Top 71 Deleted Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Deleted quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
I don't know whether this is the best of times or the worst of times, but I assure you it's the only time you've got. You can either sit on your expletive deleted or pick a daisy.
Trying to catch hold of yourself is a fool's errand. There is no you, only a series of former yous, created in one instant, deleted in the next.
I don't think we're supposed to say [expletive deleted] anymore. — © Kelly Sue DeConnick
I don't think we're supposed to say [expletive deleted] anymore.
This morning I deleted the hyphen from "hell-bound" and made it one word; this afternoon I redivided it and restored the hyphen.
I hate when there's a deleted scene on a DVD with no explanation, or you have to go out of your way to find an alternate audio track.
I had so many songs that were actually sort of finished. And I deleted them. I wrote on my website that I'd put them on the shelf, but that wasn't true. I actually deleted them from my computer. I got sort of trigger-happy and I think I deleted about 200 songs from my computer.
DVD ushered in this era when you had to have additional footage, deleted scenes, things like that. There was no call for that back when we were just doing VHS cassettes and LaserDiscs.
Hillary Clinton may be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency. To cover up her corrupt dealings, Hillary illegally stashed her State Department emails on a private server. Her server was easily hacked by foreign governments. Then there were the 33,000 emails she deleted. While we may not know what's in those deleted emails, our enemies probably know every single one of them. So they probably now have a blackmail file over someone who wants to be the president of the United States. This fact alone disqualifies her from the presidency.
The process of making a movie has expanded in terms of effort and time for the director, doing commentaries for the DVD for example, finishing deleted scenes so they could be on the DVD, and doing things like a web blog.
I deleted my Facebook account when I was 19 because it didn't bring out good qualities in me. I figured, 'Well my mom's got a Facebook. If people want to find me, they can go through her.'
I don't want to show deleted scenes. I don't like an audience looking at what the movie might have been - if it's in the movie, it's in the movie.
There were 33,000 missing Hillary [Clinton] emails. Nobody could find them. She claimed she deleted them. She handed over 30,000 to the State Department. They had them. They analyzed them. There are 30,000 she deleted. But people claimed that they had them. Like Kim Dotcom and there were others, that claimed they knew where they were, but nobody could produce them.
I started my Twitter account for selfish reasons: I wanted to have a place to post updates on my book signing tour and stuff like that. I never realized that I'd have so much fun tweeting. It's become the deleted scenes for my DVD of columns and podcasts.
Bad writing is more than a matter of (expletive deleted) syntax and faulty observation; bad writing usually arises from a stubborn refusal to tell stories about what people actually do to face the fact, let us say, that murderers sometimes help old ladies cross the street.
I can stand by a tweet. But Comedy Central said they couldn't publicly support me, unless I deleted it. I wasn't about to tell the people who work for me that they didn't have jobs anymore because I wasn't going to delete a stupid tweet.
My first book was so horrible I have deleted all copies of it. Thankfully, it was before the Internet, so there are no lurking caches of it anywhere. — © Andy Weir
My first book was so horrible I have deleted all copies of it. Thankfully, it was before the Internet, so there are no lurking caches of it anywhere.
Crooked Hillary Clinton bleached and deleted 33,000 emails, lied to Congress under oath, made 13 iPhones disappear, some with a hammer, then told the FBI she couldn't remember 39 times. Bad memory.
I often found that my favorite scene that I shoot is often one that I cut out, like in 'The Last Castle' and 'The Contender.' If you look at the deleted scenes, some of the best scenes never made it into the film.
Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future.
The word impossible has been and must remain deleted from our dictionary.
After they see me, when their mothers are feeding them all that cashmere sweater and girdle ----- [expletive deleted by the New York Times], maybe they'll have a second thought - that they can be themselves and win.
You know, my sense is that transparency is a good thing. It also has to be what - private information should be safeguarded so that individuals are not caught in the cross-fire here. But I think that our government, and people who are working in our government who should have been on the record - Hillary Clinton, remember, deleted half of her email, which is like, what's wrong with this picture?
I get on Facebook, and I love it. Then one day, I get a message that says, 'Your account has been deleted.' I click on the link to see why it was deleted, and it says, 'Your account has been suspended because members are not allowed to impersonate celebrities.'
Both as a filmmaker and as a fan I love the behind-the-scenes stuff, I like it even more than deleted scenes frankly. Especially when you're happy with the movie and you're proud of it, those deleted scenes give you also a sense of the making of the film and the process through which you end up with the final product.
I deleted all the apps. You can actually turn off the App Store. And I gave the passcode to my wife so I didn't have the passcode to reinstall the App Store. And I deleted all social media apps and e-commerce apps.
In books they don't have deleted scenes, like with DVDs. You could have your deleted scene in a book as well!
It's very unusual on 'Game of Thrones' for there to be a deleted scene because the scripts are pretty locked in. There's rarely a reason to say, 'Hey, we don't need this scene.'
But it wasn't until I deleted Twitter that everything changed for me and I slowly started to feel normal again.
Before I put 'Blue Lights' out, I deleted my Instagram and everything and started again.
Digital media are biased toward replication and storage. Our digital photos practically upload and post themselves on Facebook, and our most deleted e-mails tend to resurface when we least expect it. Yes, everything you do in the digital realm may as well be broadcast on prime-time television and chiseled on the side of the Parthenon.
I don't know why my brain has kept all the words to the Gilligan's Island theme song and has deleted everything about triangles.
While I've never asked my publisher to pull one of my books off the shelves, I have deleted tweets or blog posts that have drawn criticism.
There is never finality in the display terminal's screen, but an irresponsible whimsicality, as words, sentences, and paragraphs are negated at the touch of a key. The significance of the past, as expressed in the manuscript by a deleted word or an inserted correction, is annulled in idle gusts of electronic massacre.
Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory.
I added and deleted according to the audiences' response to different gestures, and chose songs to build an act that would constantly stimulate my audience.
My first-ever social medium was actually MySpace. But my first video ever was on YouTube - that's when I thought I was a fashion guru - posting fashion stuff. I deleted all of those videos. And I regret doing that today, because I want to look back and see how baduy I was in seventh grade!
Mr. Bush is an illegitimate President. In Florida, his brother Jeb deleted many black voters from the electoral registers. So this President is the result of a fraud.
In something like 'Frank,' which is a comedy, albeit a strange and emotional one, you can absolutely put in deleted scenes, and we did because they were just funny and great, but they weren't necessary in the overall structure.
Now, after I have published a few books, I can clearly feel the impact of censorship when I write. For example, I'll think of a sentence, and then realize that it will for sure get deleted. Then I won't even write it down.
I don't believe in director's cuts and I also don't really believe in deleted scenes because the movie that is in theaters, that's what the director made. — © Neill Blomkamp
I don't believe in director's cuts and I also don't really believe in deleted scenes because the movie that is in theaters, that's what the director made.
What are people going to expect when they sit down to watch a new episode of Black Mirror? And what you're going to expect is somebody with a translucent TV in a drone strike and a robot walking by... or frowning at a phone and going 'aaah! Oh no! I've just deleted my own leg!' or whatever. So I thought well, let's not do that.
Hillary [Clinton] bleached and deleted 33,000 e-mails after a congressional subpoena. She got a subpoena from Congress and she said, this is no good, this is terrible, because those 33,000 e-mails had bad stuff.
You have Hillary Clinton who has called black teens or black kids super predators, you have Donald Trump who's openly racist. We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn't make sense to me because if that was any other person you'd be in prison.
Seriously, just buy the [expletive deleted] book. I promise you'll like it. Unless you're [expletive deleted].
Deleted scenes are like in a middle gray zone. It's like, well, they're deleted because they're not good or you lost the battle and you couldn't put them in the movie.
Leigh did what any sane female faced with such an e-mail would do: deleted it to resist the temptation of replying, cleared her trash to resist the temptation of recalling it, and then called tech support to restore all her recently deleted e-mails. (Chasing Harry Winston)
My Instagram got deleted a lot of times. I used to do rough jokes and curse a lot.
We have a presidential candidate who's deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn't make sense to me, because if that was any other person, you'd be in prison. So what is this country really standing for?
'Memoryhouse' came out, and there wasn't a single review and zero sales, and after about a year, it was deleted. So I recorded The 'Blue Notebooks' on a little indie label, and my attitude was, 'Well, if nobody is listening, I might as well keep doing what I'm doing'.
It would be better for everyone if we deleted everything by default and saved the things that are important to us.
But more than 15 sections in Chapter 8 of the report-the key chapter setting out the scientific evidence for and against a human influence over the climate-were changed or deleted after the scientist charged with examining this question had accepted the supposedly final text.
I hope to take advantage of the Netflix organism and see if there are ways to get in new material and see if there are ways to do deleted scenes. — © Mitchell Hurwitz
I hope to take advantage of the Netflix organism and see if there are ways to get in new material and see if there are ways to do deleted scenes.
There really aren't any deletes [in The Hanover movie]. There's like one or two deleted scenes but they're not important or meaningful scenes.
When Britain signed up to the European Convention and its later protocols, the words 'universal suffrage' were deleted from the 'right to vote' article.
We derive so much of our self-confidence and validation from Instagram. Just imagine one day Instagram gets deleted like all of your friends who you think you have on social media, all these likes and comments just disappear, what are we left with? We have stopped valuing human relationships and contact.
There weren't any deleted scenes, it was just a matter of tightening stuff. I didn't have any deleted scenes in what I did as far as I know. It's very unusual on Game of Thrones for there to be a deleted scene because the scripts are pretty locked in. There's rarely a reason to say, "Hey, we don't need this scene."
My party is going bat (EXPLETIVE DELETED) crazy.
I will release my tax returns - against my lawyer's wishes - when she releases her 33,000 e-mails that have been deleted. As soon as she releases them, I will release.
Does anybody learn writing, or do they just touch someone who lets them see the power of the deleted word?
We're now seeing email that people thought they had deleted showing up as evidence in court. You can't erase email. As that becomes more commonly realized, people will be a little wiser about what they type.
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