Top 922 Kennedy Assassination Quotes & Sayings - Page 6

Explore popular Kennedy Assassination quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
The last time I saw Robert Kennedy was in an elevator by accident also, going up, one week before he was shot.
I think that N.W.A. picked up where Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King would have gone if they hadn't been assassinated.
Whether it's Jack Kennedy or Bill Clinton or others, the personal lives do come into play, and people do judge you for that. — © Pete Sessions
Whether it's Jack Kennedy or Bill Clinton or others, the personal lives do come into play, and people do judge you for that.
The Kennedy family might be a lot of things, but for RFK, Jr., 'warm and fuzzy' doesn't exactly come to mind.
It's my name on the ballot, and it's me running this race. I'm the one doing this. Not my father and not my grandfather and not my great-uncle and not President Kennedy.
You might be a redneck if your Momma would rather go the racetrack than the Kennedy Center.
We remember the specter of sectarian violence -- al Qaeda's attacks on mosques and pilgrims, militias that carried out campaigns of intimidation and campaigns of assassination. And in the face of ancient divisions, you stood firm to help those Iraqis who put their faith in the future.
I think I'm the only president other than John Kennedy who had both parents alive during the presidency.
I think there are many Democrats who are good, strong leaders. The person I like the most is my nephew, Congressman Joe Kennedy.
I understand Jacqueline Kennedy has redone the White House in eighteenth-century style. Why, then, I'd fit in perfectly.
Were Kennedy not a millionaire, illiterate and ignorant, then he would obviously understand that you cannot revolt against the peasants.
'George' exploits John Kennedy Jr.'s cult of celebrity at a time when Americans are hungry for icons, not heroes.
One of the problems with a candidate like Bob Kennedy, and his brother before him, was that people assumed they didn't need contributions. — © Pierre Salinger
One of the problems with a candidate like Bob Kennedy, and his brother before him, was that people assumed they didn't need contributions.
Ted Kennedy devoted his lifetime to protecting those most in need, and tens of millions of Americans have been the beneficiaries.
Soon after Marilyn died, I met Bobby Kennedy and he looked at me as if to say: 'I am your enemy'.
The murder of John Kennedy in broad daylight in the streets of an American city remains, to me, an unsolved crime.
I remember the day when they sold Brian Deane and Jan Aage Fjortoft. It was like when President Kennedy got shot. is reminded that [John Kerry, D-MA] really just a better-looking Ted Kennedy, a richer Michael Dukakis.
The main difference for the history of the world if I had been shot rather than Kennedy is that Onassis probably wouldn't have married Mrs Khrushchev.
Listen, I'm a proud Democrat. My heroes are the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King. And I don't apologize for that and never will.
Firstly, we have personnel records of persons we hired, persons we fired, reasons we fired them and so forth. These records have nothing to do with the assassination of the president and, therefore, ought to remain in the files.
One of the things Mr. Kennedy taught me was that in laying out a new project, you shouldn't try to cope with every little problem.
Smash together the Grammys, Oscars, Emmys, and Tonys, and you get the Green Room at the Kennedy Center Honors.
Nature provides that a man who slaves all day should spend the hours of the night in a palace full of houris whereas a king who wields the sceptre by day should have his sleep disturbed by nightmares of rebellion and assassination.
Ted Kennedy is the only person alive who might know more than we do about Chappaquiddick, and he may not.
I certainly think Obama is the most hopeful president I've seen in the country since John Kennedy.
The reason I wrote 'Hit List' is the 50 mysterious deaths of witnesses to the JFK assassination. We're talking about CIA agents, FBI agents, reporters, people who had foreknowledge, or people who spoke too much afterward.
The Kennedy lifestyle is something that is looked upon favorably by the elites throughout our culture, both political and social.
[John F. Kennedy] was Arthur, the guy in the middle of the room with all the swords pointed at him. ... He wanted control of the situation.
Much as I cared for Joseph Kennedy, he was a classic example of that person in the arts with lots of brains and drive but little taste or talent.
Bill Clinton told me that when he was 14, he shook John Kennedy's hand, and that inspired him to be president.
In 1960, John F. Kennedy rode a superior televised debate performance to victory over Richard Nixon.
For style and for creating a mood of optimism and hope - Kennedy on that count is as effective as any president the country has had in its history.
I've been obsessed with the Kennedys since I was a child, and Bobby Kennedy is, hands down, my favorite among them.
Gary Hart is going to be all over the political spectrum fuzzing it up just like Jack Kennedy.
There is nobody that's ever going to fill Ted Kennedy's shoes, and that's a tall order for somebody in the family to try to live up to.
Ted Kennedy is endorsing John Kerry and I'm wondering, do you really want the endorsement of a guy with a Bloody Mary mustache?
There was the Missile Crisis, but one can't attribute to the [J.F.] Kennedy years anything like the problems that [Franklin] Roosevelt stood over and surmounted. — © John Kenneth Galbraith
There was the Missile Crisis, but one can't attribute to the [J.F.] Kennedy years anything like the problems that [Franklin] Roosevelt stood over and surmounted.
Nearly all Americans felt they knew JFK intimately, his charm and wit regularly lighting up the television screen at home. This is why polls showed that millions of Americans took his assassination like a 'death in the family.'
I wasn't part of John Kennedy's vision of the world, or Lyndon Johnson's. I thought of them as anti-Communist imperial monsters.
I came to political consciousness with John F. Kennedy's magnificent 1961 Inaugural Address. It seemed the start of something fresh and exciting, and it was.
In two months Joseph Kennedy had taken over my entire life, and I trusted him implicitly to make the most of it.
My dad took me to John Kennedy's inauguration when I was 8. We come every time, Republican and Democrat, because of this great country.
[Donald Trump] spreading preposterous rumors that [Ted] Cruz`s father had connections to Lee Harvey Oswald and the assassination of JFK. That put a bit of a damper on the bromance ultimately culminating in Cruz`s epic non-endorsement at the Republican convention.
I have been almost overwhelmed by the announcement of the sad event [Lincoln's assassination] which has so recently occurred. I feel incompetent to perform duties so important and responsible as those which have been so unexpectedly thrown upon me.
As one whose husband and mother-in-law have died the victims of murder and assassination, I stand firmly and unequivocally opposed to the death penalty for those convicted of capital offenses... An evil deed is not redeemed by an evil deed of retaliation.
At the time of his death, John Kennedy had a national security establishment that was a writhing ball of snakes.
I believed in Bobby Kennedy. Campaigning for him was an attempt to give back something to this country that has given me so much. — © Sammy Davis, Jr.
I believed in Bobby Kennedy. Campaigning for him was an attempt to give back something to this country that has given me so much.
There was no simple riddance to the power of a dangerous political idea; no assassination possible to avert a disruptive change in technology; no natural death to be counted on to stop an economic change that ripped up ancestral estates or stirred up class discontent.
I see a direct line between Kennedy and Richard Nixon and the opening to China and the detente with the Soviet Union.
Our findings with reference to organized crime was that organized crime as an entity didn't participate in the assassination of the president. However, we were unable to preclude the possibility of individual members of organized crime having participated.
It is galling to see such mendacious hypocrites as Kennedy and Biden at the Senate Judiciary Committee sitting in judgment on distinguished jurists.
In the past I faced assassination attempts. I faced harassment, intimidation and prison due to my bold stand on this issue. But these difficult challenges strengthened my faith; strengthened my belief; and strengthened my commitment and devotion to this cause.
President-elect John F.Kennedy said to Robert McNamara that there's no school for presidents, or, for that matter, for secretaries of defense.
True enough, Osama bin Laden is dead and other al-Qaeda leaders have joined him. But, the assassination of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi is a brutal reminder that radical Islamic terror groups have not disappeared and certainly are not dormant.
JFK [John F. Kennedy] was young, glamorous, Camelot, funny, engaging. Congress loved him.
The thing that makes [Bob] Kennedy so good is that he doesn't have a fear of losing. He was willing to go to Europe and get hammered.
The Kennedy Center Honors reflects our humanity and higher purpose. We are a great nation, in part, because we value culture.
I ran for Congress in 1996 to help Ted Kennedy pass a comprehensive health insurance reform bill.
Kennedy saw the insurgency as a anti-colonial, essentially nationalist movement, feeding on social discontent. So you don't shoot people.
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