Top 1200 Difficult Tasks Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Difficult Tasks quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
That's the most terrible mistake you can make: to relax. It's difficult to become a champion, but it's more difficult to maintain it for many years because you're getting too comfortable.
It is also in the interests of a tyrant to make his subjects poo...the people are so occupied with their daily tasks that they have no time for plotting.
Mysticism is the hidden way. It is the most difficult to discuss, because it involves the exploration of perceptual states which are difficult to describe in words. — © Frederick Lenz
Mysticism is the hidden way. It is the most difficult to discuss, because it involves the exploration of perceptual states which are difficult to describe in words.
Democratic government is difficult. It is much more difficult than populists claim. It's not like running a business or a police force. It demands compromise.
Waiting means going about our assigned tasks, confident that God will provide the meaning and the conclusions.
One of the main tasks of theology is to find words that do not divide but unite, that do not create conflict but unity, that do not hurt but heal.
On the whole, dialogue is the most difficult thing, without any doubt. It's very difficult, unfortunately. You have to detach yourself from the notion of a lifelike quality. You see, actually lifelike, tape-recorded dialogue like this has very little to do with good novel dialogue. It's a matter of getting that awful tyranny of mimesis out of your mind, which is difficult.
I think it is always difficult for every manager, when you arrive with good motivation and ambition. It's not just in the Chelsea dressing-room. For all coaches, it's difficult.
We need faith and the mind of the Lord Jesus to recognize something of lasting value in even our most ordinary tasks.
Research shows you get multiple tasks done faster if you do them one at a time. It also decreases stress and raises happiness.
Grab love of life every day. Because we're all gonna die. It's difficult to live that way. Most people are afraid to. Or can't. I find it very difficult.
I was left with myself and had to do the one thing I could to survive. I knew it would be difficult to write, very difficult, but I set about doing it.
When a man, a woman, see their little daily tasks as integral portions of the one great work, they are no longer drudges but co-workers with God. — © Annie Besant
When a man, a woman, see their little daily tasks as integral portions of the one great work, they are no longer drudges but co-workers with God.
Traditional methods for falling asleep work. Non-taxing, repetitive mental tasks have a lulling effect, and I built those patterns into 'Sleep'.
The only idea man can affix to the name of God, is that of a first cause, the cause of all things. And, incomprehensibly difficult as it is for a man to conceive what a first cause is, he arrives at the belief of it, from the tenfold greater difficulty of disbelieving it. It is difficult beyond description to conceive that space can have no end; but it is more difficult to conceive an end. It is difficult beyond the power of man to conceive an eternal duration of what we call time; but it is more impossible to conceive a time when there shall be no time.
If you're co-founder or CEO, you have to do all kinds of tasks you might not want to do. If you don't do your chores, the company won't succeed. No task is too menial.
I find being a manager really challenging. For instance, I don't enjoy some of the administrative tasks that go along with hiring and firing.
Discrepancies between self-efficacy judgment and performance will arise when either the tasks or the circumstances under which they are performed are ambiguous
But also out here in this dreary, difficult war, I think history will record that this may have been one of Americas finest hours, because we took a difficult task and we succeeded.
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.
It's so difficult to actually come up with ideas that you really fall in love with, you know? That's the most difficult thing about filmmaking - and that's my main challenge in life.
What plethora of material goods can possibly atone for a waking life so humanly belittling, if not degrading, as the push-button tasks left to human performers?
I have never really believed that acting is very difficult. I think some people have a skill and are able to act, and if you have that natural gift, it's not difficult.
Theater is structured. You're plugged into a system. It's relentless. You're expected to do certain things every day. You have your tasks.
I pass through the difficult moments in life, really difficult times on grass, during my seven years of my career. All of a sudden I felt comfortable.
When you get right down to it, one of the most important tasks of a leader is to eliminate his people's excuse for failure.
I don't think of it as difficult. It would be difficult if I were carrying something heavy, but I carry Leicas. You can't talk about it that way. I'm not operating a shovel and getting tired.
Unfortunately, people always tend to think that girls are weak when it comes to physical tasks. The pressure is there to prove them wrong.
Pursuit of perfection is futile. Instead, I prioritize and often realize goals or tasks I've been aiming for just aren't that important.
In today's world of technology we should no longer be using outdated paper processes to accomplish tasks such as requisitions, reports, approvals, and purchase orders
Whoever today speaks of human existence in terms of power, efficiency, and historical tasks is an actual or potential assassin.
Laughter can relieve tension, soothe the pain of disappointment, and strengthen the spirit for the formidable tasks that always lie ahead.
There were a number of books about Bill Wilson, and by him, but a lot of the basic biographical tasks had not been done.
War drags human beings from their tasks of building and improving, and pushes them en masse into the category of destroyers and killers.
Speech sounds cannot be understood, delimited, classified and explained except in the light of the tasks which they perform in language.
When teams are dropping off, it's difficult, especially as a striker. You always have two centre-halves behind you and maybe a sitting midfielder as well. It's a bit more difficult creating chances.
It is difficult to wrap your mind around this intellectually and until you've had the experience, it can be difficult to understand. I tell people to give it a shot; you have nothing to lose.
I get asked a lot about being a woman within the industry and how difficult it is, and yeah, it is - but it's difficult for everybody... I'm not a 'burn-your-bra' feminist. — © Jessie Buckley
I get asked a lot about being a woman within the industry and how difficult it is, and yeah, it is - but it's difficult for everybody... I'm not a 'burn-your-bra' feminist.
Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-once we truly understand and accept it-then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.
Let there be no disappointment when obedience keeps you busy in outward tasks. If it sends you to the kitchen, remember that the Lord walks among the pots and pans.
The liver, that great maroon snail: No wave of emotion sweeps it. Neither music nor mathematics gives it pause in its appointed tasks.
I don't live in as much fear as I used to. I'm not afraid of the music business. Life is too damn short. I know what's important, and the tasks are very clear.
Some people appear to be more meager in talent than they are, just because the tasks they set themselves are always too great.
To get up in the morning & do the monumental tasks that face us, our labor is best fueled by love.
One of the best ways of avoiding necessary and even urgent tasks is to seem to be busily employed on things that are already done.
Anyone who sees only the bright side but not the difficulties cannot fight effectively for the accomplishment of the Party's tasks.
I am the Terrible Trivium, demon of petty tasks and worthless jobs, ogre of wasted effort, and monster of habit.
It is possible to do many household cleaning tasks by simply using ingredients from the store cupboard, which are also safer for the environment. — © Sheherazade Goldsmith
It is possible to do many household cleaning tasks by simply using ingredients from the store cupboard, which are also safer for the environment.
But by far the greatest obstacle to the progress of science and to the undertaking of new tasks and provinces therein is found in this-that men despair and think things impossible.
I find it very difficult to relate to India's new middle class. This very patriotic and neoliberal group that mixes religion and economics together. I find them very irksome. Very difficult to like. They are privileged, but they don't want to talk about their privilege. It's difficult to find poetry amongst these people. Some sort of hidden spirit of beauty.
I enter my studio at 9 a.m. I have lunch here, I return right away to my work and I go out to dinner at 8 p.m. My daily tasks vary very much.
Every task is given equal importance - that way I can pick and choose my tasks based on the ebb and flow of my creative metabolism.
If anyone has to leave their homeland by boat, they all have difficult stories. But my parents had a difficult journey, and their story always seems like a movie to me.
The Weizmann Institute showed me respect and didn't require many administrative tasks, so I was quite independent. I did what I wanted.
I would like the government to do all it can to mitigate, then, in understanding, in mutuality of interest, in concern for the common good, our tasks will be solved.
I know no other way to associate with great tasks than as play: as a sign of greatness, this is an essential presupposition.
It's so difficult to write good music. It's also really difficult to think about how to do it without violating the sanctity of the fourth wall.
Unsolvable problems do not exist. Any crisis is a combination of specific tasks to be worked on. The government has the experience and reserves to overcome the economic downturn
If you don't simply communicate with your spouse what household tasks you would like them to do, you are setting yourself up to be angry.
I think we live in a culture where it is really difficult to get privacy because everything is so accessible. It's very difficult to maintain your comfortable life with a sort of mystique.
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