Top 1200 Standing In The Rain Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Standing In The Rain quotes.
Last updated on October 23, 2024.
Momo listened to everyone and everything - even to the rain and the wind and the pine trees - and all of them spoke to her after their own fashion.
exaggerated sunsets / splashed with rain, odd collisions / of roots, animals, seeds. / I didn't like a thing I saw, / so much effort to be strange.
I do cut my hair regularly because otherwise, after a few months, I wouldn't be able to see the ball any more - especially when there's a lot of rain. — © Marouane Fellaini
I do cut my hair regularly because otherwise, after a few months, I wouldn't be able to see the ball any more - especially when there's a lot of rain.
I try to find the beauty in things. On dark days, I sit in my armchair looking at clouds and I am awed at how rain is made.
In winter, when the dismal rain Comes down in slanting lines, And Wind, that grand old harper, smote His thunder-harp of pines.
Others live on in a careless and lukewarm state - not appearing to fill Longfellow's measure: 'Into each life, some rain must fall.'
Salzburg... is a mountain town with a rushing river running right through the center, everything in the rain various shades of green and brown.
What if this cursed hand Were thicker than itself with brother's blood Is there not rain enough in the sweet heaves To wash it white as snow?
I want to prove that I can be a success without standing on the shoulders of my family.
Life is not tried it is merely survived if you're standing outside the fire.
It's hard to keep your balance standing tip-toe.
If a few minutes of suffering could make me so angry, what would years of it do? Even a stone can be worn down with enough rain.
I know of no case where a man added to his dignity by standing on it. — © Winston Churchill
I know of no case where a man added to his dignity by standing on it.
It is a brave man who is the first to sit down during a standing ovation.
When I did not become enemies, then I understand that there was nothing standing.
These 'messengers' will not be hindered from accomplishing at their best speed the distance which they have to go, either by snow, or rain, or heat, or by the darkness of night.
I was not raised with wealth or resources or any social standing to speak of.
Paradox - Truth standing on her head to get attention.
You have a destination far beyond where you find yourself standing today.
From sunny woof and cloudy weft Fell rain in sheets; so, to myself I hummed these hazard rhymes, and left The learned volume on the shelf.
The shortest period of time lies between the minute you put some money away for a rainy day and the unexpected arrival of rain.
If you're standing in the manure pile, it's somebody's job to mention the stink.
I will never, ever forget the electricity I felt the first time I listened to the 'Purple Rain' soundtrack - and many times since.
Still falls the rain - dark as the world of man, black as our loss - blind as the nineteen hundred and forty nails upon the Cross.
In 2005... Mumbai, India, saw that country's most intense recorded instance of rainfall - 3 feet of rain in twenty-four hours.
My scars were reflecting the mist in your headlights I looked like a neon zebra, shaking rain off her stripes
In the twilight glow I see her, blue eyes crying in the rain. As we kissed goodbye and parted, I knew we'd never meet again.
I inhale loneliness like it is the sweet smell of virgin earth conquered by fiery rain drops. Within me, I'm a thousand others.
Wake in the deepest dark of night and hear the driving rain. Reach out a hand and take a paw and go to sleep again.
When I first looked back at the Earth, standing on the Moon I cried
Silent is the ruined land. Man is brutal and the rain does not wash away the pain or rid the distant memory. It makes it glisten.
I wept to think that life went on even when so much had been lost, that rain still fell and myrtle grew between the rocks.
A paradox is only a truth standing on its head to attract attention.
Slinky as a lynx, hot as pepper, cool as rain, dry as smoke. There's considerably more to her than staying sexy at 60.
Autumn clouds, vague and obscure; The evening, lonely and chill. I felt the dampness on my garments, But saw no spot, and heard no sound of rain.
Seven thirty in the morning is too early for a man of my standing.
A Conservative is a fellow who is standing athwart history yelling 'Stop!'
Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army. — © Edward Everett
Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.
Make good thy standing place, and move the world.
When love ends, the beloved is no longer standing on a pedestal, but in a hole.
I'd rather die on an adventure than live standing still.
In TV, you always feel you are standing on the tracks of an oncoming train
I learned by standing in the wings and watching established acts on stage.
For me, a page of good prose is where one hears the rain and the noise of battle. It has the power to give grief or universality that lends it a youthful beauty.
Everyone thinks that Prince and I had a beautiful, romantic love affair, but we didn't. We just let people think that in order to promote 'Purple Rain.'
Clouds come floating into my life from other days no longer to shed rain or usher storm but to give colour to my sunset sky.
In the swirling rain that came at dusk the broad avenue glistened with that deep bluish tint which is so widely condemned when it is put into pictures.
Progressiveness means not standing still when everything else is moving. — © Woodrow Wilson
Progressiveness means not standing still when everything else is moving.
Citizenship means standing up for everyone's right to vote.***
To render aid to the worthless is sheer waste. Rain does not freshen the Dead Sea, but only enables it to dissolve more salt.
I have no desire to be 60 years old and standing on the side of the pitch.
I don't think the Internet should be immune to the standing laws of countries.
Isn't it wonderful that two of the most sacred and symbolic plants, the olive and the vine, live on almost nothing, a terrace of limestone, sun and rain.
The old church tower and garden wall Are black with autumn rain And dreary winds foreboding call The darkness down again
I'm pretty infamous for opening my garage and standing in the middle of it and sneering.
Reading 'The Third Sex' feels a bit like flying in a veering helicopter over a rain forest that is disappearing before one's eyes.
Love is like moonlight or thunder, or rain on a tin roof in the middle of the night; it is one of those things in life that is truly worth knowing.
Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?
When we save the rain forest, the polar bear, and Al Gore, we should party so hard that Canada calls the cops on us for noise.
The worst thing of all is standing by when folks are doing something wrong.
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