Top 1200 Heart Beat Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Heart Beat quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
There is no end of things in the heart. ...she understood it to mean that if you took something to heart, really brought it inside those red velvet folds, then it would always be there for you. No matter what happened, it would be there waiting. She said this could mean a person, a place, a dream. A mission. Anything sacred. She told me that it is all connected in those secret folds. Always. It is all part of the same and will always be there, carrying the same beat as your heart.
Every heart that has beat strongly and cheerfully has left a hopeful impulse behind it in the world, and bettered the tradition of mankind.
I don't like pre-written raps; I think it makes the song better if you listen to the beat first. In a sense, you have to make a marriage with the beat. I ride the beat, hear the flow of the drums, get the melody of my flow, and then from that point, it's a process of what I want to say.
When we turn to our innate wisdom for the harmony of mind and gut, we heal the entrance to the heart as it seeks to beat in rhythm with the world. — © Stephen Levine
When we turn to our innate wisdom for the harmony of mind and gut, we heal the entrance to the heart as it seeks to beat in rhythm with the world.
Do you think anger is a sincere emotion or the timid motion of a fragile heart trying to beat away its pain?
your morse code interferes with my heart beat. I had a steady heart before you, I replied upon it, it had seen active service and grown strong. Now you alter its pace with your own rhythm you play upon me, drumming me taught.
The happiest heart that ever beat Was in some quiet breast That found the common daylight sweet, And left to Heaven the rest.
Unlike curing cancer or heart disease, we already know how to beat hunger: food.
With each beat, the heart pumps nearly three ounces of blood into the arteries--seventy-five to ninety gallons an hour when the body is at rest.
He felt his heart, which no longer beat, contract, and he wondered if there was anything in the world as painful as not being able to protect the people you loved.
Extinguish my eyes, I'll go on seeing you. Seal my ears, I'll go on hearing you. And without feet I can make my way to you, without a mouth I can swear your name. Break off my arms, I'll take hold of you with my heart as with a hand. Stop my heart, and my brain will start to beat. And if you consume my brain with fire, I'll feel you burn in every drop of my blood.
Could a dead, frozen heart beat again? It felt like mine was about to.
If you constantly beat yourself up with negative thoughts, you will either beat up on the people around you- verbally, emotionally, or physically- or you will beat up on yourself by destroying some area of your own life.
My heart beat Beats me senselessly Why's everything Gotta be so intense with me. — © Katy Perry
My heart beat Beats me senselessly Why's everything Gotta be so intense with me.
It's rooted in my blood to consume you and be consumed by you. To protect you. To please you, in every way. To make you shiver when I touch you. To cause your heart to beat faster.
It is still beautiful to hear the heart beat but often the shadow seems more real than the body.
Bill Ward, when you hear his beats, he's not just playing a straight 4/4 beat; he's doing almost a hip-hop beat. There's a song called 'Sweet Leaf.' The drum beat that he's playing, he's trying to kind of swing and funkify it. Now, is he doing a great job of it? Maybe not. Maybe.
I laugh maniacally, then take a deep breath and touch my chest- expecting a heart to be thumping quickly, impatiently, but there's nothing there, not even a beat.
Maybe I'm damned if I do, but with every other beat I got left in my heart, you know I'd rather be damned with you.
Under her palm, his heart beat strong and sure. It was such a human sound, so honest, so real.
I tell myself, 'You're too fast, you're too strong, you're too quick. You can't be broken, you can't be beat. If you can't be broken, you can't be beat.' And I just beat it into my head.
I don't have to beat you. I don't have to beat you, motherfucker. I just have to keep you here... until Jean shows up.
O pastoral heart of England! like a psalm Of green days telling with a quiet beat.
There's no strategy involved in my career decisions. I do whatever roles make my heart beat faster.
Each beat of your heart is a small miracle, you know, so don't get carried away.
If you were to press your heart close up against somebody else’s heart eventually your hearts will start beating at the same time. And two little babies in an incubator, their hearts will beat at the same time. Love that. So if you have somebody in your life that is prone to anxiety, like myself, and if you happen to be a calm person, you could come up and hug me heart to heart and my heart hopefully would slow to yours. And I just love that idea. Or maybe yours would speed up to mine. But either way, we’ll be there together.
But that isn't right. The King of Beasts shouldn't be a coward,'" said the Scarecrow. 'I know it,' returned the Lion, wiping a tear from his eye with the tip of his tail. 'It is my great sorrow, and makes my life very unhappy. But whenever there is danger, my heart begins to beat fast.' 'Perhaps you have heart disease,' said the Tin Woodman. 'It may be,' said the Lion.
I get crazy in a bookstore. It makes my heart beat hard because I want to buy everything.
My heart shifted a little in my chest; it seemed to swell and beat against my bones until I couldn't hear.
I gave thee what could not be heard What had not been given before The beat of my heart I gave !
To forgive is wisdom, to forget is genius. And easier. Because it's true. It's a new world every heart beat.
I got a phone call saying we are from the News of the World, and we're exposing you and David Beckham. My heart did not beat for a minute.
O most sacred, most loving heart of Jesus, thou art concealed in the Holy Eucharist, and thou beatest for us still.... Thou art the heart of the Most High made man.... Thy Sacred Heart is the instrument and organ of Thy love. It did beat for us. It yearned for us. It ached for our salvation. It was on fire through zeal, that the glory of God might be manifested in and by us.... In worshipping thee I worship my incarnate God, my Emmanuel
Weakness actually is a provocative to evil. You don't beat evil with weakness. You don't beat evil with concessions. You don't beat radical Islam by giving them more territory, giving them more money. You beat evil by strength.
Lord #? God , I praise Your Holy Name. Let every beat of my heart be a note of love in the symphony of my life.
I think your heart dances to the beat of your own drum, and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.
You need to go out to the game and just understand you need to beat your opponent. With all of the respect, because you need to have respect for your opponent, but you need to beat them. If you don't beat them, they will beat you.
I have a heart to be stabbed in or shot in, I have no doubt, and, of course, if it ceased to beat, I would cease to be. But you know what I mean. I have no softness there, no—sympathy—sentiment—nonsense.
When the heart stops for one beat it is desire, when it stops for one life time it is love — © Lucy Powell
When the heart stops for one beat it is desire, when it stops for one life time it is love
whiskey makes the heart beat faster but it sure doesn't help the mind and isn't it funny how you can ache just from the deadly drone of existence?
She is so stubborn, her heart has an argument with her head every time it wants to beat.
I have to remind myself to breathe -- almost to remind my heart to beat!
Are we biology or God or something higher? I know my heart beats and I listen to it. The beat is biology, but what is the song?
You must walk to the beat of a different drummer. The same beat that the wealthy hear. If the beat sounds normal, evacuate the dance floor immediately! The goal is to not be normal, because as my radio listeners know, normal is broke.
And my heart beat faster for the mountains of eastern Europe, finally, beat faster for the one hope that somewhere we might find in that primitive countryside the answer to why under God this suffering was allowed to exist - why under God it was allowed to begin, and how under God it might be ended. I had not the courage to end it, I knew, without that answer.
I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat of my heart, the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind.
When schools truly become centers of the community, where you have extraordinary teachers, the best teachers, the best principals, great nonprofit partners coming in during the non-school hours to support and do enrichment activities, social services, then those students will beat the odds, will beat poverty, will beat violence in the community, will beat sometimes dysfunctional families, and be productive citizens long term. They will go to college.
The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy, or passion.
P90X and Insanity are awesome workouts for young guys who aren't beat up. DDPYoga is for guys who are beat up. It's the fountain of youth for beat-up guys. — © Diamond Dallas Page
P90X and Insanity are awesome workouts for young guys who aren't beat up. DDPYoga is for guys who are beat up. It's the fountain of youth for beat-up guys.
At the end of the day, I choose something that makes my heart beat, that I can relate to, that's very complex, or human.
The writing process, the way I go about it is I do whatever the beat feels like, whatever the beat is telling me to do. Usually when the beat comes on, I think of a hook or the subject I want to rap about almost instantly. Within four, eight bars of it playing I'm just like, 'Oh, OK. This is what I wanna do'.
I never went into a tournament or round of golf thinking I had to beat a certain player. I had to beat the golf course. If I prepared myself for a major, went in focused, and then beat the golf course, the rest took care of itself.
Drum sound rises on the air, its throb, my heart. A voice inside the beat says, "I know you're tired, but come. This is the way.
This organ deserves to be styled the starting point of life and the sun of our microcosm just as much as the sun deserves to be styled the heart of the world. For it is by the heart's vigorous beat that the blood is moved, perfected, activated, and protected from injury and coagulation. The heart is the tutelary deity of the body, the basis of life, the source of all things, carrying out its function of nourishing, warming, and activating body as a whole. But we shall more fittingly speak of these matters when we consider the final cause of this kind of movement.
The heavens and earth stay as they were; my heart Beats as it beat: the truth remains the truth.
Singing in front of people. It's like having your heart beat outside of you.
I couldn't beat Michael Phelps. A couple of years ago, I was racing against him and it just kinda dawned on me during the race that there was no chance I was gonna beat this guy. And so I said, if you can't beat him, find a race that he won't swim.
Momentum was momentum, whether you found it in music or on the street or in the beat of your own heart.
...all of our laments could not add a single second to her life, not one additional beat of the heart, nor a breath.
I try to make my heart beat out of my chest, hard-core, once a day for at least a half hour. I think that's very important.
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