Top 161 Coordinated Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Coordinated quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
When you have an asteroid threatening Earth, it's uncertain where it's going to hit until the last minute; the decision to take action has to be coordinated by the international community.
Crankish attacks on the freedom to read are common at present. When backed and coordinated by organized groups, they become sinister.
I was actually fairly athletic and coordinated, but I never played any organized sports. — © Jimmy O. Yang
I was actually fairly athletic and coordinated, but I never played any organized sports.
The U.S. government alleges that for the past 45 years, the companies that manufacture and sell tobacco have waged an intentional and coordinated campaign of deceit.
I'm not gangly; I'm very coordinated. I do have a bit of a baby face. But I guess that just means I'll be working longer.
At Travelers, we were much more opportunistic. It was very successful, but it wasn't an integrated financial services company. We had a property casualty company, a life company, a brokerage company. We were a financial conglomerate. It wasn't a unified, coordinated strategy of any sort. When it merged with Citi, that became a big issue; Citi, at that time, wasn't yet a fully integrated, coordinated company.
Learning to inhibit unwanted contractions of muscles that function without, or in spite of, our will, is the main task in coordinated action.
And I'm not very coordinated, either. Only on ice skates, not in real life.
We need a more strategic, coordinated, statewide plan that identifies high-demand jobs or industries with a projected under-supply and offer training to get these Oregonians to work.
It's really kind of a challenge to keep coordinated with the two station crews that we'll be interacting with. And of course one of them launched quite some time before our mission.
Public support in the U.S. for the war against Iraq was founded on a multitiered edifice of falsehood and deceit, coordinated by the U.S. government and faithfully amplified by the corporate media.
A lot of coordinated approaches are required to make a global operation work.
Bush and Blair combined their efforts to deceive both nations in a carefully coordinated manner, more so than anyone is willing to point out in the media. — © Bianca Jagger
Bush and Blair combined their efforts to deceive both nations in a carefully coordinated manner, more so than anyone is willing to point out in the media.
Perhaps the most useful lesson which has come out of the work on penicillin has been the demonstration that success in this field depends on the development and coordinated use of technical methods.
I was proud to witness American Jewish organizations found the Save Darfur Coalition in June 2004 to mobilize a coordinated interfaith response to the ongoing humanitarian disaster.
It's essential that we have a coordinated, well-resourced government response to the coronavirus to keep Kansas communities safe.
A dynamic team cannot rely solely on orders; they must be able to read each others' every move so they can act as parts of a coordinated whole.
We need a coordinated, citywide approach to make sure that everyone in San Francisco is sheltered and has access to the care they need.
It's a drag having to wear socks during matches, because the tan, like, stops at the ankles. I can never get my skin, like, color coordinated.
Disaster management should be coordinated by the federal government, .. It is our exact responsibility.
All around the world, leaders are gaining more power. That's what this pandemic demands: a coordinated whole-of-nation approach with a powerful conductor at its center.
At medical centers such as the Cleveland Clinic and Kaiser Permanente, teams of doctors and nurses provide coordinated care while working for salary instead of getting paid for every procedure.
My experience in government is that when things are non-controversial and beautifully coordinated, there is not much going on.
I don't care for physical activity. I'm not sporty. I'm not very coordinated.
More climate-friendly, coordinated laws, policies, and incentives are needed.
My closet is in perfect order at home. All my dress shirts, all my casual shirts. All my suits, they're color coordinated. All my ties are color coordinated.
The world was to Shakespeare a great stage of fools on which he was utterly bewildered. His pregnant observations of life are not coordinated into any philosophy.
I love doing stuff in a harness. It's surprising what you can actually do. I'm reasonably coordinated, so I can do flips and the flipping kicks.
China's censorship and propaganda systems may be complex and multilayered, but they are obviously not well coordinated.
I have one closet that's just shoes. The woman go, 'Amen,' and the men go, 'Oh my God.' It's color-coordinated from the ceiling to the floor, from evening to casual.
I've always said that the more coordinated the efforts of the international community are, the better it will be for democracy in Burma.
Abe swept in, resplendent in a gray and yellow suit that coordinated bafflingly well with Adrian's paint job.
With body, mind, and spirit functioning perfectly as a coordinated whole, what else could reasonably be expected other than an active, alert, disciplined person?
In those countries with centuries of a craft tradition behind their building methods, techniques are tightly coordinated under the direction of the architect.
I thought the original Communist revolutionaries coordinated themselves a bit better and didn't go around shouting about it.
I liked sports but I never really had the confidence. I was always coordinated and it came easy to me, but I didn't have the confidence to go along with the physical skill.
When I was young, I was teased mercilessly by my classmates for being a redhead. I wasn't particularly well coordinated either, which made me a bit of a liability in P.E.
Reflective abstraction, however, is based not on individual actions but on coordinated actions. — © Jean Piaget
Reflective abstraction, however, is based not on individual actions but on coordinated actions.
Democrats' attack on the Republican majority leader is nothing but a coordinated agenda to stop an effective leader from accomplishing the people's business.
To be coordinated with the power of balance, your mind and your temple must be running parallel.
Robert Redford ... has turned almost alarmingly blond-he's gone past platinum, he must be into plutonium; his hair is coordinated with his teeth.
We didn't have anything before Twitter that allowed a group of people roaming around a city to communicate instantly, in real time, and in a coordinated way, in a group.
Knowing a great deal is not the same as being smart; intelligence is not information alone but also judgement, the manner in which information is coordinated and used.
I'm a very coordinated individual.
Obviously, I'm coordinated and whatnot.
Just because I'm not coordinated doesn't mean I can't kick your ass.
If I'm more distinct or if I stand out in front of the hyungs then it's not balanced. I've tried that a few times before but it's not coordinated well.
It is not easy for the courts to control the intelligence agencies. There has to be concerted and coordinated effort on part of the courts, the parliament, and the government.
In the 1960s, after the Cuban Revolution, CIA and FBI agents often coordinated their activities with anti-Castro Cuban exiles. — © Greg Grandin
In the 1960s, after the Cuban Revolution, CIA and FBI agents often coordinated their activities with anti-Castro Cuban exiles.
One of the beauties of an economy coordinated by price movements is that nobody has to understand it in order for it to work.
Being connected to the Internet means being vulnerable to coordinated actions that can knock down walls of secrecy and shatter mechanisms of control.
I wanted to be a ballet dancer. I was bad - I'm not very coordinated. But I always wished I could have been a dancer.
I occasionally go to a yoga class. Everyone looks so limber and coordinated compared to me. I feel like I scare my classmates.
Provision of best services to the citizens is our top priority, and Punjab government has evolved a coordinated programme in this regard.
The possibility that members of the Trump team coordinated and colluded with agents of the Kremlin on Russia's interference in our elections is a profound and disturbing one, but it is pivotal that we approach this issue with the seriousness it deserves.
And, all these things need to be coordinated; so we all need to work together, have timers going and everything so we're all coordinated and get this piece of orchestration done.
I couldn't even chew bubble gum and walk at the same time. I wasn't very coordinated.
Apocalyptic fiction, while ultimately about God's purposes, usually portrays an immediate, human world of competing conspiracies. Whatever happens is orchestrated, coordinated and planned in advance.
I'm the kind of person whose clothes are all hung up and color-coordinated, to the point where my whites don't touch my creams.
We live in a world where all wars will begin as cyber wars... It's the combination of hacking and massive, well-coordinated disinformation campaigns.
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