Top 1200 Warm Heart Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Warm Heart quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
I'm only 19 but my mind is older... When things get for real, my warm heart turns cold.
Have you ever seen a pedant with a warm heart?
Villains, vipers, damn'd without redemption; Dogs, easily won to fawn on any man; Snakes in my heart-blood warm'd, that sing my heart; Three Judases, each one thrice worse than Judas.
I am never tempted to pray but when a warm feeling for my friends comes athwart my heart. — © Thomas Jefferson
I am never tempted to pray but when a warm feeling for my friends comes athwart my heart.
Love is a warm brain, not a leaping heart.
The Israeli public's willingness to enlist, the warm embrace for the soldiers and the residents of the south, and the desire to contribute and to give at any given moment really warm the heart, and it gives all of us strength.
Happiness consists not of having, but of being. It is a warm glow of the heart at peace with itself.
No. Take the heart first. Then you don't feel the cold so much. The pain so much. With the heart gone, there's no reason to stay your hand. Your eyes can look on death and not tremble. It's the heart that betrays us, makes us weep, makes us bury our friends when we should be marching ahead. It's the heart that sickens us at night and makes us hate who we are. It's the heart that sings old songs and brings memories of warm days.
'Warm in December, cold in June, you say?' I don't suppose the water's changed at all. You and I know enough to know it's warm Compared with cold, and cold compared with warm. But all the fun's in how you say a thing.
Once you are present in the Energyfield of Self-discovery, it's like you are a piece of ice in warm water. The warm water is the Self. The ice is the mind. The warm water is not fighting with the ice. The ice can not resist the melting. It is a natural and fatal attraction.
Happiness consists not in having, but of being, not of possessing, but of enjoying. It is the warm glow of a heart at peace with itself.
Ice is most welcome in a cold drink on a hot day. But in the heart of winter, you want a warm hot mug with your favorite soothing brew to keep the chill away. When you don’t have anything warm at hand, even a memory can be a small substitute. Remember a searing look of intimate eyes. Receive the inner fire.
No spinning," I said. I wasn't sure my head or heart could take it. Up close, he was so warm, and so beautiful. I was already dizzy enough.
Dear as the light that visits these sad eyes,
Dear as the ruddy drops that warm my heart. — © Thomas Gray
Dear as the light that visits these sad eyes, Dear as the ruddy drops that warm my heart.
I need a soul mate so that I can be who I am, naked. I want there to be someone who picks up my heavy, bleeding heart and takes it somewhere safe and warm.
I have a very warm spot in my heart for Vegas.
The warm and radiant yes of the heart is perfect, like the sun, in bringing all things to life and nourishing all that is truly human.
warm-heartedness generally begins at home, and those who are warm to others are warmer to themselves; it is but the overflow.
My heart is warm with the friends I make, And better friends I'll not be knowing, Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take, No matter where it's going.
If you want someone to feel warm, you dress them in a warm color and put a warm light on them and you get the picture. Sometimes, all that needs pushing a little bit to help tell the story.
Love is a spy who is plotting treason, In league with that warm, red rebel, the Heart.
When you're warm and approachable, you don't have to go up and talk non-stop to someone in a social situation. You just have to be open to the conversations you're already having - and warm and receptive to the people you're meeting.
The last time I saw Paris, her heart was warm and gay, I heard the laughter of her heart in every street café.
I believe that whether a person follows any religion or not is unimportant, he or she must have a good heart, a warm heart.
Warm weather fosters growth: cold weather destroys it. Thus a man with an unsympathetic temperament has a scant joy: but a man with a warm and friendly heart overflowing blessings, and his beneficence will extend to posterity.
A man with a warm heart is no different than a warm house in the middle of a bitter winter!
Lines have to smile. There have to be life, blood and heart in things you let go. They have to be human, warm and alive
A strange, terrific force unlike anything I've ever experienced is sprouting in my heart, taking root there, growing. Shut up behind my rib cage, my warm heart expands and contracts independent of my will--over and over.
Warm summer sun, shine kindly here. Warm southern wind, blow softly here. Green sod above, lie light, lie light. Good night, dear Heart, Good night, good night.
We have to study with our warm heart, not just with our brain.
The purpose of life is to increase the warm heart.
I don't like the cold. But as along as you warm up properly and you build up a nice sweat and keep your body warm, your arm warm and loose, you should be fine.
Books can warm the heart with friendly words and counsel, entering into a close relationship with us which is articulate and alive
For the first few years, it's most beneficial to meditate on the heart chakra. The heart chakra, called the anahata chakra in Sanskrit, is located in the center of the chest, dead center. If you focus there you will feel a warm and tingling sensation.
I have loved my German people and my fatherland with a warm heart.
My religion is kindness. A good mind, a good heart, warm feelings these are the most important things.
A great song should lift your heart, warm the soul and make you feel good.
The main object of conciliation lies in reaching a solution to a case based upon morals and with a warm heart.
If we have youth, beauty, blessed gifts, strength, if we find fame, fortune, favor, fulfillment, it is easy to be nice, to turn a warm heart to the world. — © Oliver Sacks
If we have youth, beauty, blessed gifts, strength, if we find fame, fortune, favor, fulfillment, it is easy to be nice, to turn a warm heart to the world.
An artist needn't be a clergyman or a churchwarden, but he certainly must have a warm heart for his fellow men.
Friends, genuine friends, have much more to do with whether we have a warm heart, not money or power.
The fire in the bellies of the good people who work for a more fair and just world for all of us - that spark never fails to inspire me and warm my heart.
When an almond tree became covered with blossoms in the heart of winter, all the trees around it began to jeer. 'What vanity,' they screamed, 'what insolence! Just think, it believes it can bring spring in this way!' The flowers of the almond tree blushed for shame. 'Forgive me, my sisters,' said the tree. 'I swear I did not want to blossom, but suddenly I felt a warm springtime breeze in my heart.
I feel that compassionate thought is the most precious thing there is. It is something that only we human beings can develop. And if we have a good heart, a warm heart, warm feelings, we will be happy and satisfied ourselves, and our friends will experience a friendly and peaceful atmosphere as well. This can be experienced community to community, country to country, continent to continent.
Happy Friday! Happiness begins with a loving heart! Open your heart and share time with those who warm your heart and make you smile!
So the smart brain must be balanced with a warm heart, a good heart -a sense of responsibility, of concern for the well-being of others.
Use each moment to make another's eyes sparkle and to warm a heart.
I think there's so much already of the alternative on TV, it's actually nice to have some feel-good moments to warm your heart.
Our saving grace! Um, as a species [humans] we can be pretty warm and fuzzy. But maybe for this, it's the adaptability, or the heart and soul. We're not all that bad. I don't really know!
I do something that I don't think anyone else does. I warm up before a game. Baseball and basketball players warm up, so why shouldn't the announcer warm up? — © Chick Hearn
I do something that I don't think anyone else does. I warm up before a game. Baseball and basketball players warm up, so why shouldn't the announcer warm up?
At this Christmas when Christ comes, will He find a warm heart? Mark the season of Advent by loving and serving the others with God's own love and concern.
Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart.
Friendship is a word, the very sight of which in print makes the heart warm.
If you have only education and knowledge and a lack of the other side, then you may not be a happy person, but a person of mental unrest, of frustration. Not only that, but if you combine these two, your whole life will be a constructive and happy life. And certainly you can make immense benefit for society and the betterment of humanity. That is one of my fundamental beliefs: that a good heart, a warm heart, a compassionate heart, is still teachable.
To drink is to warm the heart; without dispelling reason, it gives reason to life.
Of two hearts one is always warm and one is always cold: the cold heart is more precious than diamonds: the warm heart has no value and is thrown away.
The ultimate source of a happy life is warm-heartedness. This means extending to others the kind of concern we have for ourselves. On a simple level we find that if we have a compassionate heart we naturally have more friends. And scientists today are discovering that while anger and hatred eat into our immune system, warm-heartedness and compassion are good for our health.
Your eyes are beautiful," he said, and she felt warm suddenly, warm in the sun that dappled through the treetops and rested on them in patches.
Keep a cool head and a warm heart.
A woodland in full color is awesome as a forest fire, in magnitude at least, but a single tree is like a dancing tongue of flame to warm the heart.
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