Top 100 Folding Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Folding quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I'm constantly paranoid that I'll be unemployed for the rest of my life... and have to go back folding shirts at the Gap, which you know... you gotta do what you gotta do.
Texas hold 'em is all about folding and waiting for that time that comes up every hour or two where you actually have an advantage and you can press it.
I love folding clothes just out of the dryer because they smell so amazing. — © Camilla Luddington
I love folding clothes just out of the dryer because they smell so amazing.
We were lounging around in this beautiful house in LA, and I'm coming from NY, so sometimes when we weren't working I would just sit on those folding chairs.
Never trust the food in a restaurant on top of the tallest building in town that spends a lot of time folding napkins.
I'm a horrible control freak. It's awful! I'm nice, but if someone is folding some sheets while I am playing the guitar, I keep one eye on the way that they are folding the sheets.
I hate libraries for the way they put stickers on things. I don't approve of folding over pages, or of writing in books. God, forget scissors - that's beyond the pale.
Knowledge and the study of God's Word is voided by the folding of unwilling hands.
In 1970, I had begun work on the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor which has later become the model compound for the development of protein NMR, molecular dynamics, and experimental folding studies in other laboratories.
Because memory is time folding back on itself. To remember is to disengage from the present. In order to reach any kind of success in automobile racing, a driver must never remember.
In a Cafe" I watched a man in a cafe fold a slice of bread as if he were folding a birth certificate or looking at the photograph of a dead lover.
[M]emory is time folding back on itself. To remember is to disengage from the present.
I remember walking out in front of that crowd, all the parents faces and the applause, and folding my little self in half and thinking, I could get used to this. And I just never stopped.
There are moments when the grief comes bubbling up. The first time I saw Chris's chair empty, that was really hard. And it was hard when I started folding up some of his sweaters that I so imagine him wearing.
As the world becomes ever more crowded, so folding will become ever more important. — © Guy Browning
As the world becomes ever more crowded, so folding will become ever more important.
The prime feature in Cornish geology is the upheaval of the granite, distorting, folding back, and altering the superincumbent beds.
Americans are less mystical about what produced their inland or meadow courses; they are the product of the bulldozerm rotary ploughs, mowers, sprinkler systems and alarmingly generous wads of folding money.
I try to pack light with a folding leather suit bag. Anything more than five days, I need to check in my luggage. What takes the most space? Chef jackets, aprons and tools.
Mom, is the world coming to an end?" Jonny asked, picking up the plate of cookies and ramming one into his mouth. "No, it isn'T," Mom said, folding her lawn chair and carrying it to the front of the house. "And yes, you do have to go to school tomorrow.
When I was a teenager, I worked at the Gap for a summer folding shirts. That was pretty mindless and soul-sucking.
Television is a very intimate experience. It's in your home, you watch it in your PJs and while you're folding towels.
Death and pain dominate this world, for though many are cured, they leave still weak, still tremulous, still knowing mortality has whispered to them; have seen in the folding of white bedspreads according to rule the starched pleats of a shroud.
The opening and the folding flowers, that laugh to the summer's day.
I'm not messy. I'm rebelling against folding.
If they don't give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.
I'm almost thirty and my day job is folding shirts at the Gap. Have you seen my room? I'm not messy. I'm rebelling against folding.
I worked odd jobs delivering pizza, folding chairs, telemarketing, selling kitchen cutlery door to door.
apparel, n.: There are times I don’t mind doing the laundry, because folding your clothes reminds me of the shape of you.
Why should I pay the bums all that good folding money and then go out and do all the work myself?
I'm usually busy - if you call me at the house, I get about four phone calls there a year - I'm usually running around the house with a pen in my mouth holding onto something, folding it, or doing something to it, and it's always a bad time.
I'm folding up my little dreams Within my heart tonight, And praying I may soon forget The torture of their sight.
Even if you start your laundry before 8 AM on Saturday, you will not finish folding it until after midnight on Sunday.
There's nothing quite as good as folding up into a book and shutting the world outside.If I pick the right one I can be beautiful, or fall in love, or live happily ever after. Maybe even all three.
When my reading ability is sharp, I can dodge bullets, baby! I have no problem folding super-strong hands and that saves me a ton of chips.
Within the next few decades, autos will have folding wings that can be spread when on a straight stretch of road so that the machine can take to the air.
By coincidence, this particular tiny show on earth that consists entirely of me talking about sports on NPR is also folding its tent flaps this May of 2017. Yes, this is my swansong, my farewell, my last hurrah. Adieu, adios, arrivederci, auf wiedersehen.
I see an ocean that’s spilled out of a wineglass, its body clear and sparkling and folding over itself. I see a ribbon of sand.
Quench love, and what is left of a man's life but the folding of a few jointed bones and square inches of flesh? Who would call that life? — © John Muir
Quench love, and what is left of a man's life but the folding of a few jointed bones and square inches of flesh? Who would call that life?
More than anything, people want the reality of the discussion at hand. If what is going on in that building is the real thing, if the transforming love and power of Jesus Christ is being experienced, you can sit on a metal folding chair or in a plush theater seat.
A tragedy's first act is crowded with supporting players, policeman scribbling in pads and making radio calls, witnesses crimping their faces, EMS guys folding equipment.
At the other end of the room, Grandma had the lid up on Larry Lipinski. She was standing one foot on a folding chair, one foot on the edge of the casket, and she was taking pictures with a disposable camera.
When I was a kid, I worked as a clerk at my parent's motel. From when I was eight or nine, I rented rooms, helped with laundry, folding tons of towels. And then I also worked at my dad's gas station more as a young adult and as an adult.
There was no way to take the story back, folding it neatly into the place I'd kept it all this time. No matter what else happened, from here on out, I would always remember Wes, because with this telling, he'd become part of that story, of my story, too.
On the hob was a little brass kettle, hissing and boiling; spread upon the floor was a warm, thick rug; before the fire was a folding-chair, unfolded and with cushions on it; by the chair was a small folding-table, unfolded, covered with a white cloth, and upon it were spread small covered dishes, a cup and saucer, and a tea-pot; on the bed were new, warm coverings, a curious wadded silk robe, and some books. The little, cold, miserable room seemed changed into Fairyland. It was actually warm and glowing.
I love folding laundry.
I find folding laundry very relaxing.
I didn't get into this position by being like a stiff sitting on the set in a folding chair. I did it by walking around on the streets and stirring things up.
I was just taking my sketchbook to Kinko's and making photocopies and hand-assembling them - folding them over and stapling them.
"You already said that," Sabine said, folding the wrapper back from her burger. "You said it a lot, actually. Which supports my theory that apologies are basically pointless. They don't fix anything, right? That's why I rarely bother."
World barista champions use the AeroPress to make coffee on the folding tray tables of airplanes. — © Tim Ferriss
World barista champions use the AeroPress to make coffee on the folding tray tables of airplanes.
By folding often, I give other players the false impression that I'm a weak player - a player who can be easily bluffed. Trust me; I'm not a weak player.
I remember walking out in front of that crowd, all the parents' faces and the applause, and folding my little self in half and thinking, 'I could get used to this.' And I just never stopped.
"Mercy is not in favor in my heavens today," says Vashanka, unforgiving and combative, folding vast arms and spearing Harmony with lightning that crackles from his gaze.
The ideal intern is committed, creative, organized, ambitious, independent, and able to crack a smile, whether meeting a celebrity or folding socks.
I joined a writing class at a nearby community center, where I was the youngest participant by about 40 years. Once a week, I'd funnel down a staircase and join the dozen retirees crowded in folding chairs around a table to discuss one another's stories.
Folding in is better than folding out. Folding out is cool, and it looks potentially better... but I don't think that's the way to use a folding phone.
Whoever invented the word 'grace' must have seen the wing-folding of the plover.
Spirituality doesn't look like sitting down and meditating. Spirituality looks like folding the towels in a sweet way and talking kindly to the people in the family eve though you've had a rough day.
I had just settled Grandma on her folding chair and popped open our box lunch when the corpse floated by.
I have a map of the United States... Actual size. It says, 'Scale: 1 mile = 1 mile.' I spent last summer folding it. I hardly ever unroll it. People ask me where I live, and I say, 'E6.
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