Top 205 Suicidal Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Suicidal quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
I won't say I wouldn't be grateful and happy and delighted and thrilled to bits to receive a nomination. But I wouldn't be suicidal if it didn't happen.
Any evaluation which implies rightness or wrongness is a tragic, suicidal expression of an unmet need. Tragic, first because it decreases our likelihood of getting our need met! Even if we think it. And secondly, because it increases the likelihood of violence. That's why I'm suggesting any evaluation which implies rightness or wrongness is a tragic, suicidal expression of an unmet need. Say the need! Learn a need-consciousness.
I'm usually called upon to play the dreary suicidal girl. — © Hope Davis
I'm usually called upon to play the dreary suicidal girl.
Taking risks is not being suicidal. Otherwise, skydivers need serious help.
That's what happens if you don't address the darkness in you. You become repressed and depressed and suicidal.
Every one of our sinful actions has a suicidal power on the faculties that put that action forth. When you sin with the mind, that sin shrivels the rationality. When you sin with the heart or the emotions, that sin shrivels the emotions. When you sin with the will, that sin destroys and dissolves your willpower and your self-control. Sin is the suicidal action of the self against itself. Sin destroys freedom because sin is an enslaving power.
Anyone who suggests that coming back from suicidal despair is a straightforward journey has never taken it.
Children are f - king crazy. They're also suicidal.
The person who is really in revolt is the optimist, who generally lives and dies in a desperate and suicidal effort to persuade other people how good they are.
I considered calling Grace to ask her what I should say to a reticent suicidal werewolf, but I'd left my phone somewhere. Car, maybe.
For a while I was suicidal and I tried to kill myself. I think I should have died about four times.
I think the human species is very suicidal.
The mentality which made one section of the Indians look upon another as enemies was suicidal; it could only serve to perpetuate their slavery. — © Mahatma Gandhi
The mentality which made one section of the Indians look upon another as enemies was suicidal; it could only serve to perpetuate their slavery.
The work in S, M, L, XL was almost suicidal. It required so much effort that our office almost went bankrupt.
I think that's part of the whole denial and suicidal mechanism [ of the human's race] right "Oh my God, the house is on fire." You sleep through the smoke.
If you're suicidal, and you don't actually kill yourself, you become known as 'wry.
Not everything Jace did was insane and suicidal, she reminded herself. It just seemed that way. -Clary, pg.46-
Any good Irwin can make going to the corner store for a candy bar and a Coke lood death defying and suicidal.
There are people who are just suicidal, regardless. They are built to self-destruct. It seems, in my family, like a virus that's resistant to any kind of help or care or medication.
Suicidal terrorists may have short shelf lives.
I'm a decent sprinter and I can gun a motorcycle from zero to suicidal in less than ten seconds.
I'm not glorifying it at all, I'm just basically telling you that sometimes I have suicidal thoughts. And maybe I should seek help, or maybe it's not that deep.
I'm not telling you that suicidal people aren't so far away from people who can get by; I'm telling you that people who can get by aren't so far away from being suicidal.
In advertising, not to be different is virtually suicidal.
You don't get a lot of suicidal vampires.
Suicidal thinking, if serious, can be a kind of death scare, comparable to suffering a heart attack or undergoing a cancer operation. One survives such a phase both warier and chastened. When-ten years ago-I emerged from a bad dip into suicidal speculation, I felt utterly exhausted and yet quite fearless of ordinary dangers, vastly afraid of myself but much less scared of extraneous eventualities.
I felt suicidal. I couldn't stop crying. I remember thinking, wouldn't it be great if the car crashed and I died?
Well, darkness with humor... I'm not an extremely suicidal or sad person.
Before economics can progress, it must abandon its suicidal formalism.
When the human race neglects its weaker members, when the family neglects its weakest one - it's the first blow in a suicidal movement.
The denial of language is a suicidal one and we pay for it with our own lives.
People who express suicidal feelings are least likely to act on them.
Gambling is not as destructive as war or as boring as pornography. It is not as immoral as business or as suicidal as watching television. And the percentages are better than religion.
I suffered from severe depression for over a decade. My condition deteriorated steadily. I was suicidal.
It would be simply suicidal to French Canadians to form a party by themselves.
While I respect suicidal tendencies on most days, you’d do well to remember who you’re addressing and, more to the point, what I can do to you. No one says you have to go back to Tartarus in one piece. (Acheron)
So there might be a kind of collective effort that allows for those risks to be taken, pose a certain danger but not a suicidal one.
Don’t be stupid, Jess.” – Abigail “Brains don’t exactly run in my family. Suicidal lunacy, on the other hand…” – Sundown — © Sherrilyn Kenyon
Don’t be stupid, Jess.” – Abigail “Brains don’t exactly run in my family. Suicidal lunacy, on the other hand…” – Sundown
'Green' is likely to be a big issue in the 2008 U.S. presidential election - largely in response to George Bush's suicidal refusal to engage with environmental issues.
A successful suicide demands good organization and a cool head, both of which are usually incompatible with the suicidal state of mind.
Hatred is always self hatred, and there is something suicidal about it.
I don't watch cable news at night. So I can honestly tell you that I am not in a funk, I am not depressed, I'm not suicidal, I'm not thinking it's over.
I don't want people to be suicidal. I want them to be energized and angry.
Your plans are suicidal. At best.
Suicidal glory is the luxury of the irresponsible.
In advertising not to be different is virtually suicidal.
My death will be caused by morphine, which I have deliberately taken with suicidal intent.
My first poem was a bolt from the blue … it broke a spell of disillusion and suicidal despondence. ... it filled me with soul satisfying joy. — © William Carlos Williams
My first poem was a bolt from the blue … it broke a spell of disillusion and suicidal despondence. ... it filled me with soul satisfying joy.
It's politically impossible for any member of Congress to make a public statement condemning or criticizing the policies of Israel. It would be political suicidal for them to do so.
I guess I'm a hopeful optimist, because to be a pessimist is to be suicidal.
For the artist to attach himself to his work, or identify himself with it, is suicidal.
New York is the Hollywood of the publishing industry, complete with stars, starlets, suicidal publishers/producers, intrigues, and a lot of money.
It will be very foolhardy and suicidal for a country like India to forgo food security.
It is suicidal for other runners to copy my hill sessions without adequate background.
I never knew Kurt to be suicidal. I just knew that he was going through a really tough time.
Beautiful girls. They only want to do you dirt. They'll have you suicidal, suicidal when they say it's over.
Comedians on the stage are invariably suicidal when they get home.
The most fatal mistake of this Israeli military junta is that they have the complex of the arrogance of power. This is their suicidal mistake.
Each suicidal drama occurs in the mind of a unique individual.
Responsible statesmen have only one choice - to do everything possible to prevent a nuclear catastrophe. Any other position is short-sighted; more so, it is suicidal.
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