Top 437 Rocky Iv Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Rocky Iv quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
That was always the dream, wasn't it? 'I wish I'd known then what I know now'? But when you got older you found out that you NOW wasn't YOU then. You then was a twerp. You then was what you had to be to start out on the rocky road of becoming you now, and one of the rocky patches on that road was being a twerp.
Sports became a way for me to find my personality and identity in life. I had a lot of problems as a young kid like we all do with my own confidence, trying to grow up, and become a man and whatnot. Sports helped me get there. It helped me get my role in Rocky IV. It has helped me ever since in my movies and dealing with a lot of hard times between pictures and my life. I would say it's the one thing that's kept me going over the years.
DSM-IV is the fabrication upon which psychiatry seeks acceptance by medicine in general. Insiders know it is more a political than scientific document… DSM-IV has become a bible and a money making bestseller—its major failings notwithstanding.
I came up with this really crazy idea, this really small personal story that takes place in a universe that we are familiar with. Rocky is retired, kind of set adrift. He's very lonely in his world. His life has gone by waiting for the inevitable. It's not 'Rocky 7.'
The use of IV replacement of electrolytes and fluids should be in a time when someone is unable to keep fluids down. If your hangover is so bad that every time you drink a sip of Gatorade, you instantly vomit, and you're actively being dehydrated, absolutely you need replacement via an IV.
Usually when you have a sequel, the character always stays the same and that's true basically of 'Rocky III,' 'IV' and 'V.' He didn't really change. — © Irwin Winkler
Usually when you have a sequel, the character always stays the same and that's true basically of 'Rocky III,' 'IV' and 'V.' He didn't really change.
For the black man to come out superior would be against America's teachings. I have been so great in boxing they had to create an image like Rocky, a white image on the screen, to counteract my image in the ring. America has to have its white images, no matter where it gets them. Jesus, Wonder Woman, Tarzan and Rocky.
King's Quest IV was a much bigger hit than I, II, or III. I do feel that King's Quest IV was a pivotal game in bringing in more female players.
Twice a week I would receive injections or IV's of Factor VIII which clotted the blood and then broke it down.
He's Gandalf on crack and an IV of Red Bull, with a big leather coat and a .44 revolver in his pocket.
I drink Vitamin Water nonstop - I should have an IV.
In Philadelphia, there's no delineation, they address me as Rocky, for real. They'll say things like: "Rocky, do you like this coat?" Or: "Rock, say hi to my sister." Or: "Yo Rock, I know a great restaurant." There's no Sylvester. Even the Mayor goes: "It's good to have Rocky here today."
I care not who makes th' laws iv a nation, if I can get out an injunction.
I have watched 'Rocky' many times.
Last night I was struggling with a stomach ache, but [the trainer] gave me some medicine, an IV and I felt good out there today.
'Rocky' and 'Rocky III' were the best. — © Mr. T
'Rocky' and 'Rocky III' were the best.
After a match, my opponent goes to the hospital and gets an IV and I have a martini.
The three things that are most essential to achievement are common sense, hard work and stick-to-it-iv-ness.
Marijuana you can give up, Iv given it up for fifteen years now and it never occurs to me to smoke it anymore.
More money has been lost trying to imitate 'Rocky' than 'Rocky' has made.
...Dean Mohamet, a Muslim landowner from Patna who had followed his British patron to Ireland. There he soon eloped with, and later marries, Jean Daly, from a leading Anglo-Irish family.... In 1807 Dean Mohamet moved to London where he opened the country's first Indian owned curry restaurant, Dean Mohamet's Hindoostanee Coffee House :...He finally decamped to Brighton where he opened what can only be described as Britain's first oriental massage parlour and became "Shampooing Surgeon to Kings George IV and William IV. "
I want to finish my career in Seattle but it's rocky.
The genius' behind the new Rocky movie decided to call it Rocky Balboa so that we'll probably forget that it's number six. Or Rocky Balboa can't count past five.
In my career, whether it's a big or a small movie, when I've worked on something for a long time, like [Ivan] Drago in Rocky IV, they start to take on a life of their own.
Histhry is a post-mortem examination. It tellsye what a counthry died iv. But I'd like to know what it lived iv.
I can adapt to any environment or any situation I need to, so I am ready to go to Russia. You take what you get or start crying about it, but I am re-doing 'Rocky IV.' I am doing the black 'Rocky.'
Do Roman paramedics refer to IV’s as '4's'?
Training and working in Philadelphia is a very unusual situation because that city does believe that Rocky is real. No one calls me Sylvester, it's Rocky.
I worked with Rocky Graziano and Rocky was certainly a character.
Music in Rocky has always been pivotal.
I have all kinds of chest injuries; I tore my vein during 'Rocky II' and had 60 stitches. If you've seen 'Rocky Balboa,' you'll know how bad they look.
The problem with our churches today is that the lead pastor is some sissy boy who wears cardigan sweaters, has The Carpenters dialed in on his iPod, gets his hair cut at a salon instead of a barber shop, hasn’t been to an Ultimate Fighting match, works out on an elliptical machine instead of going to isolated regions of Russia like in Rocky IV in order to harvest lumber with his teeth, and generally swishes around like Jack from Three’s Company whenever Mr. Roper was around.
iv. who was it who invented size zero? who was it who promised that if you got to a certain point you would no longer be?
Once you've got the makings of a star, gravity draws leftover gas and dust into a giant swirling disk. The dust continues to stick together, clumping into rocky asteroids, which eventually become orbiting rocky planets. And voila: a solar system!
To a person sitting quietly at home, Rocky Mountain traveling, like Rocky Mountain scenery, must seem very monotonous; but not so to me, to whom the pure, dry mountain air is the elixir of life.
Right now we're working on finishing up Pirates! for the Xbox, we're developing Civilization IV and we've got a couple other games in development that we'll tell you about soon.
'Rocky' is a movie that just happens to be about boxing. It's really about characters and story lines and relationships and all those things, and the backdrop is boxing. You can go back and watch the final fight in 'Rocky' a thousand times. If you dig that movie, if you like the characters, you'll watch the whole movie over and over.
Joe Louis is the greatest heavyweight champion of all time. Rocky Marciano is second only to Louis. Where do I rate Ali? Somewhere below me. I beat him, and if I could beat him, no doubt Joe Louis and Rocky Marciano could have beaten him.
I like 'Rocky Horror.'
Henri IV's feet and armpits enjoyed an international reputation.
Shortly before I turned 37 and my older daughter turned 3, I was diagnosed with breast cancer: stage III of IV. — © Kelly Corrigan
Shortly before I turned 37 and my older daughter turned 3, I was diagnosed with breast cancer: stage III of IV.
Winter Wonderland is on my hand, it's kinda rocky
I said to Scott that the ascent seemed to be going slowly and that I was concerned descending climbers could possibly run out of oxygen before their return to camp IV.
When I got cast in 'Rocky IV,' I had never seen a film camera before. And here I was in this boxing movie.
I think in 'Rocky IV' there are three montages with three five-minute songs, which is insane. You can't do that today.
Folks, Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from Alaska. Mitt Romney talks like he's only seen Russia by watching 'Rocky IV.'
I have been so great in boxing they had to create an image like Rocky, a white image on the screen, to counteract my image in the ring. America has to have its white images, no matter where it gets them. Jesus, Wonder Woman, Tarzan and Rocky.
I know a little bit about handicapping. If the horse has an IV, you want to stay - away from it.
I would love to play Henry IV, Henry V, and Hamlet.
The character of Rocky was built on the idea that he was chosen to do something. That's why the first image in Rocky is the picture of Christ.
The Kaws IV is terrible. That's a bad hoop shoe. That suede rubs against your feet. I had to triple my socks. The leather on the inside is a no-go. — © P. J. Tucker
The Kaws IV is terrible. That's a bad hoop shoe. That suede rubs against your feet. I had to triple my socks. The leather on the inside is a no-go.
If my name were John D Smith IV I wouldn't have been elected to anything.
I had talked for years about doing a restaurant with Rocky Dudum, who's been my friend since I first came to San Francisco. Then Rocky's son, Jeff, said he wanted to design it, so he traveled around the country to sports restaurants like Mickey Mantle's and Michael Jordan's, and he came up with a great concept.
'Rocky' is an incredibly human story, and 'Creed' is very inspired by the Rocky lore, but there's something kind of profound in letting it all go. This is the first time I'm co-writing, and I'm learning as I go. This process is so different from 'Fruitvale'; hopefully it gets made.
My favorite movie of all time is 'Rocky.'
There'll never be a 'Rocky IV.' You gotta call a halt.
I am a fan of the 'Rocky' films, and 'Rocky 4' is my favourite. I also like 'The Warriors.'
Every company has a rocky beginning.
When the Prince of Wales [later King George IV] and the Duke of York went to visit their brother Prince William [later William IV]at Plymouth, and all three being very loose in their manners, and coarse in their language, Prince William said to his ship's crew, "now I hope you see that I am not the greatest blackguard of my family.
I'm the Rocky of MMA.
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