Top 1200 Growing Economy Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Growing Economy quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
Today it's fashionable to talk about the New Economy, or the Information Economy, or the Knowledge Economy. But when I think about the imperatives of this market, I view today's economy as the Value Economy. Adding value has become more than just a sound business principle; it is both the common denominator and the competitive edge.
We want a strong, growing economy
America's economy is resilient, and I am confident that Republican pro-growth policies will continue to keep our economy growing - just as it has since after the September 2001 terrorist attacks.
I think most people, when they take a look at the candidates and the positions of the candidates, realize that protecting this country and keeping this economy going are the two most important issues. And you can't protect the country if you retreat from overseas, and you can't keep the economy growing if you raise taxes. And that's exactly what the Democrats in the House would like to do.
Yes, I think India's economy always has been a mixed economy, and by Western standards we are much more of a market economy than a public sector-driven economy. — © Manmohan Singh
Yes, I think India's economy always has been a mixed economy, and by Western standards we are much more of a market economy than a public sector-driven economy.
We're in a tightening cycle and the reason is the economy is growing, there's no expectation that the global economy and the Polish economy as a consequence could slow down dramatically.
When you get the economy growing, that's when you can deal with the national debt.
We cannot meet the needs of a growing country and a growing economy by simply maintaining our current level of effort. We must do more.
India's waste problem is gigantic, and with its economy growing steadily, it will be compounded manifold.
China is growing very quickly and is clearly becoming an important player in the world economy.
When your economy is not growing that fast, everybody's got to bite the bullet.
Most people think of the economy as producing goods and services and paying labor to buy what it produces. But a growing part of the economy in every country has been the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (FIRE) sector, which comprises the rent and interest paid to the economy's balance sheet of assets by debtors and rent payers.
My focus will be a strong and growing economy - so everyone who wants a job can find one.
We can't have extraordinary dynamism, innovation, and change in the economy and expect to have predictability and stability in our personal lives. It's not as if there are these big, giant institutions existing between us and the economy. In fact, these institutions have become tissue-thin. There is no mediation anymore. We are the economy; the economy is us.
It's true that redistributing income to the needy is politically easier in a growing economy than in a stagnant one. — © Robert Reich
It's true that redistributing income to the needy is politically easier in a growing economy than in a stagnant one.
I can tell you, Massachusetts, fastest growing sector of our economy is clean energy and energy efficiency companies. And they're growing faster than any other sector.
I have never believed we had to choose between either a clean and safe environment or a growing economy. Protecting the health and safety of all Americans doesn't have to come at the expense of our economy's bottom line. And creating thriving companies and new jobs doesn't have to come at the expense of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, or the natural landscape in which we live. We can, and indeed must, have both.
Empowering women in the workforce is a key to growing the economy and having a thriving middle class.
If we didn't have the rest of the world growing, the United States economy would be in much worse shape than it is today.
President Trump is growing the economy, growing our jobs market, creating new value in the stock market.
I really want to focus on economic growth and growing the economy.
Grow jobs. Get this economy growing. Raise wages. Simplify the tax system, so it's easy to comply with.
I'm growing fonder of my staff; I'm growing dimmer in the eyes; I'm growing fainter in my laugh; I'm growing deeper in my sighs; I'm growing careless of my dress; I'm growing frugal of my gold; I'm growing wise; I'm growing yes, I'm growing old!
The idea of a non-growing economy may be an anathema to an economist. But the idea of a continually growing economy is an anathema to an ecologist.
Even a China growing at 7% or indeed less is still adding to the world economy an economy equivalent to the UK or more.
The rich would do better with a smaller share of a rapidly growing economy then they're doing now with a large share of an economy that is barely growing at all.
The single greatest force for deficit reduction is a growing economy.
Elon just presented a plan for settling the solar system in this century that is realistic and affordable. In my paper, 'A Pathway to a Thriving Commercial Space Economy' at IAC, I also laid out a path forward to a growing economy in space that produces new opportunities for all.
When Indian economy was growing at the rate of 8 to 9 percent, I think everybody was quite happy. Even when there were defects in our policies, they were overlooked, and when the economy slows down, people try to find fault and excuses.
Deficits and debt threaten the growing American economy and our national security over the long term.
Despite the large number of mergers, and the growth in the absolute size of many corporations, the dominant tendency in the American economy at the beginning of [the 20th] century was toward growing competition. Competition was was not the existence of monopoly that caused the federal government to intervene in the economy, but the lack of it.
You don't grow the economy by growing government.
There's no way you can grow an economy with that, with that many people not working and not paying taxes, you can have any kind of government solvency, you can't have any kind of growing economy, which is exactly what the Democrats want, by the way. Much better for the Democrats that you don't work. The more you work, the less dependent on them you are. If this sounds hideous, I'm sorry, it's true.
To look at long term trends in our economy, in our society, in the international sphere and using my best judgment, shape policies that will serve the American people, keep them safe, keep our economy growing, put people back to work.
The world economy is growing so fast.
A growing, vibrant economy solves more problems than any government giveaway ever could.
When I was in government, the South African economy was growing at 4.5% - 5%. But then came the global financial crisis of 2008/2009, and so the global economy shrunk. That hit South Africa very hard, because then the export markets shrunk, and that includes China, which has become one of the main trade partners with South Africa. Also, the slowdown in the Chinese economy affected South Africa. The result was that during that whole period, South Africa lost something like a million jobs because of external factors.
There is no legislative change that can be made to make up for an economy that's not growing and not expanding.
I take no notice of trolls because my bank balance is growing and growing and growing and growing - they can troll me all they want.
The data show it's possible to grow the economy without growing pollution. — © Brian Deese
The data show it's possible to grow the economy without growing pollution.
When you take away the subsistence economy, then your farm population is seriously exposed to the vagaries of the larger economy. As it used to be, the subsistence economy carried people through the hard times, and what you might call the housewife's economy of cream and eggs often held these farms and their families together.
It is in our nations' interests to see a strong European Union with a growing economy, competitive on the world market.
The problem is that the economy isn't growing fast enough to accommodate the level of spending produced through the democratic process.
We are shrinking the size of the federal government as a percent of our economy from over 21 percent of the economy to 19 percent of the economy. At the same time, we're growing the private economy.
The Chinese economy is growing at the rate of 9 percent; the Indian economy growing at the rate of 8 percent - enormous I think opportunities for two-way flow of trade, technology and investment.
There'll be a growing disparity between economics and politics. An economy that grows so rapidly is intractably global. On the other hand, the current political system is intractably national. So there is a growing dichotomy between a global economy and locally based politics.
hy is it you can impose a new tax and keep your economy growing? Only if you cut other taxes by exactly the same amount. The problem with carbon taxes around the world has been you dump a new tax onto the economy and it's just adding more tax.
I believe that overall if you want a growing economy what you have got to have is sufficient flexibility to allow that to happen.
The demand for electricity to have a strong, growing economy is too great to be simply offset by more conservation.
Our view is that economic isolationism is the wrong way to go. Vibrant, successful growing economies that advance the interests of their citizens engage the global economy. And, we're committed to engaging the global economy.
Aggression at a time when the economy was growing at substantial rates and the retail lending as an industry was growing at a substantial rate was an appropriate aggression. Caution at a time when the economic environment is so uncertain is an appropriate caution.
People like Hillary Clinton think you grow the economy by growing Washington. — © Scott Walker
People like Hillary Clinton think you grow the economy by growing Washington.
When the economy is growing, there's a lot that can be done to deal with the deficit.
You don't get an economy growing by raising taxes.
We want an economy that grows health and wellbeing, not debt and carbon emissions. An economy that prepares and protects us from shocks to come, rather than making them worse. An economy that shares resources to meet all our needs, regardless of background. An economy that lets us live.
The economy working - the economy growing, corporations growing and hiring people and wage increases occurring - is the worst thing that can happen politically for the Democrat Party.
There are limits to what we can do. That's for sure. That is true. One of the downsides of a growing economy [is that] we're accommodating a lot more people. They're buying houses and the market is growing. That is part of the downside of that, but I think that all of us do have to decide to act on it.
There is a new economy out there, what I call the Crypto-Tech Economy, that could be as big, if not bigger, than the web economy. So we have to be prepared for it.
Instead of focusing on growing jobs and reigniting our economy, President Obama focused on growing government and tried to remake the United States into the image of the debt-laden countries of Europe. His approach has been more spending, more regulation, and higher taxes.
Growing up in Israel, how can I not be an optimist? When you remember what Israel was 50 years ago and you see Israel now, one of the most successful countries in the world, stable, democratic, with an enormously stable economy despite everything that has happened in the global economy in the last few years, how can I not be an optimist?
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