Top 1200 Family Holiday Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Family Holiday quotes.
Last updated on October 10, 2024.
For a perfect holiday I need my iPhone and my writing tools. I write all my books by hand so black felt pens and yellow legal pads are a must. And my eyebrow pencil. I'm very low-maintenance.
Fetty Wap's not one person. Fetty Wap consists of a tight family. When I go out as Fetty Wap, I represent the whole family. The family is RGF [Fetty's original label, RGF Productions].
The ill-informed masses included her own family among their ranks, a family that specialized in being both inconvenient and asinine. — © Gail Carriger
The ill-informed masses included her own family among their ranks, a family that specialized in being both inconvenient and asinine.
The pursuit of natural knowledge, the investigation of the world - mental and material - in which we live, is not a dull and spiritless affair: rather is it a voyage of adventure of the human mind, a holiday for reckless and imaginative souls.
It seems to be the way I get jobs - I book a holiday, I get to the other side of the world, then I'll get the job.
On his contract negotiations with the Devils: It's beyond money at this point. They're not even treating him as a member of their family, unless it's a dysfunctional family.
Not a manager or an executive yet? It's not too early to practice. Many companies are always looking for people to volunteer to help coordinate happy hours, onboard new employees, or plan the holiday party.
When I look back I can tell that after I started having a family, I certainly wanted to make games that could be played with all the family members.
Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice.
Have I missed a national holiday? There must be celebrations in the streets for you to be home at this hour of the day." "I'm calling it Summerset Goes Mute Day. The city's gone mad with joy.
I wouldn't say I'm fixated on describing any kind of relationship whether it is a father and a son, or a family. I don't like it when people say that I'm particularly following the same line or that I'm only interested in family dramas. I'm interested in human relationships. The most intimate, the most delicate, and the most intriguing relationships are those within a family.
I didn't marry into the Kennedy family, I married Anthony Radziwill. I'm proud of him and his family, the Radziwills. They exist, they're real, and they are separate from the Kennedys.
I've never stayed in a tent or a caravan in my life, and I never joined the Boy Scouts. I don't see the point of going on holiday to enjoy less comfort than I have at home.
Camphor Cinema is nothing but an extension of family - courteous, kind, joyous and focused. It is like a close-knit family working hard for a celebration. — © Thalaivasal Vijay
Camphor Cinema is nothing but an extension of family - courteous, kind, joyous and focused. It is like a close-knit family working hard for a celebration.
I never realized how many holidays encroached on the collegiate training schedule. When I was training for the Olympics, only one holiday interested me, the Day After the Games.
Our family makes us who we are, defines us totally. When you go to a therapist or have analysis, whatever reason you go in for, they will always bring you back to your family. We're strong or weak according to what family we have. You might have left them long ago, might not even talk to them, but something lingers; we have no choice.
I feel like it's really kind of a sit-down album, much in the same way I imagine Billie Holiday or someone sitting down in the studio and singing.
[Billie Holiday] was keeping it super real, and you can feel that to this day. Everything that she sang, she believed in. So I had to pick songs that I felt the same about.
We don't have the family organization the way we used to. My father lives with us because we have the room. The greatest of all opportunities for our children is a complete family unit.
There's no way to measure or properly express what a family like mine can mean. Mom, Dad, Cooper, Eli, extended family, you are the best.
I went to America on holiday when I was 17 and, before I knew it, I'd been signed up by an agency and had these obligations I didn't understand, but which I couldn't say no to. This industry chose me. But I did choose to make it fulfilling.
I've said it many times before, but family is the most important thing to me, and I want a partner who feels that same importance in meeting family.
I see my family every day and I'm starting my own family now. I'm very thankful and grateful and there's nothing but positivity and love in my life.
I felt like you can write forever, but you have a short time to raise a family. And I think a family is a lot more important than writing.
I wanted some family structure and stability, and thats what The Partridge Family afforded me, not only financially but in the fact that I could be at home with my kids.
I don't know many people who don't have somebody in their family who's a part of the gay-lesbian-bisexual-transgender community. It's not like they're aliens or outsiders. This is family.
Every Christmas now for years, I have found myself wondering about the point of the celebration. As the holiday has become more ecumenical and secular, it has lost much of the magic that I remember so fondly from childhood.
Boy meets girl. Boy marries girl. Boy and girl angst over which family they visit at Thanksgiving and which one in December and whether or not it's best to serve turkey or goose for the family feast. When first faced with the reality that the family you married into does things differently, the warmth of tradition can take on a chill.
Fashion is a real passion in my family. I never even realised it was something glamorous until much later. For me, it was my family's job.
I think I was raised in a solidly upper-middle class family who had really strong values and excess was not one of the things that my family put up with.
In one family, all goes by two and two. If a member of it has any interest, he or she will confide it to some one other; but the rest know nothing. In another family, all feel what touches one; nothing is kept dark from the father and mother, brothers and sisters--all share. This family habit is by far the better, it strengthens the tie between the members, and makes the home one home.
All my books draw heavily on my own experiences, and these are not just places I have gone to on holiday, they're locations I know them intimately from lengthy expeditions, most of which have been spent on the hunt for wildlife.
Wednesdays were the best thing about Atlantis. The middle of the week was a traditional holiday there. Everyone stopped work and celebrated the fact that half the week was over.
A systemic cleansing and detox is definitely the way to go after each holiday. It is the key to fighting high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and other health-related illnesses.
I never thought I would become an actress. I always wanted to get into politics, and I moved to Argentina and worked for the U.S. embassy for a bit. It sort of happened upon me when I was home for the holiday - acting, that is - and I stuck with it.
'Lucky Us' ends with a description of a photograph of the novel's fictional family. I could never get enough of my own family photo albums.
I was a 12 year old kid in Northern Idaho listening to Billie Holiday and Lena Horne and Sarah Vaughan and Nat King Cole. This whole genre of music is a part of who I am.
What we often take to be family values--the work ethic, honesty, clean living, marital fidelity, and individual responsibility--are in fact social, religious, or cultural values. To be sure, these values are transmitted by parents to their children and are familial in that sense. They do not, however, originate within the family. It is the value of close relationships with other family members, and the importance of these bonds relative to other needs.
I'm really happy in Liverpool and the club feels such a family. I feel great, I have a nice house and my family have been here from the beginning so they could help me. — © Royston Drenthe
I'm really happy in Liverpool and the club feels such a family. I feel great, I have a nice house and my family have been here from the beginning so they could help me.
I love, when I'm on holiday in cities, going into church and feeling that reverence and that kind of automatic respect: the sort of magic which exists in those kind of religious temples.
To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others.
I was not very keen on joining the family business... there were 14 family members working together, and it worried me that I would not have enough individuality.
But with two boys and a new puppy, we don't get out much. We're usually home doing stuff together as a family, like watching 'Modern Family.'
I went to boarding school in the country, so there's no real differentiation between family and friends. I went there from when I was 8 until I was 17 - it was insane. If you earn my friendship, you are my family, and I'll do anything for you.
I constantly work at maintaining balance. For me, my family comes first. If my family is taken care of, then everything else usually falls into place.
When I have a family someday, I'll probably adopt. Adoption has always been something close to my heart. There are so many kids out there who really need a family.
I adore cooking and baking and holiday feasts and dining with friends and spending too much money on mind-blowing meals in wonderful restaurants, but mostly, and quite simply, I love food.
Halloween is a liberal holiday because we're teaching our children to beg for something for free. … We're teaching kids to knock on other people's doors and ask for a handout.
I quite like the idea of family. That's probably the greatest achievement in the world. I've got a lot to achieve workwise - I'd love to direct - but family would be good.
Unfair servicing practices can worsen a family's already difficult economic situation, and the injury echoes from the family to the community and ultimately throughout the economy.
I was going to be the head wrangler at a ranch in Wyoming, and the reason I didn't take the job is because I couldn't have my family there - the family had to stay in town. I just wasn't willing to do that.
One of the wonderful things about this glorious holiday trip I'm on is that I'm in public with people. It hasn't been inclined... I don't know - something to do with the death of my wife. It's inclined to make me isolated.
I don't like to camp. Early on, Mars is going to be camping. I think there are people far better suited to do that than me. But when the first Holiday Inn Express shows up, maybe I'll go.
Personally, I don't take holidays; I go on trips. My idea of relaxing is taking a trip that isn't commissioned. I'll work just as hard, but without that nagging pressure of fulfilling a commission. Now that's what I call a holiday.
When liberals finally grasped the strength of popular feeling about the family, they cried to appropriate the rhetoric and symbolism of family values for their own purposes.
Talent is hereditary; it may be the common possession of a whole family (eg, the Bach family); genius is not transmitted; it is never diffused, but is strictly individual.
If I could give one piece of advice, it would be 'If you're angry with a family member, talk to God about it, not the other members of your family.' — © Deborah Raney
If I could give one piece of advice, it would be 'If you're angry with a family member, talk to God about it, not the other members of your family.'
Puthagam' can be tagged as a complete family entertainer, and the reason I call it the same is because I always wanted to make films that I can watch with my entire family.
What's the reason I'm playing basketball? I do it because I love it, I do it because of my family, and that's it. I don't do it because of the money. I don't do it because of the fame. I just do it because I love it, and I do it for my family because my family enjoys it.
Festive seasons are good for releases, but we have to leave some festival dates for other producers to release their films as well. We cannot take away all the holiday releases.
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