Top 1200 Bodies In Motion Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Bodies In Motion quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
When we went crazy, and we did go crazy on residential real estate, it set things in motion that just - the dominoes started toppling.
Hollywood, what a place it is! It is so far away from the rest of the world, so narrow. No one thinks of anything but motion pictures or talks of anything else.
It's an unfortunate reality of life that toxins are constantly building up in our bodies. — © Daniel Mallory Ortberg
It's an unfortunate reality of life that toxins are constantly building up in our bodies.
When we're alive, life consumes us. But when we die, all of the color and the motion is gone so quickly, it's as though it can no longer stand to be wasted on us.
When a member of the House moves over to the Senate, he raises the IQ of both bodies.
And as in men's bodies, so in government, that disease is most serious which proceeds from the head.
I made 60 motion pictures and only wore the sarong in about six pictures, but it did become a kind of trademark.
In fact, all of us have a piece of Chernobyl in our bodies going back to 1986.
When his veering gait And every motion of his starry train Seem governed by a strain Of music, audible to him alone.
When things are in order, if the cause of the orderliness cannot be deduced from the motion of the elements or from the composition of matter, it is quite possibly a cause possessing a mind.
I've always tried to be aware of what I say in my films, because all of us who make motion pictures are teachers - teachers with very loud voices.
Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.
I'm really a believer in being in situations that feel new and awkward and different. And I love that feeling of being in motion - that sense you find when you're traveling.
People don't appreciate the extent to which we've set in motion a substantial and long-overdue change to U.S. immigration policy, simply by directing the DHS to use existing laws and authorities.
The motion of the stars over our heads is as much an illusion as that of the cows, trees and churches that flash past the windows of our train. — © James Jeans
The motion of the stars over our heads is as much an illusion as that of the cows, trees and churches that flash past the windows of our train.
The wretched bodies of the condemned shall simmer and blaze in those living fires.
I'm meant to be an animation director. That world, and the culture of stop-motion, is where I want to live. It's more my problem than Hollywood's. I'm not attuned to Hollywood.
Most people aren't happy about being consistent and staying at the same place for years. People want forward progress and motion.
Major motion picture studios spend hundreds of millions of dollars trying to capture some of whatever it is that makes our little 'Sharknado' movie globally popular.
If the poor rabbits knew I was selling their dead bodies for wine, they would be heartbroken.
No part of the human community can live entirely on its own planet, with its own laws of motion and cut off from the rest of humanity.
I walk fast. I have an aversion to wasting time. My sense of constant motion is one of the reasons that my eldest daughter, Amy, nicknamed me 'the Tasmanian Devil' when she was in her teens.
I think of the nudes as seed pods, like flowers or grasses. They are universal bodies.
Man, as a physical being, is like other bodies governed by invariable laws.
Philanthropic and religious bodies do not commonly make their executive officers out of saints.
But huge photographs of dead bodies are slightly different. I couldn't find much humor there.
O Time with your teethy years! You swallow up all things little by little in a slow-motion, wrinkling process of dying.
Is it not strange, that sheep's guts should hale souls out of men's bodies!
Football players, like prostitutes, are in the business of ruining their bodies for the pleasure of strangers.
For 'Star Wars' I had to develop a whole new idea about special effects to give it the kind of kinetic energy I was looking for. I did it with motion-control photography.
Our bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen to them.
Time has been transformed, and we have changed; it has advanced and set us in motion; it has unveiled its face, inspiring us with bewilderment and exhilaration.
Everything is in constant flux, from state to state, from good to bad and back again... only in transmutation, perpetual motion, lies truth.
My favorite memory about 'Baywatch' is the music. That was my favorite part. It was, like, my calling. And to watch everyone run in slow motion.
At an early age, if you develop a delivery or a throwing motion that is direct to the plate, then that's fine. If you have one that's slightly open, that's fine, too.
Thus we can see that – at least at the level of economics – democracy is a sort of slow-motion suicide, in which you are told that it is the highest civic virtue to approve of those who want to rob you.
Growth, in some curious way, I suspect, depends on being always in motion just a little bit, one way or another.
Travel. It was an intransitive verb. It didn't involve any destinations. It was going to the going's sake, to be anywhere but where you were, with motion itself as the only object.
The dance of battle is always played to the same impatient rhythm. What begins in a surge of violent motion is always reduced to the perfectly still. — © Sun Tzu
The dance of battle is always played to the same impatient rhythm. What begins in a surge of violent motion is always reduced to the perfectly still.
Neither love nor fire can subsist without perpetual motion; both cease to live so soon as they cease to hope, or to fear.
Another power I don't have," said Lissa ruefully. I grinned. "Hey, I have yet to meet any spirit user who can throw a punch like you can. That was poetry in motion, Liss." She groaned.
There's a moment on the arch of a jump, when you are neither rising nor falling. All you can see is the sky. All you can feel is the air and all you can hear is your heartbeat. That is all you are. Muscle and motion. It's called the deadpoint. I live for that.
Sometimes, as a guest actor, when you come on, you're coming into a show that's already been established, and the wheels are already in motion. It can be very nerve-wracking, jumping in as a newcomer, but everyone on 'Saving Hope' was so welcoming.
Islam, Christianity and Judaism all define themselves through disgust of women's bodies.
You can't have this kind of war. There just aren't enough bulldozers to scrape the bodies off the streets.
I would be a traitor to these poor burned bodies if I came here to talk good fellowship.
I no longer look at my life and times in the motion picture industry as my career. I just look at it now as something I like and want to do.
Stone and sea are deep in life Two unalterable symbols of the world Permanence at rest And permanence in motion Participants in the power that remains
If life is envisioned as a continuously running motion picture, the keeping of a notebook stops the action and allows a meaningful scene to be explored frame by frame.
Women should be happy with their bodies. Not being afraid of yourself is very empowering. — © Sarah Hay
Women should be happy with their bodies. Not being afraid of yourself is very empowering.
Our decisions, once executed, can never be erased. This is because such selections introduce a new series of conditions setting in motion events which cannot later be recalled.
Music: breathing of statues. Perhaps: silence of paintings. You language where all language ends. You time standing vertically on the motion of mortal hearts.
Movements of people create change - not just any one person or organization, but when lots of people are in motion around a shared vision.
Away from the bright motion of the party, she carried her sadness like a dark stone clenched in her palm.
To me, what defines a New Yorker is the edge that one develops from having actually lived here. Once you have it, it doesn't go away, and everywhere else in the world feels like it is in slow motion.
You have to fight for your health and stay on top of it. Our bodies are meant to be healthy.
The end of the republic is to enervate and to weaken all other bodies so as to increase its own body.
During my early years, I was mercurially lively, always in motion, spilling over with pranks, impertinent and precocious, and, at the same time, intractably stubborn and angry if anything went against my will.
Japanese people wouldn't come up with ideas of blood splattering all over. Japanese focus more on the intricacies of the actions, the motion.
Dance is in the air, pirouettes, very difficult. Mime is on the floor, like Spanish dancing perhaps, and very often in slow motion.
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