Top 1200 Agree To Disagree Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Agree To Disagree quotes.
Last updated on October 20, 2024.
Whether in conversation we generally agree or disagree with others is largely a matter of habit: the one tendency makes as much sense as the other.
There isn't any reason to dislike people with whom you disagree. I have lots of friends who don't agree with me.
People who disagree on important issues don't agree on the facts. — © Rachel Maddow
People who disagree on important issues don't agree on the facts.
Protest is when I say...'I don't agree with something'.... Resistance is when I ensure that things with which I disagree no longer take place
Now, most of the time I'm going to agree with the Democrats and disagree with the Republicans.
If you agree with some tenets of Objectivism, but disagree with others, do not call yourself an Objectivist; give proper authorship credit for the parts you agree with
The key is that when we disagree, we really hear the other one out and agree that there is a more elegant solution than one of us 'winning.'
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
I agree with God’s Word; I disagree with any condition, situation or circumstance contrary to that Word.
Beware the abuse of Power. Both by those we disagree with, as well as those we may agree with
My hope is that each of the villains I write will have his or her own motivation that readers can understand, whether they agree or disagree.
Economists agree about economics - and that's a science - and they disagree about economic policy because that's a value judgment... I've had profound disagreements on policy with the famous Milton Friedman. But, on economics, we agree.
If you are a friend of the Constitution as I am, I hope you will consider engaging me in the topics of my posts whether you agree or disagree with my position on a particular subject.
I try to love my neighbor as myself but I'm not trying to be a people pleaser. Sometimes that's hard, because my human nature is to want people to be happy with me. But sometimes I feel my convictions are so great that it would be compromising the truth if I didn't do that. So sometimes it's a struggle to say, "This is what I think; this is what I believe, and if you don't agree with me, oh well." The hardest thing for people to accept is the gay-affirming issue. It's hard for people to agree to disagree on that one.
One can neither agree nor disagree with a terminological proposal, as long as it is clear that it is just that: terminological. — © Noam Chomsky
One can neither agree nor disagree with a terminological proposal, as long as it is clear that it is just that: terminological.
All of us are made up of the stories that we listen to, the ones we disagree with and the ones that we agree with.
I try to keep the topics trendy. If it's a rant, it's something I feel strongly about, and people will watch it because they either agree or disagree.
I wish my brother well. We agree to disagree, but he is a good man. He is my brother.
The President and I agree that Social Security needs to be preserved so that we can ensure that all Americans receive the retirement benefits they've been promised. But we disagree as to how best to fix the system.
At Silicon Valley, I'm extremely sympathetic to the revolutionary response. I not only agree with it emotionally. I agree with it practically. And the only thing I disagree with is, I don't think Donald Trump is that. Trump is blow it up for no good reason at all. You want to actually do revolution with a target, with an idea, with building a new system.
There are 100 different doors to come into the conservative movement. You can disagree with 99 of them, as long as you agree on one: more-limited government.
We think that the Kyoto protocol is a necessary document, necessary process. I am convinced that we will agree to disagree about substance.
We can agree to disagree, but we don’t need to be disagreeable.
For a lot of readers these days, a book is something you have to agree or disagree with. But you can't agree with a novel. For my generation, it was assumed that a book is a dramatic thing, that the eye of the book is not telling you what to think.
Where I agree with the president, I'll state that I agree with the president. Where I disagree, I'll state that I disagree.
I think that's part of the creative process to disagree about certain ideas. But we also agree just as much as we disagree, in the band, I would say.
If you agree with a critic, you admire him or her. If you disagree, you despise them. We all feel a great need to be confirmed in our opinions.
We need not all agree, but if we disagree, let us not be disagreeable in our disagreements.
Marriage is the one subject on which all women agree and all men disagree.
Friends, if it matters to you, I think it is less important that we agree and more important that we learn to disagree with respect. Let's not expect to agree and get frustrated when it doesn't happen. Let's strive to hear each other out while bringing out the best in ourselves and others. I know it's difficult because I feel it everyday. But I also know it'll be good for us as individuals, for the organization, and the country. I invite you to strive with me and help shift our culture.
I believe that anarchists should agree to disagree but not to fight with each other.
The thing I like about our fans is that they are smart, they are good-looking and we can agree to disagree
While Jews and Christians both agree on many religious issues, we disagree, and believe each other profoundly wrong, about others.
Negotiation in the classic diplomatic sense assumes parties more anxious to agree than to disagree.
You can disagree with another person's opinions. You can disagree with their doctrines. You can't disagree with their experience.
Whether you agree or disagree with Barack Obama, he is getting some things done, though not in the way most Americans would prefer or what is actually best for them.
I happen to agree with many of the liberal emphasis on compassion, justice and equality. I just disagree that it's the government's role to provide everything.
When most people become president, even if you disagree with their ideology, you can still agree that they would have the competence to run something... With Trump, I do not have the confidence of that at all.
I always enjoy listening to Rush Limbaugh. I often agree with him. Sometimes I disagree with him. — © Mitt Romney
I always enjoy listening to Rush Limbaugh. I often agree with him. Sometimes I disagree with him.
A swarm finds the solution people best agree upon. It optimizes collective support, whereas a poll tells us how we disagree.
It is my melancholy fate to like so many people I profoundly disagree with and often heartily dislike people who agree with me.
My job is to come up with something that you like and you agree with that you would play wholeheartedly. If we disagree, I may not be doing my job correctly.
There are people that say you should never use humor to talk about anything that's important or hard, and since I don't believe that, at some point there has to be a level of "agree to disagree."
Friends don't always agree on things. I think you can disagree without being venomous about it. You don't stop being friends just because you disagree.
The right to agree with others is not a problem in any society; it is the right to disagree that is crucial. It is the institution of private property that protects and implements the right to disagree - and thus keeps the road open to man's most valuable attribute: the creative mind.
Thinking is not to agree or disagree. That's voting.
The amazing thing since so many variables enter into historical judgments, is not that historians disagree but that they agree as often as they do.
I don't believe it's productive to go around and badmouth anyone that I work with, because at the end of the day, we all have to sit in front of each other and agree or disagree.
When people disagree with you, what you ultimately have to do is persuade people to agree with you - period.
If private revelations agree with Scripture, they are needless, and if they disagree, they are false. — © John Owen
If private revelations agree with Scripture, they are needless, and if they disagree, they are false.
There's so many things that Kanye does that I agree with and disagree with at times. I just say, 'You're in a different place, and what you're doing is experimental. Nobody's been there in hip-hop.'
I think that it's a mistake to assume that because you're taking a position from somebody else who you might disagree with - or you know you disagree with on some things - to assume that you disagree with on everything and to not look at each policy on its own merits.
It is a vast, and pervasive, cognitive mistake to assume that people who agree with you (or disagree) do so on the same criteria that you care about.
Negotiating in the classic diplomatic sense assumes parties more anxious to agree than to disagree.
I agree and I disagree in the sense that I think that he [Donald Trump] has a fondness for autocrats, but at the same time, isn't he talking about like perception of defending your country.
I think that's part of the creative process to disagree about certain ideas. But we also agree just as much as we disagree, I would say.
I had one guy say, 'I watched your show and didn't agree with what you said.' And I'm like, 'It's a joke. How could you not agree? I can understand you saying it's not funny.' But it's like my going onstage and doing a knock-knock and somebody going, 'I disagree. There's no door here.'
It's all right to agree or disagree on the balanced budget amendment. It's all right to talk about how we're going to appropriate.
I think, in any debate, you have to respect the other person's point of view, if you agree or disagree.
Some people have certain beliefs, and I have my own belief, and we can agree to disagree on certain things.
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