Top 155 Ageing Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Ageing quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
As I am ageing, naturally, how I want my videogames to be played must be changing.
Ageing is something that both men and women are utterly terrified about.
If I had had plastic surgery, I would have asked for something better than the face you are seeing! I actually really hate plastic surgery when it's just for aesthetics and anti-ageing. I think ageing is beautiful and expressive and characterful.
Reversal of ageing is high on my list of things to do, and not just because I'm getting old. — © George M. Church
Reversal of ageing is high on my list of things to do, and not just because I'm getting old.
Ageing means a loss of a number of skills over time.
I think ageing is challenging, surprising, fun, and full of friendship, so that is the approach I'll take, objecting to the stigmatization of ageing in so many modern societies.
Ageing might have its drawbacks but it brings with it hard-won wisdom and a wonderful sense of freedom.
Ageing is very rare. We only see it in humans and laboratory animals and in zoo animals and in our pets. Basically, organisms that are protected from the external world. Once you create that protection, you live long enough to see ageing.
I feel like everyone could do with starting wearing SPF at least a decade earlier than they do, just for ageing.
I love that ageing rocker look, dressed in black and looking like you slept in your make-up.
All of my friends are my age and we are all ageing at the same time. We talk about it and moan, but it doesn't bother me.
Theres no such thing as ageing gracefully. I dont meet people who want to get Alzheimers disease, or who want to get cancer or arthritis or any of the other things that afflict the elderly. Ageing is bad for you, and we better just actually accept that.
I think ageing suits me because I was born old, like Spencer Tracy or Dolly the Sheep.
For healthy adult people, the really big thing we can foresee are ways of intervening in the ageing process, either by slowing or reversing it. — © Nick Bostrom
For healthy adult people, the really big thing we can foresee are ways of intervening in the ageing process, either by slowing or reversing it.
I have the face of an ageing choirboy and the build of an undernourished featherweight. If you can figure out my success on the screen you're a better man than I.
The idea that ageing was subject to control was completely unexpected.
Fighting the ageing process just doesn't work. I think that actresses, ultimately, are responsible for the faces we give to women.
I can't get my knickers in a twist about my age and ageing in an industry that caters to the ids of 14-year-olds.
When the Australian Government looked at how to meet the challenges, and the opportunities, presented by our ageing population, it saw that an all-encompassing approach was a prerequisite.
I find the whole disdain for ageing crazy.
As far as I'm concerned, ageing is humanity's worst problem, by some serious distance.
I don't abuse my body - I don't drink much alcohol, don't smoke and never have - but that's the same of many people. I don't think I've ever stopped ageing myself.
I have absolutely no objection to growing older. I am a stroke survivor so I am extremely grateful to be ageing - I have nothing but gratitude for the passing years. I am ageing - lucky, lucky me!
Ageing is very exciting. But if I didn't work on ageing, I'd want to work on the brain. There are really cool techniques you can use now. And bioinformatics. The methods you can use for comparing large data sets - that's so powerful.
There's no such thing as ageing gracefully. I don't meet people who want to get Alzheimer's disease, or who want to get cancer or arthritis or any of the other things that afflict the elderly. Ageing is bad for you, and we better just actually accept that.
Ageing is, simply and clearly, the accumulation of damage in the body. That's all that ageing is.
I will admit I am quite obsessive about the world of anti-ageing.
I admire artists who are ageing and still retaining their edge.
Ageing is a blessing, and I feel every inch of 46.
The most daunting challenges of our times, from climate change to the ageing population, demand an entrepreneurial state unafraid to take a gamble.
Ageing's alright, better than the alternative, which is not being here.
Ageing is inevitable, and the idea that we can be eternally youthful is the pitfall of our society.
We need a new and positive narrative that defies the negativity and transforms our ageing populations from a problem into an asset.
I just don't like the idea of having an operation to hold up the ageing process.
In my life and career I want to embrace ageing because I think that's what's interesting.
After all the many changes in my life, Olay Total Effects has helped me fight not just 1 but 7 signs of skin ageing.
I have a fantastic method for anti-ageing. It's eating. Plumps out your skin beautifully.
I don't dislike anything, but I am definitely finding the ageing process 'interesting' and not wholly comfortable.
French culture takes ageing very seriously. There's much less ageism than in Anglo-Saxon countries. — © Kristin Scott Thomas
French culture takes ageing very seriously. There's much less ageism than in Anglo-Saxon countries.
Surely being a Professional Beauty - let alone an ageing one - is one of the most insecure and doomed careers imaginable.
The strongest initiative that government can take to ensure Australia is prepared for population ageing, is to maintain a strong economy, and a secure nation.
Protecting children at risk of exploitation will always be a priority, and at the other end, safeguarding an ageing population brings its own challenges.
within that ageing outer shell we remain very much the same as we did in our late teens and early twenties.
People's opinions don't interfere with me. Ageing gracefully is supposed to mean trying not to hide time passing and just looking a wreck. That's what they call ageing gracefully. You know?
The way that we are going after ageing, I think, is a problem. The modern medical model is basically designed to attack one disease at a time. Independent of all other diseases and independent of the basic process of ageing itself.
There is no empirical evidence to suggest that ageing in humans has been modified by any means, nor is there evidence that it is even possible to measure biological age. And nothing has been demonstrated to be true when it comes to anti-ageing medicines.
Europe's demography is developing towards a smaller working population in an ageing society.
Sympathetic cracks. A term frequently used by architects and surveyors in terms of ageing houses. I know what they mean.
In an ageing society, it makes sense to support older adults to develop new skills, prolonging their working lives. — © David Blunkett
In an ageing society, it makes sense to support older adults to develop new skills, prolonging their working lives.
Ageing is a process of exchanging hope for insight
Ageing is one of those battles you're not going to win. I'll try to look as good as I can as long as I can. I don't think I'll do cosmetic surgery because I'm a wimp.
Ageing is so many different things, and cells being able to self-renew is part of the picture but not all of it.
Most people look at ageing as a disease. They do. They have prescriptions and places where you go to eradicate it.
I didn't want to get married to somebody just because I was ageing and wanted a child.
After 40, you want to reverse the ageing process. That's complicated for me because I spent so many years wanting to be older.
The field of ageing research is full of characters. We have hucksters claiming that cures for ageing can be bought and sold; prophetic seers, their hands extended for money, warning that immortality is nigh; and would-be Nobelists working methodically in laboratories in search of a pill to slow ageing.
Ageing is a privilege not a predicament.
It's sad that so many people feel they need to alter their image. I think there is something really beautiful about ageing naturally.
I think there are two aspects to ageing: there's the physical side and what's happening inside.
Everyone is going through this ageing process. Whether in their minds or they are discussing it with their friends, they all want to look good and they don't know what to do.
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