Top 1200 Weird Feeling Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Weird Feeling quotes.
Last updated on October 13, 2024.
I'm not desperate anymore or feeling weird about myself because I'm not working in this business. I'm older and wiser, and there's a lot more to life.
The problem with depicting what's weird and what isn't is that it's got to this point of near total oversaturation. There's definitely a threshold at which that language and experience becomes tedious. How can something be weird if everything is apparently weird?
It's a pretty weird feeling when a wolf is scared of you. — © Pollyanna McIntosh
It's a pretty weird feeling when a wolf is scared of you.
She glared at him. 'I'm not weird like that. I'm good weird. I'm cool weird.' 'Yes,' he said doubtfully. 'Yes, you are.
I feel like everybody's always out to get me, and that's a weird feeling.
I remember working on a show, and feeling so insecure about whether I looked attractive enough to do a love scene. It was weird because I couldn't understand why I wasn't feeling beautiful, even though I knew I was.
Why are you so weird?" "Because my weird has to be able to cancel out your weird, Lady Cross-stitch." "At least what I do is considered an art form." "Yes, in ye olde medieal Europse you would've been quite the catch-
It's a weird feeling when you know you're going to die.
Gordie: Do you think I'm weird? Chris: Definitely. Gordie: No man, seriously. Am I weird? Chris: Yeah, but so what? Everybody's weird
I never imagined people like Thanos and Warlock would be drawn into films. They're weird characters in weird stories. Luckily, the twisted kids who read those weird stories are now the twisted adults who are making movies.
In fact almost everyone in my yearbook wrote the same thing to me: "To weird girl, you're nice." I didn't think it was bad. When I showed my mother she said, "Everyone is different." Being weird became my tool. I'm weird; that's who I am. It was my coping badge.
Weird stuff, for me, is not that weird. I guess if it were other people, they'd think it was weird. I eat nutritional yeast. And sometimes I take clay shots to help pull toxins out of my body. I eat weird L.A. food, so I guess that's probably weird in other people's eyes.
It's a really weird feeling when you write something and you really know it and then you watch actors come in and do it.
I'm always nervous. If I wasn't nervous, it would be weird. I get the same feeling at all the big races. It's part of the routine, and I accept it. It means I'm there and I'm ready.
His [Michael Jackson] behavior was weird, but when you get an artist and a genius, many of the geniuses throughout our whole history were weird. And they did weird things because none of us could understand what was on their mind and why they did what they did.
But I was feeling quite down at the time. I was living in L.A., which was kind of weird for me. — © Bryan Ferry
But I was feeling quite down at the time. I was living in L.A., which was kind of weird for me.
In a weird way, when everyone's feeling that the world's going to hell in a hand basket, I kind of relax a little more because I often feel like that.
Me, l'm a weird person, so my music is kind of weird, but l want my music to be weird.
I remember going to church at home on Christmas in 2016, and people wanted to take my photo. When I'm home in Maryland, I don't leave the house. That's a weird feeling.
I am weird, you are weird. Everyone in this world is weird. One day two people come together in mutual weirdness and fall in love.
It's a weird dynamic - I guess there is a fine line between hope and sadness. Sometimes you can be feeling both at the same time.
In New York, just standing still on the sidewalk is a weird feeling. You have this incessant need to do things. Los Angeles is about kicking back, relaxing, your inner child, peace.
You could be jealous of a girl who's not as pretty as you, but you just have that feeling that she's going to take your dude, and you might be right. Or you might be jealous of somebody who's not as good at their job as you, but you have this feeling that she's got that something extra that's going to help her move ahead. Whatever it is, you might have that weird feeling, and you might be right.
I used to think that anyone doing anything weird was weird. I suddenly realized that anyone doing anything weird wasn't weird at all and it was the people saying they were weird that were weird.
In high school, I remember feeling like a Jughead - like I was a little bit weird and kind of emotional. I also remember feeling like an Archie - sort of the leader of the pack.
I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird.
This is perhaps the best feeling in the world. I love going to sleep at night and wondering what weird and wonderful dreams I'm going to have however I always prolong sleep as long as possible, immeasurably happy simply listening to the sound of my fiancees breathing and feeling his arms around me. It's when you fall in love with these little things that you know you're truly in love.
In real life, I'm so goofy and super weird. I'm never mean, but people don't see the weird side of me. Like, I'll be dancing around. My best friends will always say that they wish others saw that side of me, when I'm doing a weird dance or weird faces or voices.
Fate and history have a similar feeling. They are weird mirrors to each other.
Grace (talking about Sam): At the sight of him, my stomach slid down to my feet, a weird combination of relief, nerves, and anticipation all in one, a feeling that never seemed to go away.
I get this weird feeling that there's bigger things to do still, and I can't wait to figure it out.
Movies are weird; it's like trying to make a painting with one hundred people. It's a weird world, but every job is weird; it's always a little bit hard, crazy and fun, a nice combination.
Feeling animalistic. Feeling Hyena. Feeling Wolf. Feeling Dog. I am tongue and heart.
My mum taught me to knit when I was a child, and I turn to it, for some weird reason, when I'm feeling depressed.
Tobias asked. "Weird? Weird?" Marco crowed. "The talking bird wants to know if getting information on the location of an alien from a whale, that you've just saved from sharks, by turning into dolphins . . . You're suggesting that's weird?
I think what's interesting about Alice Munro, too, is the extreme mundanity of things. And how even a life reduced to complete mundanity, like capitalism taking over rural Ontario or whatever, has complete sway over aspects of life. Nevertheless, people still have these moments of weird desperation, weird longing, weird true love, or weird, powerful lust, and that was a major inspiration for me, too.
If you ever meet a guy and you fall in love with him, but because of some weird genetic mutation he doesn't seem to return the feeling?... Wear that dress.
There is no better feeling than the feeling that I have done something right. That feeling comes so rarely and is so fleeting that I can never really enjoy it. So in a way, it's not a good feeling at all.
I kind of got this weird feeling a couple years ago - I never went to college; did I miss out? I took one class, and I was like, no, I don't need to go to school. — © Hunx
I kind of got this weird feeling a couple years ago - I never went to college; did I miss out? I took one class, and I was like, no, I don't need to go to school.
I was an adult and I was in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. I was performing in this cave - they used to bury the plague victims in these caves underneath the streets of Edinburgh, when I got this weird cold sensation up my spine, it gave me this really weird feeling, and then I looked up and there was this white, sudden white shape, that just zapped from me and went straight to the light that was at the back of the room, and I just stopped cold and said to the audience, "Did you guys see that?" No one saw it.
This weird thing that musicians have... it's got something to do with approval, and not feeling good enough, and therefore going out and being great somehow makes your life valid.
I just really remember the feeling of being a younger comedian who was kind of an outlier for being experimental and weird and how that could feel lonely or hopeless.
It's definitely weird, because pretty much everybody owns the Tony Hawk videogame. Just going over to people's houses and watching play me as I walk in - that's actually happened a few times and that's so weird. It's like, 'Dude, you're playing me right now.' It was too weird.
I've grown up feeling very American but being constantly bothered by people - there's internalized racism and feeling weird about being second-generation.
These days, it's more like me coming from playing a show and feeling the high from all the energies directed at me, to feeling a bit weird when I go home to the place where people know me from before all that.
I never sit and fill a journal with lyrics. Most of the time I'm trying to write a feeling, not a story. I'm not necessarily trying to describe the details of a place or event so much as the feeling of the thing. It is a kind of weird alchemy that is elusive until it feels right.
You can be really weird, and people will still accept you if you're in movies. I'm not actually weird, but if I feel like being weird, then I can do it, and they accept it because you're an actor.
I've always been afraid to fight in New York. I don't know why. I always had this weird feeling.
In a weird way I must have loved my little collection of hurts and wounds. They provided me with some real nice sympathy, with the feeling I was exceptional... What a special case I was.
It's a weird feeling when people are defining you, and you haven't even defined yourself.
It's a weird feeling more than anything. You kind of have to swallow your pride a little bit, realize we won the game, be excited about it. We get to go back to D.C. — © Clayton Kershaw
It's a weird feeling more than anything. You kind of have to swallow your pride a little bit, realize we won the game, be excited about it. We get to go back to D.C.
I have to say that it's a weird feeling to have to respond to a Christian leader of an anti-Muslims organisation - it would be like having to respond to a Muslim leader of an anti-Jewish organisation about Judaism so the whole thing is kind of weird. Let me just say it's kind of convenient to simply pick and choose whatever violent bits and pieces one finds in the Koran and ignore the equally important versus that talk about compassion and peace.
I'm now unemployed. It's a weird feeling with no work, but at least there's still golf. Standup comedy is like my core, it's what I do. But I want to be a pro golfer. It's a love/hate relationship with golf. I can come away feeling so serene, and yet, it's the thing that I can let get to me to throw a club and say curses that don't even exist. I'm obsessed with something that won't let me master it. I don't know. I need therapy.
When I saw Daniel Bryan win the world title, that was the most incredible atmosphere, especially after Undertaker just losing his streak, which was such an awkward and weird feeling in the building. To feel the feeling of the fans once Daniel Bryan wins his title - it was... I can't even explain it.
I'm turning 58, and you get that kind of weird, old-guy feeling of you don't have an infinite number of years left and if there's anything you want to say or represent, it's time to try it.
I have to learn to ignore my feelings. Not just the feeling of hunger and the feeling of full, but the feeling of embarrassment, too. I have to remember that this is only weird if I make it weird.
I've mostly worked in weird films playing weird characters, probably because I'm a weird person.
If people are talking about you, that's great. You start making more money, that's great. You get to go to weird places, that's great. The music industry is weird, especially with the Internet. People are calling you all kinds of weird stuff, like 'jangly.'
Feeling good and feeling bad are not necessarily opposites. Both at least involve feelings. Any feeling is a reminder of life. The worst 'feeling' evidently is non-feeling.
If I'm wearing the wrong clothes I can't think. It sounds so weird but it just has to be the right fabrics and like the right feeling on my body.
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