Top 1200 Hard To Let Go Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Hard To Let Go quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
It might be odd for people to hear this, but honestly, you know, when you're on stage, I don't think people realize how grueling eight shows a week is. And as far as jobs go, being a Broadway actor, it's hard. It's fun, but it's hard.
Try but don't try too hard. Just try hard enough, and things will go better.
If the movie is terrible you can have fun. You can joke about it and have a ball. The movie is already sort of established as a kind of extraordinary piece of work even though it hasn't opened yet to the public. It is harder because you can't go against it and you can't be interesting. You have to go with the flow. Although one is very happy to be in it, it is sort of hard to talk about it. It is hard to talk about successful. It is much easier to talk about failure.
My father didn't want me to go to New York City, and I was determined to go. Learning to give myself the permission to be who I was in the world and to make my own choices was hard.
I didn't have a hard time making it. I had a hard time letting it go. — © Elliott Smith
I didn't have a hard time making it. I had a hard time letting it go.
It is hard enough for anyone to map out a course of action and stick to it, particularly in the face of the desires of one's friends; but it is doubly hard for an aviator to stay on the ground waiting for just the right moment to go into the air.
To spend 17 months on the sidelines is tough for anyone, and it's hard to see everyone go out training and then to go and watch games at the Emirates Stadium.
You go out and work hard and leave everything on the field. I think if you do that, you don't have any regrets. You can go home and look at yourself in the mirror.
Hit it hard, go find it and hit it hard again.
It's taken me 30 years to get this way, and I don't intend to let go. I work hard, but I play hard, too, and that's the one part of me that nobody sees. But I intend to be around for a long time yet.
We go to school to learn to work hard for money. I write books and create products that teach people how to have money work hard for them.
You have to enjoy yourself when you go to the movies. People don't want to spend their hard earned money to simply go see a history lesson.
Being a mom is hard, but I don't want people to feel like they always have to go straight to the TV dinner or go to the fast food because you have a busy, hectic life.
Well, you know, we train really hard before we go to combat, and so that, when we go to combat, we're ready to execute.
If there is one thing I am, it is very hard-headed. If I want something, I go after it - and I go after it ad nauseum.
Being a family member is hard no matter where you are. It's hard to be a kid. It's hard to be a parent. It's hard to be a brother or sister. It takes patience and kindness and forbearance.
I am miserable when everything is in order and quiet. Seriously, it's hard for me when I can go home quietly, go to sleep, and get up in the morning without fear and tension.
I definitely have the eye of the tiger. Ive fought my way to where I am and will continue to do so. Im a hard worker - I get it from my family. We only know work. Nothing was handed to us. When I believe in something, I go after it. Its very hard to tell me no.
The thing I was most proud of about today's round was that on this course everybody is going to make mistakes, but sometimes it's hard to forget about it and let it go. After I made a double on 1, I was able to be patient and let it go and came back with birdies on 3 and 5. When I bogeyed 6, I was able to let it go and come back with a birdie on 8. I was able to let go of some bad shots and forget about it and move on.
Impressions are still kind of hard for me and not what I love to do the most, but with characters, I think there's an element of fearlessness. You try to figure out the best reading and wording of the jokes before the show, and then you just really have to go hard.
You can write ten versions of a scene, and then, on the day, discover that something in the original scene worked. It's hard on writers. Hard on actors, hard on editors, hard on me, hard on the producers, who require patience and confidence. But I can't get to the end without going through this process.
It's very hard to go from the intense self-criticism you need to have during previews to all of a sudden letting go of it and trying to enjoy the moment, but I'm doing my best and I'm finally beginning to relax a little bit.
There are people who can't bear to fail. Those people are on the short track as far as their careers go. You have to push hard, do hard things. But you also have to be able to say, 'OK, today's not the day.'
Oney Lorcan is such a hard-hitting dude, just like me. We go in there, two hard-hitting dudes, and the crowd are going to be taken aback, and that's our goal. — © Drew McIntyre
Oney Lorcan is such a hard-hitting dude, just like me. We go in there, two hard-hitting dudes, and the crowd are going to be taken aback, and that's our goal.
Hope and faith. You have to have hope and faith... Long ways to go. Grateful to survive. I's frustrating. Mentally hard. Hard work. I'm trying. Trying so hard to get better. Regain what I've lost... I will get stronger. I will return.
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken, I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children, And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.
It is hard if you have got family and kids and you have to leave them on Christmas Day to go and train but listen, we are a small minority of lucky players. We have obviously worked hard for this, but we are lucky enough to have the ability to play in the Premier League.
Every relationship has a hard part at the beginning. This is our hard part. It's not like a puzzle piece where there's an instant fit. With relationships, you have to shape the pieces on each end before they go perfectly together.
I never want movie theaters go away. It is the greatest time out on the town. You go out, it's a great place to go, great location, great hang, great date, good place to be with friends. But as an actor who works hard at making movies, I am glad that no matter what people can see your movie on. It's hard to keep a theater for long time; there are so many movies, so when you leave a theater, you're just glad there's a life for your movie.
I was brought up by my grandparents. So people go, oh, what was that like? That must have been hard. And you go: No, it wasn't.' It was just completely actually normal because the new norm seems to be whatever you make of it, doesn't it?
I didn't have a hard time making it, I had a hard time letting it go.
I definitely have the eye of the tiger. I've fought my way to where I am and will continue to do so. I'm a hard worker - I get it from my family. We only know work. Nothing was handed to us. When I believe in something, I go after it. It's very hard to tell me 'no.'
I couldn't change if I wanted to. I can't not go hard through screens and I can't not play on defense hard. It's just the way that I'm built and the way that I play.
The most radical, audacious thing to think is that there might be some point to working hard and thinking hard and reading hard and writing hard and trying to be of service
I think people have an idea in their heads about entertainers[and] celebrities. I think they feel like their lives are so perfect, and it's really hard to go through painful experiences when you are in the public eye because it's hard to have closure.
I want to be remembered as the greatest quarterback who ever played. You have to go out and prove it first, and then you have to go out and work hard.
Acting is like lifting a 400-pound feather. It's a feather, how hard could it be? And yet, you go to lift it and it's heavy. For that reason, I love it, because it's very hard and difficult and challenging and obviously I want to learn more.
I work hard and I party hard. When I go to work, I know what I am doing and I do it to the best of my abilities. When I party, I take exactly the same rule book with me.
I feel like once you go with a band, it's hard to go back. I just don't see myself performing without a band.
We didn't know how it was going to go but it was always going to be hard for me to go straight from Melbourne into Manchester City's first team. It was always the plan for me to go on loan.
I think, now that I am a mother, I look at other mums like Jo Pavey and just mums that go back to work and work incredibly hard, and I have so much admiration and appreciation for how hard it is.
I figured I would go to the Olympics, give it my best, work hard, and once it was done, have some time to relax. I'd do a couple days of press and then go home to my normal life.
Its really hard to go out knowing that you are going to be the center of attention just about anywhere you go and that its not going to be in a positive way. — © Darlene Cates
Its really hard to go out knowing that you are going to be the center of attention just about anywhere you go and that its not going to be in a positive way.
We go in withering July To ply the hard incessant hoe; Panting beneath the brazen sky We sweat and grumble, but we go.
It's kind of hard to sit on the bench and watch your team go down when you think you can go out there and make a difference.
People try so hard to let go of their negative behaviors and thoughts, and it doesn't work, or it works only for a short time. I didn't let go of my negative thoughts; I questioned them, and then they let go of me, and so did my addictions and depression.
When the ball don't lie, you can look at it as, OK, if I put that hard work in with shooting, what's going to happen? The ball is going to go in more. If I'm doing a lot of hard work, in the gym, in the weight room, I'm putting that hard work in - then throughout your career, that ball is not going to lie.
Grief is like the wind. When it's blowing hard, you adjust your sails and run before it. If it blows too hard, you stay in the harbor, close the hatches and don't take calls. When it's gentle, you go sailing, have a picnic, take a swim.
What I wanted with that Ruthless state of mind,: just to show people who I am as a person and why I do what I do, and why I go as hard as I do go.
So, what we do as the game accesses the Blu-ray disc, is we take any data that was accessed and we put it on the hard drive. And if then if there is idle time, we go ahead and copy the remaining data to the hard drive. And what that means is after an hour or two, the game is on the hard drive, and you have access, you have dramatically quicker loading And you have the ability to do some truly high-speed streaming.
If you want to train hard enough to go to the Olympics, then you're going to go out, and you're going to do it. It doesn't matter what skin color or who you are.
I'm a real 'go, go' person... I'd make myself crazy by pushing too hard. It's important to pull pack the reins a little bit and get in touch with what's inside.
With anything I do, it's hard to categorize it. With any project, I just go in and blindly start writing songs and then find out which way we want to go with it.
I studied acting for five years. I quit college at that point. You know, I go hard. When I know I'm supposed to go in a direction, I'm fully committed and I go all the way. Everything falls to the side and I'm all in. So I completely dove into acting even though I was almost 30.
When you are injured - and injured for a while - it is hard. You have to go to the training ground and watch everyone go out to play.
There's always a new thing happening to me that's even more extraordinary, so pressure gets harder. But I like it when it's hard. Anyone can do it when it's easy. When it's hard and you can do it good, you're proud of yourself. There's going to be more pressure as the years go by, that's for sure. But I think I'm a hard worker and I'm ready for that. As long as I believe in what I'm doing, the pressure is okay with me.
There's no reason my films can't work as hard as VR does to hook an audience and never let them go, so I think that that it turns the volume up a little bit on storytelling. The same way when I was doing commercials and then I went and shot 'Go,' and 'Go' has a level of pace that is unlike any of my other movies.
When things go right it's hard to figure out why, but when things go wrong it's really easy.
There are certain topics songwriters stay away from because it's hard to go there. I didn't sit down and go, 'I want to write something about my dad now.' — © Robert Coppola Schwartzman
There are certain topics songwriters stay away from because it's hard to go there. I didn't sit down and go, 'I want to write something about my dad now.'
All these freshmen have come in here and worked hard from the beginning. I can't say enough good things about them. They were the No. 1 recruiting class in the country and they're confidant. They know they are the best. That doesn't mean they slack off. They work really hard. Now it's time to go out there and compete.
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