at it straight in the face.
If we can't face death, we'll never overcome it. You have to look it straight in the eye. Then you can turn around and walk back out into the light.
Sometimes I definitely crack up in the ring. If I tried to consciously go in there and keep a straight face, I'm sure it would be very difficult. — © Big Cass
Sometimes I definitely crack up in the ring. If I tried to consciously go in there and keep a straight face, I'm sure it would be very difficult.
We need to get our hearts straight. And after we get the hearts straight, we can treat each other straight.
With a woman of sophistication, class and modesty and refinement, I become a totally tongue-tied buffoon. I can't even look her straight in the face.
Before I go to bed I clean my face with a cleansing milk and cotton pads and then wash my face thoroughly with a foamy face wash. I apply a calamine lotion on my face and a medicated moisturizer on my face and neck. I repeat the same procedure after I wake up in the morning.
The dirt of gossip blows into my face and the dust rumors cover me. But if the arrow is straight and the point is slick, it can pierce through dust no matter how thick.
Looking at you has been my favorite pastime from the moment you asked me to describe your face," he said solemnly, looking straight into her eyes.
Life is a straight drink - straight pleasure, straight pain, straightforward, one hundred percent.
Coming to training with a straight face, it does not work.
I was always the first one to break. I'll admit it. I couldn't keep a straight face.
What are children anyway? Midget drunks. They greet you in the morning by kneeing you in the face and talking gibberish. They can't even walk straight.
There's plenty to admire in the iPhone X straight from the unboxing. The biggest change stares you in the face: that screen, that screen.
I don't know how anyone can keep a straight face and say they are for deficit reduction while they insist on a permanent tax cut for the wealthiest Americans, completely unpaid for.
You can get away with saying much more with humor than you can with a straight face.
Not that it was Twiggy's fault, but the ubiquity of her image created a sense in young women that to be stylish meant to be skinny, flat-chested with an ingenue face and straight hair.
I did realise that when you talk with a straight face, you come across as someone bolder than somebody who bats her eyelids a lot. — © Shraddha Srinath
I did realise that when you talk with a straight face, you come across as someone bolder than somebody who bats her eyelids a lot.
HD is not forgiving. Once you see your face for the first time in a movie cinema, you run straight to the gym.
I think I found it difficult though to keep a straight face when we were actually working and I wasn't supposed to be laughing.
The face you have at age 25 is the face God gave you, but the face you have after 50 is the face you earned.
If a coach is not straight, players soon find him out. Mourinho is very straight. He says what he thinks and he says it to your face.
I can't honestly say with a straight face that every Avenged Sevenfold album is my favorite.
I enjoy my relationship with straight men. It's very nurturing. It's very validating to hang out with straight guys and be accepted. So many of us, we were not accepted when we were younger by straight persons in high school.
No one in their right mind can say to me with a straight face that the Patriot Act has not aggregated the Fourth Amendment.
I don't think anybody can with a straight face say that the Russians did not set out to influence our election, and they did so.
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