Top 98 Supermarkets Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Supermarkets quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
People were following me home in cars, singing outside my window at my flat. I couldn't go to pubs or supermarkets or walk down the street. It was bizarre, but that was my life.
Celery leaves are an underused ingredient, most likely because supermarkets sell mostly leafless stalks.
Paperbacks of those we deem classics should be cheap and sold at supermarkets. — © Joseph Brodsky
Paperbacks of those we deem classics should be cheap and sold at supermarkets.
In contrast, traditional Catholic churches serve vast numbers of people who have little or nothing in common, and they are often impersonal supermarkets for the sacraments.
Universities are not like supermarkets: their job is to serve the country, not just the customers who happen to walk through their doors.
Everything has such order and everyone is so focused on doing what they're doing that no one ever pays attention to you spinning and dancing around supermarkets. It's something you find in places like supermarkets and airports, where everything is really ordered. There's something about those places that makes you feel really anonymous.
Some grocery stores began using electronic scanners as early as 1976, and the devices have been in general use in American supermarkets for a decade.
When I was growing up, I installed refrigerators in supermarkets. My father was an electrical engineer.
I would make a tough law that would force all supermarkets to source at least 15 per cent of their fresh produce from a very small radius of the store.
We got really creative. No longer are we just going up to people on the streets or parks or supermarkets. Instead, we would rent a whole location and then film there over an entire week.
Back when the EPA proposed phasing out ozone-depleting CFCs, the chemical industry howled that refrigerators would fail in America's supermarkets, hospitals and schools.
I've performed in basements and at supermarkets. The crowd would be yelling and throwing things at you.
Be mindful of what supermarkets are doing and demand to see their business practices. Stop throwing away food. Compost as much as you can, eat as locally and as seasonally as you can. Share knowledge and information.
I can understand the allure of a venerable Big Six imprint, of a shot at the New York Times list, of a publisher-sponsored book tour, of seeing your hardbacks in bookstores and your paperbacks in supermarkets.
Even if we give parents all the information they need and we improve school meals and build brand new supermarkets on every corner, none of that matters if when families step into a restaurant, they can't make a healthy choice.
I started out as a box boy. You know, I didn't go to college, and I did well in supermarkets.
Cell phones have changed us from a nation of self-reliant pioneer types into a bunch of men standing alone in supermarkets saying, ‘Okay, I’m in the tampon aisle, but I don’t see it.'
I was always that girl growing up who you could find dancing down supermarket aisles. It's that sense of not feeling inhibited. Dancing in supermarkets is my favorite thing.
Your immediate environment is comprised of coffee shops, supermarkets, websites, apps and all kinds of things - none of which have an interest in your long-term or short-term financial well-being.
What supermarkets did to small neighbourhood shops is what digital platforms will do to cinema. — © Pooja Bhatt
What supermarkets did to small neighbourhood shops is what digital platforms will do to cinema.
I'm a normal consumer but try to do the best I can. I try to buy locally, and I mostly avoid supermarkets.
About 30% of fresh food is thrown away in supermarkets every day, although they will deny it. British households are throwing an estimated 30% of their food away, too.
I find supermarkets fascinating places. It's extraordinary, you can buy anything there.
I guess country music works better in supermarkets.
A Martian would think that the English worship at supermarkets, not in churches.
I think the great Mexican cuisine is dying because there are fast foods now competing, because there are supermarkets, and supermarkets can't afford to keep in stock a lot of these very perishable products that are used for fine Mexican cooking. Women are working and real Mexican cooking requires enormous amounts of time.
I think traditional supermarkets have to pay attention to the fact that America is more and more conscious of lifestyle.
Supermarkets don't really sustain a community, and they completely remove people from the food chain.
Hospitals, like airports and supermarkets, only pretend to be open nights and weekends.
According to the supermarkets, there is no such thing as 'out of season.' Berries in the middle of February? Why not? Seafood flown in from Japan? Sure. While it all adds up to appetizing and varied meals throughout the year, regardless of the weather, it comes with a price tag - both ethical and financial.
I love clothes and going to supermarkets. I spend hours walking around the aisles looking at ingredients.
We should not forget either about the interests of the regular consumers who need the prices in supermarkets to be a little bit lower.
The only way you could replicate the way I grew up, with no access to supermarkets or petrol stations, would be to live on a farm in the middle of Wales.
I went to junkyards, abandoned car lots. I asked supermarkets for the big jugs they put pig guts in, to make cabinets for my bass speakers.
There is nothing in ANC policy which calls for attacks on civilians in supermarkets, schools, and cinemas unless these are regarded as military installations.
If you live in poor neighborhoods - I know from living in several poor neighborhoods - the worst supermarkets in the city are in the poorest neighborhoods, where people don't have cars.
I've worked in supermarkets, put tags in baseball caps and provided security during Wimbledon, but I never thought acting would be something I'd be any good at, or make a living from.
It was something new that was happening everywhere. You couldn't miss it. If you needed to go to the grocery you would go to the predecessors of the big supermarkets of today.
I don't get distracted until the weight of other things left undone finally tips the balance; my mind is flooded with calls, bills, supermarkets, letters, and I have to stop and sort things out.
We are reaching a stage where the source of food has become markets and supermarkets. On a sub-conscious level, we are becoming unaware of the original source, which is land.
Supermarkets have contributed as much to increasing the standard of living in the United Kingdom as almost any government policy. They bring a level of convenience and quality that was unknown to previous generations at a highly competitive price because of their buying power.
According to the supermarkets, there is no such thing as “out of season.” Berries in the middle of February? Why not? Seafood flown in from Japan? Sure. While it all adds up to appetizing and varied meals throughout the year, regardless of the weather, it comes with a price tag - both ethical and financial.
We take it for granted that because our shelves and supermarkets are heaving with food that there are no problems with food security. But we have limited land in the U.K., and climate disruption and population growth are putting pressure on food supply.
I got you open like supermarkets! — © Busta Rhymes
I got you open like supermarkets!
I can't imagine myself blowing up supermarkets!
Restaurants don't cater properly for celiac sufferers, and neither do supermarkets.
There are a lot of irritating aspects about large supermarkets for the wannabe eco-warrior, but the one that gets most of us hottest under the collar is packaging.
We ask from the heart that supermarkets, which are now more profitable and selling more, help us to take care of the pocketbook of the people by not raising prices.
I go up in the supermarkets and people always go what are you doing here and I go I'm hungry in a sarcastic but nice way just to let them know yo I'm human too man.
Supermarkets must not eliminate the individual retailers and market roads like the Northcote.
Our supermarkets sell us horsemeat as beef, our politicians fiddle their expenses, and our bankers risk money that isn't theirs. So it's not surprising the public don't trust anyone or anything.
It is true that there comes a time when I do literally dream about McDonald's. I dream of supermarkets and drug stores, potato chips and the Sunday morning paper.
It is perhaps beside the point to remark that bowling alleys and supermarkets have nursery facilities, while schools and colleges and scientific laboratories and government offices do not.
I do get funny people sometimes coming up to me in supermarkets in America with my picture in their pocket, which is a bit strange.
It is all around us, hidden in plain sight. It is walking our streets, supplying shops and supermarkets, working in fields, factories or nail bars, trapped in brothels or cowering behind the curtains in an ordinary street: slavery.
In Britain, the big supermarkets dominate our food chain. British supermarkets are some of the best in the world at controlling, manipulating and delivering cheap food.
Supermarkets depict abundance; boutiques exclusiveness; roadside stands authenticity. — © Mason Cooley
Supermarkets depict abundance; boutiques exclusiveness; roadside stands authenticity.
I dont get distracted until the weight of other things left undone finally tips the balance; my mind is flooded with calls, bills, supermarkets, letters, and I have to stop and sort things out.
The butcher, baker, and candlestick maker have been around a lot longer than supermarkets and Wal-Mart.
Sixty percent of the vegetables you see in the supermarkets came from the American Indians. They also gave us aspirin and quinine. And their model of government parallels our Senate. But their women elected the chiefs, and impeached them.
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