Top 1200 Current Affairs Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Current Affairs quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
I've had affairs. But I'm not the sort of man who has 10,000 affairs.
Clearly, children need to be aware of the news and current affairs. I buy my own children a children's newspaper so they can form their own views.
I moved from current affairs to daily news over the Asia crisis of 1998 - mainly because the news agenda demanded I become economically literate. — © Emily Maitlis
I moved from current affairs to daily news over the Asia crisis of 1998 - mainly because the news agenda demanded I become economically literate.
You cannot solve current problems with current thinking. Current problems are the result of current thinking.
The current neglect of the problem can only irritate this deplorable state of affairs. The Black Muslims should constitute a warning to our society, a warning that must be heeded if we are to preserve the society.
I'm interested in current affairs and social policy as a whole, but I don't watch politics for sport.
Some people just think utopians are idiots who are imagining rivers of candy and not really engaging with the world's ills, and sometimes that's surely the case, but I think that imagining the perfected society is a way of expressing your disgust with the current state of affairs.
I love travelling and going on wildlife safaris. I have an interest in astronomy. I like reading on current affairs, business and science. I love doing nothing if I can help it.
The public affairs of the union are spread throughout a very extensive region, and are extremely diversified by the local affairs connected with them, and can with difficulty be learnt in any other place, than in the central councils, to which a knowledge of them will be brought by the representatives of every part of the empire. Yet some knowledge of the affairs, and even of the laws of all the states, ought to be possessed by the members from each of the states.
The capacity for people to kid themselves is huge. Living on illusions or delusions, and the re-establishing of these illusions or delusions requires a big effort to keep them from being seen through. But a very old idea is at work behind our current state of affairs: enantiodromia, or the Greek notion of things turning into their opposite.
It's surprising how much wisdom every man possesses -- if not for his own affairs, then for the affairs of others.
A successful current affairs television show seems to be more and more a cross between a music hall turn and a scene in a torture chamber.
There is a limit to everything; whomsoever I act with, I'm rumored to be having affairs with them. I just can't take it anymore. How many affairs can an actress have? — © Shamna Kasim
There is a limit to everything; whomsoever I act with, I'm rumored to be having affairs with them. I just can't take it anymore. How many affairs can an actress have?
We started out a long time ago, and we've managed to just keep writing current songs and have No. 1 current records.
Be current. Know and comment on current trends and news. Don't be the last one entering a conversation.
Long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead.
This long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean is flat again.
To feel the anguish of waiting for the next moment and of taking part in the complex current (of affairs) not knowing that we are headed toward ourselves, through millions of stone beings - of bird beings - of star beings - of microbe beings - of fountain beings toward ourselves.
Actually, if you take the average American, and studies have shown that, he is really concerned only with private affairs; that is to say, with his health, his money and family affairs.
Instead of complaining about the current state of affairs, we need to offer better alternatives. [...] we need to stop cursing the darkness and start lighting some candles!
Our concept is not that America should operate alone or by itself in world affairs or in military affairs.
Words. Borne on the ever swelling current of hatred, like flowers opening in the current, petals peeling back, then falling apart.
I'm still hesitant to call myself a journalist. I see myself as a documentary maker who is trusted with hard-hitting current affairs issues.
I've spent many hours on national TV talking about politics and current affairs, including sexual harassment and the #MeToo Movement.
In a way, the American side descended to Saddam's level, which happens often in these types of circumstances. That is why the people in Iraq do not accept the current state of affairs.
Life is extremely short and you cannot dance to current affairs.
That has been my entire life story. Running against the current and running with the current. Sometimes running with the current is underestimated. The acceptance of certain realities doesn’t preclude idealism. It can lead to certain breakthroughs.
There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.
It is impossible not to react to the current state of affairs through personal action and artistic production. We have been at war for three years. One desperately feels the need for someone to speak some sort of truth, either poetic or factual.
That feelings of love and hate make rational judgments impossible in public affairs, as in private affairs, we can clearly enough see in others, though not so clearly in ourselves.
My father got a trade union scholarship to Oxford; he lived and breathed politics; he was always watching current-affairs programmes. But I have a five-year-old child's attitude towards the news. Mainly, that it absolutely turns me off.
The United States as usual has a sizable deficit in the current account of its balance of payments, trade account and other current accounts, current account items.
There are some militarists who say: ‘We are not interested in politics but only in the profession of arms.’ It is vital that these simple-minded militarists be made to realize the relationship that exists between politics and military affairs. Military action is a method used to attain a political goal. While military affairs and political affairs are not identical, it is impossible to isolate one from the other.
You can think of individuals as differ­ent light bulbs. There will be a differences in wattage and in color. There will be differences in shape, but everywhere the current is the same. That current is who you are. You are not the individual bulb. You are the one current in all.
I did, of course, do research about what the current state of affairs is in terms of the eating disorder community and who's being affected, and I was surprised to see that - something that was - way back when I was in the thick of it, it was typified as a fairly white, middle-class girl problem. And if it was, it really isn't anymore.
Failure in the management of practical affairs seems to be a qualification for success in the management of public affairs.
There is no doubt in my mind at all. The Duke of Edinburgh has had affairs - yes, full-blown affairs, and more than one.
I realized that public affairs were also my affairs. — © Helen Gahagan
I realized that public affairs were also my affairs.
One who can learn to flow with the current as well as manage the current is the successful one.
Decision-making power, whether it's on foreign affairs or domestic affairs, is concentrated in the White House in a reasonably small circle.
An awful lot of older women do have love affairs or wish they were having love affairs.
I'm an avid reader, and though it doesn't always work out in terms of relaxation, I've got to keep myself up to date with current affairs. I was a journalism student in college, and I don't feel like I can relax unless I feel informed. When people say they can't watch the news because it's too stressful, I just think, ignorance isn't bliss. It's just another way to procrastinate.
I can only say, think of me what you will, I have worked for thirty years in the Party, and my whole family has devoted everything to the affairs of the Party, the affairs of socialism.
There never was a time in our history when ignorance of current affairs could be so dangerous.
I don't do too many jokes about current affairs, because almost every comedian always does that.
I was fascinated, long before I joined the SNP, in the world around me; current affairs really interested me.
That has been my entire life story, running against the current and running with the current. Sometimes running with the current is underestimated.
I have withdrawn not only from men, but from affairs, especially my own affairs; I am working for later generations, writing down some ideas that may be of assistance to them.
All too often the worst thing that can happen to the young is to depoliticize them. When that happens, not only are young people told that they do not count – your agency is worthless, your experiences are worthless, and your voice should remain silent – but they are also told that there is no alternative to current state of affairs.
My father was a television director and producer, working on documentaries and current affairs programmes including 'Panorama,' and I didn't think he'd find acting a sensible option. But as soon as I'd finished my A-levels, I got on a train to Edinburgh, and that was it.
It's simply not true that Donald Trump has no experience in foreign affairs. Hell, two of his foreign affairs resulted in marriages! — © Michael R. Burch
It's simply not true that Donald Trump has no experience in foreign affairs. Hell, two of his foreign affairs resulted in marriages!
Most American writers don't get asked their opinion on current affairs, whereas in Europe and England, we still do. There are writers here who are the most sophisticated commentators, but they're not asked. Like Don DeLillo, who sort of forecast most of the modern world before it happened.
You bring to chess facets of your personality and what you are. I have interests other than chess, like music and world and current affairs. I also have many friends around the world with whom I like to keep in touch.
Our business is fashion, and it's about timing and in our case, it's about being relevant and there's nothing more relevant than current affairs.
Having contacts with Russian ambassador or with Russian representatives in this or that field does not mean interference in Americans' affairs - domestic affairs.
Reputation runs behind the current state of affairs.
I love how close you are to current affairs and social issues here in England. Out in L.A., you have to make an effort to look outside that little microcosm. It's almost like it's a virtual reality to imagine a problem there.
In a free society the state does not administer the affairs of men. It administers justice among men who conduct their own affairs.
Magnetic current is the same as electric current. Current is [actually] the wrong expression. Really it is not one current, they are two currents, one current is composed of North Pole individual magnets in concentrated streams and the other is composed of South Pole individual magnets in concentrated streams, and they are are running one stream against the other stream in whirling, screwlike fashion, and with high speed.
But human experience is usually paradoxical, that means incongruous with the phrases of current talk or even current philosophy.
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