Top 1200 Differing Views Quotes & Sayings

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Last updated on October 11, 2024.
As a reader, I notice political views regardless of whether or not the book is fiction. What annoys me is when said views do nothing to advance the narrative.
Everyone praises the views you get from mountain tops, but no one talks about the views that they block.
A man is called affected, nowadays, if he dresses as he likes to dress. But in doing that he is acting in a perfectly natural manner. Affectation, in such matters, consists in dressing according to the views of one's neighbour, whose views, as they are the views of the majority, will probably be extremely stupid.
Freedom of speech means that you shall not do something to people either for the views they have, or the views they express, or the words they speak or write. — © Hugo Black
Freedom of speech means that you shall not do something to people either for the views they have, or the views they express, or the words they speak or write.
No work of art ever puts forward views. Views belong to people who are not artists.
I hope that people who might speak out respectfully and out of concern would not get mobbed or bullied for their differing views.
There are consequences for just expressing generally conservative views. And if those views take on the more extreme dint, the judgment can be swift.
It is to a dramatist, which is to say, to an unfrocked psychoanalyst, stunning that that which has sustained the Left in my generation, its avatar, its prime issue, has been abortion. For, whether or not it is regarded as a woman's right, an unfortunate necessity, or murder, which is to say, irrespective of differing and legitimate political views, to enshrine it as the most important test of the Liberal, is, mythologically, an assertion to the ultimate right of a postreligious Paganism.
I'm grateful to Donald Trump's pro-life views, and I'm grateful that he's expressed those views so publicly and openly.
I like to think that I try to learn something every day - and change my views, modify my views as I learn.
Everyone's got different views. I think you're better off staying within the party and prosecuting those views than stepping out of it.
At all costs we should avoid considering our love of God to be superior to the love of the other for GodLet us love God and leave it for Him to decide on the intensity and sincerity of our loves, as well as of our differing views of Him
My own views on abortion, I'm not on either pole of that and neither of the interest groups on either end of this issue would probably be comfortable with my views.
You can't cheer when political officials punish the expression of views you dislike and then expect to be taken seriously when you wrap yourself in the banner of free speech in order to protest state punishment of views you like and share.
People suffer because they are caught in their views. As soon as we release those views, we are free and we don't suffer anymore. — © Thich Nhat Hanh
People suffer because they are caught in their views. As soon as we release those views, we are free and we don't suffer anymore.
I have strong views, and I can't imagine not ever being honest about those views.
People have different views of how you deal with different issues in literature, and, frankly, long may it last that there is a range of views.
He who closes his ears to the views of others shows little confidence in the integrity of his own views.
You need people who have their own views, whose views you respect, whom you can have a productive disagreement with, and work out ideas which you might not have come up with, or who improve on ideas you had.
There's the ambiguity of human relationships, for instance. A relationship between two people, just like a sequence of words, is ambiguous if it is open to different interpretations. And if two people do have differing views about their relationship - I don't just mean about its state, I mean about its very nature - then that difference can affect the entire course of their lives.
I like the idea that there's no censorship, because it's consistent with my views that we live in a free society and people ought to be able to express their views.
In a sense there is no 'opposition' in Bahrain, as the phrase implies one unified block with the same views. Such a phrase is not in our constitution, unlike say the United Kingdom. We only have people with different views and that's ok.
Intellect is not sexed;... strength of mind is not sexed; and ... our views about the duties of men and the duties of women, the sphere of man and the sphere of woman, are mere arbitrary opinions, differing in different ages and countries, and dependent solely on the will and judgment of erring mortals.
Diverse groups do best at complex problems and innovation when the facts aren't clear: each individual's perspective allows him or her to tackle challenges differently and, when stuck, rely on others' differing points of views to progress.
It's very dramatic when two people come together to work something out. It's easy to take a gun and annihilate your opposition, but what is really exciting to me is to see people with differing views come together and finally respect each other.
Globalisation is not remotely new; it has been occurring, at differing rates and with differing degrees of scale, for centuries.
If I advance new views in Philosophy or Theology, I cannot expect to have many adherents among minds altogether unprepared for such views; yet it is certain that even those who most fiercely oppose me will recognize the power of my voice if it is not a mere echo; and the very novelty will challenge attention, and at last gain adherents if my views have any real insight.
As far as party primaries are concerned, both Republican - and Democratic - Party primaries are dominated by the most zealous voters, whose views may not reflect the views of most members of their own respective parties, much less the views of those who are going to vote in the November general election.
Now I have to say I'm a complete atheist, I have no religious views myself and no spiritual views, except very watered down humanistic spiritual views, and consciousness is just a fact of life, it's a natural fact of life.
I learned to have the patience to listen when people put forward their views, even if I think those views are wrong. You can't reach a just decision in a dispute unless you listen to both sides.
My views line up with Mick Mulvaney's views pretty much exactly.
I want to encourage students during school hours to express their views, to discuss their views in the classroom or the playground.
If your political views define who you are as a human, and you can't stand to have friends that have different views than you, than you need to reevaluate, my friend.
I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious views of anyone.
When asked for your views, by the press or others, remember that what they really want to know is the President's views.
I have never had an animal that didn't have a personality, one differing from another.
When the views entertained in this volume on the origin of species, or when analogous views are generally admitted, we can dimly forsee that there will be a considerable revolution in natural history.
We can be certain that, if there are conflicting views in different cultures, some of these views must be false. This may help us to transcend our own narrow cultural horizon.
Let me warn you, if you start chasing after views, you'll be left without bread and without views. — © Nikolai Gogol
Let me warn you, if you start chasing after views, you'll be left without bread and without views.
Not only do we as individuals get locked into single-minded views, but we also reinforce these views for each other until the culture itself suffers the same mindlessness.
I shall adopt new views as fast as they shall appear to be true views.
If you are offended by reading views that disagree with yours, then yes, you will be offended. However, it is not gratuitously offensive, it simply puts an argument, and if your views are strong enough, as I believe they are, you will be able to defend your views. You will not say, "Oh, it's offensive, it's offensive." You will say "No, you are wrong here and you are wrong here," and that's what you should do.
Criticism of my alleged views was widespread and highly successful. I have yet to meet a criticism of my views.
Hawaii is a special place because we have a very diverse population there, who are very respectful and tolerant of those who have differing opinions and different views.
You can`t differentiate between an Islamic terrorist and a Christian terrorist. Or a politically motivated terrorist who`s anti-abortion or someone who may have differing views.
We are losing sight of civility in government and politics. Debate and dialogue is taking a back seat to the politics of destruction and anger and control. Dogma has replaced thoughtful discussion between people of differing views.
When I write fiction, I create characters whose views are not my own, and I allow them to be eloquent in defense of their, not my, views.
I can give an undertaking that we will respect the constructive opinion of the opposition. We will look into their views, and how they reflect the people's views.
However Donald Trump came upon the foreign policy views he espoused, they were as crucial to his election as his views on trade and the border.
Our connection to faith and church and that background sort of lent itself in our views to the Republican Party and our views on smaller government. It wasn't until I got to undergrad that I realized that not everybody held those views.
Imagine if you have a million views on a show and they say it's a hit on some cable networks. I could put out a piece of content that has 20 million views. — © Russell Simmons
Imagine if you have a million views on a show and they say it's a hit on some cable networks. I could put out a piece of content that has 20 million views.
Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.
What my political views or my constitutional views are just doesn't matter.
The rest of the world views the USA the way Silicon Valley views Microsoft. Except with tanks.
Geological age plays the same part in our views of the duration of the universe as the Earth's orbital radius does in our views of the immensity of space.
Dialogue between people of differing views is critical for fostering understanding in a democracy.
There are very few errors and false doctrines of which the beginning may not be traced up to unsound views about the corruption of human nature. Wrong views of the disease will always bring with them wrong views of the remedy. Wrong views of the corruption of human nature will always carry with them wrong views of the grand antidote and cure of that corruption.
The Left sees no place for differing opinions.
You have every right to have your views. But don't let those views get in the way of indisputable facts!
It is not a secret that I am a feminist and I have more liberal views and a lot of these GamerGaters have more right-wing views.
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