Top 241 Pedestal Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Pedestal quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
Men have to descend from their pedestal and learn how to be more broadminded and spiritual.
I'm not set on a pedestal where I think I'm too high and mighty.
I tended to place my wife under a pedestal. — © Woody Allen
I tended to place my wife under a pedestal.
When greatness descends from its lofty pedestal, it assumes human dimensions.
It feels great to be on the same pedestal as Madhuri Dixit.
I was writing a chapter of Beautiful Evidence on the subject of the sculptural pedestal, which led to my thinking about what's up on the pedestal - the great leader.
A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space.
I've put myself on this pedestal from the start.
Rock'n'roll to me is a rebellion against the sterile pedestal culture of movies.
To be famous is to stand on a pedestal and give the world permission to tell you all your flaws.
I don't like putting people on a pedestal, I think ideas are more exciting
I never wanted to be on a pedestal.
Shoes are just a pedestal. What interests me is the power of the woman who wears them. — © Christian Louboutin
Shoes are just a pedestal. What interests me is the power of the woman who wears them.
Don't put yourself on a pedestal. Because it's very easy for someone to knock you off. It's balance.
Shoes must have very high heels and platforms to put women's beauty on a pedestal.
I wouldn't put myself on the same pedestal as Sarah Lancashire.
Today they're praising you sky high, place you on a pedestal and tomorrow they don't want to know you.
The removal of Bill Cosby from his cultural pedestal seems pretty complete.
No woman allows her lover to descend from his pedestal. Even a god is not forgiven the slightest pettiness.
The kids put you on a pedestal. I didn't like it.
Obviously, everyone loves someone who appreciates you and puts you on a pedestal.
The apathy of the people is enough to make every statue leap from its pedestal and hasten the resurrection of the dead.
Heroes and scholars represent the opposite extremes... The scholar struggles for the benefit of all humanity, sometimes to reduce physical effort, sometimes to reduce pain, and sometimes to postpone death, or at least render it more bearable. In contrast, the patriot sacrifices a rather substantial part of humanity for the sake of his own prestige. His statue is always erected on a pedestal of ruins and corpses... In contrast, all humanity crowns a scholar, love forms the pedestal of his statues, and his triumphs defy the desecration of time and the judgment of history.
He who is continually changing his point of view sees more, and more clearly, than one who, statue-like, forever stands upon the same pedestal; however lofty and well-placed that pedestal may be.
There is never any real danger in allowing a pedestal for a hero. He never has time to sit on it. One sees him always over and over again kicking his pedestal out from under him, and using it to batter a world with.
The pedestal is immobilizing and subtly insulting whether or not some women yet realize it. We must move up from the pedestal.
Many have lived on a pedestal who will never have a statue when dead.
I asked for bread, and I got a stone in the shape of a pedestal.
Don't put celebrities up on this pedestal. We are human beings.
I believe you should place a woman on a pedestal: high enough so you can look up her dress.
As soon as you're put on a pedestal, you're easily knocked off it.
A pedestal is the most insidious prison ever devised.
I'm not better than anyone else. I'm not supposed to be on a pedestal. I've always stayed away from that.
When love ends, the beloved is no longer standing on a pedestal, but in a hole.
A gender line... helps to keep women not on a pedestal, but in a cage.
Any party that would put Sarah Palin up on a pedestal will never have my support.
Men put me on a pedestal, then never come to visit.
It's always better to step down from the pedestal than to be pulled off of it. — © Max Lucado
It's always better to step down from the pedestal than to be pulled off of it.
In 2010, I put CrossFit on a pedestal and then, when I failed at it and got second, it was hard for me.
Don't put yourself on a pedestal. Because it's very easy for someone to knock you off.
A man who builds his own pedestal had better use strong cement.
May heaven protect us, cher monsieur, from being set on a pedestal by our friends!!!
I place 'Star Wars' on such a pedestal, like many of my peers do, given that we all grew up with these stories.
If you're put on a pedestal, you're supposed to behave yourself like a pedestal type of person. Pedestals actually have a limited circumference. Not much room to move around.
The media tends to put the artists with the hottest single on a pedestal. And as soon as that single goes away, you're kicked off the pedestal.
Pride comes from not knowing yourself and the world. The older you grow, and the more you see, the less reason you will find for being proud. Ignorance and inexperience are the pedestal of pride; once the pedestal is removed - pride will soon come down.
The artist stands on the human being as a statue does on a pedestal.
Love is when someone puts you on a pedestal and yet when you fall, they're there to catch you anyway.' - Tara Daniels — © Jill Shalvis
Love is when someone puts you on a pedestal and yet when you fall, they're there to catch you anyway.' - Tara Daniels
Having advanced to the limit of boldness, child, you have stumbled against the lofty pedestal of Justice.
I like to literally put women on a pedestal
Of the thousands who have paid homage to virtue, barely one has thought to inspect the pedestal on which it stands.
Women are not ladies. The term connotates females who are simultaneously put on a pedestal and patronized.
We are coming down from our pedestal and up from the laundry room.
I think... I'm perceived as an everyperson. There is no pedestal. I'm no different from anybody else.
Success serves men as a pedestal. It makes them seem greater when not measured by reflection.
When people get placed upon a pedestal - when they start chasing after that person on the pedestal - they become mannequin-like.
I'm not the kind of guy who wants to be on a pedestal.
Spoons and skimmers you can be undistinguishably together; but vases and statues require each a pedestal for itself.
People want to dethrone you from the pedestal that you're on when you have a platform, when you have a voice.
I kind of put people from the past up on a pedestal; I don't think, in a lot of ways, that we're at their level.
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