Top 1200 Different Directions Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Different Directions quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Early on I was very involved with the notion of the painting as an object and tended to attack that idea from different directions.
One goes to the right, the other to the left; both are wrong, but in different directions.
Fate pulls you in different directions — © Clint Eastwood
Fate pulls you in different directions
Brains aren't designed to get results; they go in directions. If you know how the brain works you can set your own directions. If you don't, then someone else will.
When you marry young, you run the risk that you'll grow in different directions.
There are lines of geomagnetic force running through the Earth's crust, and most of the time, these run in opposing directions - forward and backward. In some places, they deviate and will cross each other, and when that happens, you kind of get a geomagnetic mess going in all different directions. I call these vertices.
When you're with somebody for some years, sometimes you need a break from 'em. You grow in different directions.
You are like a candle. Imagine you are sending light out all around you. All your words, thoughts and actions are going in many directions. If you say something kind, your kind words go in many directions, and you yourself go with them. We are ...transforming and continuing in a different form at every moment.
I would love to play roles that continue to challenge and push me in different directions - emotionally, mentally, and physically as well.
The directions for meditation that Sri Krishna gives are very exacting. He tells Arjuna exactly how to get past all the things that cause suffering and transient pleasure to something that is perpetual ecstasy. His directions are that exact.
One of the things you learn as president is, as powerful as this office is, you have limited bandwidth. And the time goes by really quickly and you're constantly making choices, and there are pressures on you from all different directions - pressures on your attention, not just pressures from different constituencies. And so you have to be pretty focused about where can you have the biggest, quickest impact.
I feel more like I'm a person who has so much to offer in different capacities that it would be a danger for me not to give myself a chance to spread my wings in all different directions.
Drama can be an addiction. It's so, so sneaky. Jealousy - all of those things can really send you in a lot of different crazy directions.
A palindrome is a word or pattern that instead of developing in different directions it folds in on itself so that the beginning and end mirror each other, that they are the same.
It's hard to put your heart into things when you feel you're being pulled in so many different directions and people are taking advantage of you. — © Nicole Johnson
It's hard to put your heart into things when you feel you're being pulled in so many different directions and people are taking advantage of you.
I can move both of my eyes separately in different directions.
I think The Czars had an identity crisis, as we were five guys pulling in different musical directions.
It's just so out of control. Life, I mean. The way it flies off in all these different directions without your permission.
Though all humans need both intimacy and independence, women tend to focus on the first and men on the second. It is as if their lifeblood ran in different directions.
I used to think that one day I'd be able to resolve the different drives I have in different directions, the tensions between the different people I am. Now I realize that is who I am. I do feel I'm getting closer to the song in my head. I wasn't looking for grace. But luckily grace was looking for me.
It outlines the fact that we are twins, we grew up together, but then we went to different colleges and went in separate directions.
I don't think it's worth discussing new directions in the context of Chinese art - there were no old directions, either. Chinese art has never had any clear orientation.
Video games as a storytelling medium are, from a mathematical standpoint, a branching narrative. You start at one place, you can go in multiple different directions, and there's a multitude of different endings.
The same word we love and hate, leaves in different directions, taking different paths.
It's nice to stretch in different directions and use different muscles. You can get swallowed into Hollywood, where it's all about bums on seats and how commercial a film is.
I felt the sensation of each of the directions I mentally and emotionally turned into amazed at all the possible directions you can take with different motives that come in like it can make you a different person — I’ve often thought of this since childhood of suppose instead of going up Columbus as I usually did I’d turn into Filbert would something happen that at the time is insignificant enough but would be like enough to influence my whole life in the end? — What’s in store for me in the direction I don’t take?
Personality is like a charioteer with two headstrong horses, each wanting to go in different directions.
To each eye, perhaps, the outlines of a great civilization present a different picture. In the wide ocean upon which we venture, the possible ways and directions are many; and the same studies which have served for my work might easily, in other hands, not only receive a wholly different treatment and application, but lead to essentially different conclusions.
When you're with somebody for some years, sometimes you need a break from 'em. You grow in different directions. That's kind of what happened with me and the Eastside Boyz. They wanted to do different things than I wanted to do, so we separated.
You haven't seen untidiness until you've seen a room where gravity has failed twice in different directions.
No solution can ever be found by running in three different directions.
When things get heated, you are pulled in different directions, and you've to stand firm.
Was not a breakup, you know - is just going three different ways and sending the music in three different directions. Was just that my inspiration was growing, and my cup filled and runneth over... One man grow mango, another grow pear.
I enjoy directing. I don't know whether it's improving or not, but it's certainly evolving in different directions.
Men and women's needs and desires overlap but go in different directions as well.
If you explode onto the scene at a very young age, there are so many people pulling you in different directions. It takes time to recalibrate and see what's important.
It helps me rejuvenate when I use my energy in different directions and then come back to acting.
I was surprised that each expert cared for different images, and had varied suggestions for how to continue my work. If each expert had been my teacher, I would have pursued four different directions, and lost my way.
Baking and coding involve using the same parts of your brain and a lot of the same skills, like being able to follow directions or create directions in a very systematic way.
I like films that continue to spin your head in all sorts of different directions after you've seen them. — © Christopher Nolan
I like films that continue to spin your head in all sorts of different directions after you've seen them.
We walked to meet each other up at the time of our love and then we have been irresistibly drifting in different directions, and there's no altering that.
We go in there and we work on altering those ideas and in many cases go in different directions.
Turkey is a sovereign state, just like the U.S. We might go to different directions, in terms of our impressions and ideas, but we'll always remain friends.
When many different voices send you in different directions, you can't listen to your own.
That's kind of what we have here. I think we've just grown apart, we have different philosophies, and we're going in different directions.
I think it is said that Gauss had ten different proofs for the law of quadratic reciprocity. Any good theorem should have several proofs, the more the better. For two reasons: usually, different proofs have different strengths and weaknesses, and they generalise in different directions - they are not just repetitions of each other.
I'm just broadening my craft and stretching my skills a little bit in different directions.
The problem with West Indies cricket is that the talent is there but there is no cohesion. Everybody's pulling in different directions; the players, the selectors, the management.
Do not ask directions from the people around you. Ask directions from the person who called you.
If I grew up in a different background, I could see myself getting a gun and shooting an abortionist. That's my job, to imagine what could happen, what can make people go in different directions.
During those formative times, I really didn't know what was going on, and I was sort of torn in a thousand different directions with how I felt about what I was doing. — © Ariel Pink
During those formative times, I really didn't know what was going on, and I was sort of torn in a thousand different directions with how I felt about what I was doing.
Ah, we men and women are like ropes drawn tight with strain that pull us in different directions.
My agent and I try to be picky with roles so that I can drive my career in different directions and be different, creative characters. I want to be an actor for the rest of my life and to have fun with my career. So I told him that I wish I could do a movie that already has a fan base. And then 'Twilight' came along!
To me, the creative inspiration is endless and coming in all sorts of different directions at all times.
Actually, it's great to play with someone who tries to come up with interesting drum beats because it pushes the music in different directions.
The fact that different cultures have different practices no more refutes [moral] objectivism than the fact that water flows in different directions in different places refutes the law of gravity
Fate pulls you in different directions.
A lot of the qualities in 'Killing and Dying' is sort of a response to work I'd done previously. I wanted to push myself in some different directions.
It's my dream career to do as many different things as possible and for as long as possible, to stretch myself in as many different directions as I can.
The one close to me now; even my own body--these too will soon become clouds, floating in different directions.
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