Top 1200 Sneaking Out Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Sneaking Out quotes.
Last updated on October 4, 2024.
I think plenty of games - from 'Thief' to 'Zelda' - have shown that sneaking around can be fun.
I came to be a part of the ballroom scene in late 1993. I was living in Baltimore, and i was going through that phase in high school when no one understood me. I was sneaking out of my house to go to this group that was for gay-identified people, and I just didn't fit in.
If even dying is to be made a social function, then, grant me the favor of sneaking out on tiptoe without disturbing the party. — © Dag Hammarskjold
If even dying is to be made a social function, then, grant me the favor of sneaking out on tiptoe without disturbing the party.
I've had this sneaking feeling throughout the game that it's there to be won.
I was a street kid, but that meant hopping a ride on the back of the MTA down to Revere Beach - that's the beach that's made out of concrete - or sneaking into the Boston Garden to watch the Celtics or the Bruins.
Sneaking out the back door to hand out with those hoodlum friends of mine.
Running just makes me happy. I love the freedom of running. I ran until I was seven and a half months pregnant with each of my babies. When I gave birth to my first son, my doctor said I couldn't run for six weeks. I was sneaking back out after eight days.
My dad keeps joking about sneaking into my grandparents' house and switching out their HBO for PBS so they think I'm on 'Downton Abbey.
Not by accident, you may be sure, do the Christian Scriptures make the father of knowledge a serpent - slimy, sneaking and abominable.
I'm inspired by almost everything I come across in life, and one way or another they find themselves sneaking into my stories.
So the end may be a long time coming, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a way of sneaking up on you.
My dad keeps joking about sneaking into my grandparents' house and switching out their HBO for PBS so they think I'm on 'Downton Abbey.'
If I heard a noise at night, I'd think there was a burglar sneaking around; the first thing I'd do was check on my guitar. — © Angus Young
If I heard a noise at night, I'd think there was a burglar sneaking around; the first thing I'd do was check on my guitar.
Covering a historic event is perfectly legitimate. It's not sneaking into somebody's boudoir... These people belong to history, and not to record that if you have the opportunity would be wrong.
Songs can be Trojan horses, taking charged ideas and sneaking past the ego's defenses and into the open mind.
Ask everyone what they remember about 'Baywatch' and they're gonna tell the story of when they were 10, sneaking it while their parents were out. Everybody has something.
I have a sneaking suspicion that if there were a way to make movies without actors, George Lucas would do it.
Is it impossible to imagine Americans sneaking into Mexico en masse, seeking regular employment and a better way of life?
I can say now is that sneaking up on people is a major delight in my old age, but it always has been. A desire, even a need, to shock.
I think if you're lucky enough to find a voice in whatever you do, that voice will come sneaking out no matter what.
Grace has a way of sneaking up on you like that. When you least deserve it.
I've never been one to go past 20 players on the wing. I'm always going to be the guy sneaking the ball through, to build and create something.
It was one of the primary rules of thievery. When hiding, sneaking, and trickery are all out, the correct answer is "run like hell."
I don't like to be the guy that stands out. I like kind of sneaking up on guys instead of being out front.
My valour is certainly going! - it is sneaking off! - I feel it oozing out as it were at the palms of my hands!
It's heartbreaking when you hear a kid buying a ticket for... I don't know, whatever movie you're up against. And you see them sneaking into your film. It's just heartbreaking. But in the spirit of full disclosure, that is what I did as an 11-year-old sneaking into 'Stripes.'
I love how much dance is sneaking its way back into society.
One time, my mom told us, 'No TV.' It was 3 P.M., and I was sneaking it in. She put her hand on the back of the TV to see if it was warm, and it was. So she pulled the cord out of the wall, opened the second-floor window, and just threw it out the window.
It's expensive to get studio space and dancers. My whole first three years, I was sneaking around in the studios and getting kicked out of them. It was kind of depressing.
My grandmother was a psychiatrist and had shelves full of medical books - I was constantly sneaking looks at some of those. I was fascinated by the descriptions of illnesses and diseases.
Sneaking was a kind of deceit. So was disguise. Just past midnight, wearing dark trousers and Fox's hood, the queen snuck out of her own rooms and stepped into a world of stories and lies.
Popular music is like a big party, and it’s a thrill sneaking in rather than being invited. Every once in a while, a guy with his shirt on inside out, wearing lipstick and a pillbox hat gets a chance to speak.
When Jazz broke through in England, I remember sneaking to listen on the radio much to my parent's disapproval.
I prefer sneaking in the back door.
President Obama's been reaching out to Iran, reaching out to Cuba, reaching out to Latin America. The only place he can't seem to be able to reach out to: Texas. ... Despite Governor Rick Perry talking about how Texas could secede from the Union if it wanted to, 75 per cent of the people who live there want to stay in the United States. Of course they want to stay. I mean, after spending all that time and effort sneaking across the border to get here, why would they want to leave?
I remember sneaking a look at films like 'D.C. Cab' and 'Doctor Detroit' when my parents weren't watching. 'One Crazy Summer' with John Cusack was one of my favorites.
I got the sneaking suspicion that the vampire was a couple of Peeps short of an Easter basket.
I have a sneaking suspicion that leading an examined life and being really tan aren't consistent with one another. — © Dov Davidoff
I have a sneaking suspicion that leading an examined life and being really tan aren't consistent with one another.
I work from about 8:30 A.M. until 7 P.M., five days a week, when I'm not sneaking off to buy another bar of chocolate.
Not that I'm against sneaking some notions into people's heads upon occasion. (Or blasting them in outright. is a sneaking piece of cowardice for authors to put feigned names to their works, as if, like bastards of their brain, they were afraid to own them.
When I was busking, when I was paying for petrol with silver coins or when I was sneaking into hostels so I could park my van up and sleep in it, I had the best time of my life.
There is absolutely no one, apart from yourself, who can prevent you, in the middle of the night, from sneaking down to tidy up the edges of that hunk of cheese at the back of the fridge.
Other kids would sneak out of the house to go to parties and do untoward things. I was sneaking out to do standup downtown. It paid off.
I've always had this sneaking suspicion that I get a kick out of the insecurity.
My valor is certainly going, it is sneaking off! I feel it oozing out as it were, at the palms of my hands!
I don't like sneaking up on people.
I sleep better knowing that a naked cork-eater is not sneaking around at night, stealing my underwear. — © Maureen Johnson
I sleep better knowing that a naked cork-eater is not sneaking around at night, stealing my underwear.
Thank you for sneaking your transistor under the pillow as you grew up loving the Tigers. God has a new adventure for me.
When I found out that my mom was sneaking listening to my music, I decided to make sure that my music is very clean.
I wonder if I can write this history, or if on every page there will be some sneaking show of a bitterness I thought long dead. I think myself cured of all spite, but when I touch pen to paper, the hurt of a boy bleeds out with the sea-spawned ink, until I suspect each carefully formed black letter scabs over some ancient scarlet wound.
It is often to the wary that the events in life are unexpected. Looser types-people who are not busy weighing and measuring every little thing-are used to accidents, coincidences, chance, things getting out of hand, things sneaking up on them. They are the happy children of life, to whom life happens for better or worse.
I've gone from a kid who was sneaking out of my childhood house and lying to my parents to do shows in a community theatre in Reading, PA, to now having two shows on Broadway opening within two months of each other. That's sort of crazy, that trajectory.
You'll still work with some directors where that doesn't happen, and sometimes it's out of necessity because you're in a really complicated, choreographed fight scene and the whole thing is being prevised in a computer, so it's been decided months before, but I think that's sneaking into the way action scenes are shot.
Ethical dilemmas have a way of sneaking up on a person. If something smells funny, stay away from it. Or help get rid of it.
Teenagers are always sneaking around in drawers where they shouldn't go and reading things they shouldn't be reading. And that's an attempt to try, I think, to penetrate, that's how I found out as a teenager what was going on, was by sneaking into drawers and reading letters that I had no business reading.
My mother was very strict, and though I was reserved, I did give in to certain demands of my age, like sneaking out of the house to hit Dublin.
I felt suddenly cruel, like I´d told dmall children there was no tooth fairy, that it was just their Mom sneaking into their room after they went to bed.
I think some horror authors are trying to scare you, but with me, I'm as scared as the reader is of the story. I've always been that way, since watching the 'Twilight Zone' movie - watching 'Firestarter' when my parents were out, or sneaking out to watch 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' at a friend's house because I couldn't watch it at my house.
Writing short stories was kind of like I was cheating the whole time, in some way. I went back and forth between writing the novels and sort of sneaking out to work on stories occasionally. These stories were written over the last 10 years or so, as I was taking breaks from the novels I've written.
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