Top 105 Stains Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Stains quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Once, my writing-avoidance behavior involved me mixing up a cleaning concoction and getting some ancient stains out of the carpet. My wife liked that one.
Like most dancers, I love lip stains! We hate gloss because hair gets stuck in it.
If soot stains your tunic, dye it black. This is vengeance. — © R. Scott Bakker
If soot stains your tunic, dye it black. This is vengeance.
In some way the secret vice exhales its poison; and the evil passion, however cunningly masked, stains through to the surface.
I have this particular shoe with blood stains, marked all up sitting in my office. I always look at it everyday.
As an enlisted sailor, I don't feel that the Navy is advancing me in rank fast enough, so I'm going to change my last name to Stains. My guess is they would rather promote me than to have to refer to me as Seaman Stains.
There is no humiliation worse than the consciousness of a wasted life. It stains the spirit, forestalls hope, and destroys any motive for action or change.
You didn't have to wash it as often and it hid the blood stains better!
I wear this crown of thorns Upon my liar's chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair Beneath the stains of time The feelings disappear You are someone else I am still right here What have I become My sweetest friend?
Mental stains can not be removed by time, nor washed away by any waters. [Lat., Animi labes nec diuturnitate vanescere nec omnibus ullis elui potest.]
I'm a little bit phobic about stains on my clothes, so I never travel without a little packet of organic stain remover.
Stains are even worse when you're the only one who can see them.
People went through life like well handled jugs, collecting chips and scrapes and stains from wear and tear, from holding and pouring life. — © Sarah Hall
People went through life like well handled jugs, collecting chips and scrapes and stains from wear and tear, from holding and pouring life.
Oh say, can you see, it's really such a mess. Every inch of earth is a fighting nest. Giant pencial and lipstick tube shaped things, continue to rain and cause scream and pain, and the arctic stains from silver blue to bloody red.
Actually, I had a really nice part in that movie [Ladies And Gentlemen, The Fabulous Stains]. I mean, I have, like, one second in the final-cut version, where I say "You're fired" to Diane Lane. That's about all you see of me.
Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass, Stains the white radiance of eternity.
Greed stains our culture, soaks our sensibilities and has replaced grace as a sign of our intimacy with the divine.
My acting teacher always told us the script should be crumpled up and covered in coffee stains and peanut butter smudges - you should have that bad boy on you at all times.
A television advertisement must illustrate the scientific method to substantiate any claim.... That is why stains are lifted, ring-around-the-collar is removed, paper towels become soaked, excess stomach acid is absorbed, and headaches go away-all during the commercial.
His eyes were cold and brown - like coffee stains.
Give me wine to wash me clean of the weather-stains of cares
My mother moves so fast I do not even see it coming. But she slaps my face hard enough to make my head snap backward. She leaves a print that stains me long after it’s faded. Just so you know: shame is five-fingered.
Ambition like a liquid ruby stains.
I've ruined a lot of hotel towels. I did a shoot in San Francisco and stayed at the Mandarin Oriental. I must have ruined thousands of dollars worth of towels. I dye my hair once a week. The dye is not temporary. It stains everything. It stains tiles, that's how powerful it is.
Recognize the good in others, not their stains.
Even without them touching me, I feel dirty about what I do. Alex does even filthier things but says it all washes off with soap. I don’t believe that. I think it all leaves stains. Indelible stains.
THE old man died beneath the wheels of the twentieth century. There was nothing left but stains, bloodstains and fragments of flesh . . . And the same thing is happening to my generation.
Beneath the stains of time the feeling disappears, you are someone else I am still right here.
When you have discovered a stain in yourself, you eagerly seek for and gladly find stains in others.
The proprietor had hair so red that pigmentation had flowed out into every visible inch of his skin and even into the pinks of his eyes, as the colour of flowering cherry trees stains their leaves.
Did you really think I wouldn't recognize my college futon, with its trademark absence of sex stains?
Love has a hem to her garment that reaches to the very dust. It sweeps the stains from the streets and lanes, and because it can, it must.
Everything about her was warm and soft and scented; even the stains of her grief became her as raindrops do the beaten rose.
The peace of great books be for you, Stains of pressed clover leaves on pages, Bleach of the light of years held in leather.
I adore Smashbox lip stains. I carry a natural color for daytime and a berry shade for going out at night.
And I will trust that He who heeds The life that hides in mead and wold, Who hangs you alder's crimson beads, And stains these mosses green and gold, Will still, as He hath done, incline His gracious care to me and mine.
The man who wears the yellow-dyed robe but is not free from stains himself, without self-restraint and integrity, is unworthy of the robe.
It's the stickiness of earth that makes it problematic - the way it stains your straps and ingrains your hands so you can't quite tell where you start and stop. — © Alice Oswald
It's the stickiness of earth that makes it problematic - the way it stains your straps and ingrains your hands so you can't quite tell where you start and stop.
The real dirt is not outside, but inside, in our hearts. We can wash all stains with water. The only one we can't remove is the grudge and the bad intentions sticking to our hearts.
It should not be hard for you to stop sometimes and look into the stains of walls, or ashes of a fire, or clouds, or mud or like places, in may find really marvellous ideas.
The One remains, the many change and pass; Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly; Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass, Stains the white radiance of Eternity, Until Death tramples it to fragments.
People want it to be red, like blood. It's kind of funny. When I used to throw meat into the audience, I'd get letters from kids' mothers saying, "What's the best way to get blood stains out of my son's shirt?"
I turned to my own bunk and examined it with a kind of appalled fascination. If the mattress stains were anything to go by, a previous user had not so much suffered from incontinence as rejoiced in it. He had evidently included the pillow in his celebrations.
My whole approach to wardrobe is, throw it in a suitcase and make sure they don't press it, for Pete's sake, so I can try to display some rumpled charm. Actually, I'm just a pig. I've got coffee stains on my pants. I think they're coffee stains, anyway.
Doubts are like stains on a shirt. I like shirts with stains, because when I'm given a shirt that's too clean, one that's completely white, I immediately start having doubts.
I see TV ads about detergents that can get blood stains out of your cloths. I say if you have blood stains on your cloths you should be thinking about something other than laundry.
Be aware of anxiety. Next to sin, thee is nothing that so troubles the mind, stains the heart, distresses the soul, and confuses the judgment.
What if the man could see Beauty Itself, pure, unalloyed, stripped of mortality, and all its pollution, stains, and vanities, unchanging, divine,... the man becoming in that communion, the friend of God,... ?
A page with a poem on it is less attractive than a page with a poem on it and some tea stains. — © Anne Carson
A page with a poem on it is less attractive than a page with a poem on it and some tea stains.
The scars and stains of racism are still deeply embedded in the American society.
I love old books. They tell you stories about their use. You can see where the fingerprints touched the pages as they held the book open. You can see how long they lingered on each page by the finger stains.
Oh Lord, purify my soul from all its stains. Warm my heart with the love of thee, animate my sluggish nature and fix my inconstancy, and volatility, that I may not be weary in well doing.
The wolves prey upon the lambs in the darkness of the night, but the blood stains remain upon the stones in the valley until the dawn comes, and the sun reveals the crime to all.
I think of religion as something that stains the person. It's a mindset you can never get free from, it's always in the back of your head.
Somebody's trying to sell you a Mercedes and he pulls up in a Civic with mustard stains on his shirt, dipping a pretzel in some cheese? Nobody wants to hear what you say unless you look like somebody.
Pre-treating is a really important step for stain removal. It's best to treat stains right away, so blot fresh stains with a paper towel or a white rag.
To remove blood stains from your conscience try frozen margaritas.
How do you know someone is a grandparent? They've got milk stains on every shirt from burping babies. Their pants are worn out at the knees from crawling around giving pony rides. They have 2,842 pictures of the grandkids on their smart phone and not one photo of their spouse.
Rain scatters plum petals; Weeping stains the earth. One can only take shelter And wait for clearing.
The thing I like most in my kitchen is my marble counters. Everybody said not to use marble because it's fragile, it stains, it cracks, and it doesn't remain beautiful. But I love marble.
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