Top 1200 Improving Yourself Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Improving Yourself quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
There has been a great challenge in improving educational achievement. It's a long-term issue, not a short-term one. It includes everything from getting more parents involved to addressing issues of poverty and improving what happens in the classroom.
Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.
Even though it is the case that poverty is linked to AIDS, in the sense that Africa is poor and they have a lot of AIDS, it's not necessarily the case that improving poverty - at least in the short run, that improving exports and improving development - it's not necessarily the case that that's going to lead to a decline in HIV prevalence.
Others are improving very fast, and I'm not improving as fast, and that bothers me. — © Yao Ming
Others are improving very fast, and I'm not improving as fast, and that bothers me.
Life is about balance. Be kind, but don’t let people abuse you. Trust, but don’t be deceived. Be content, but never stop improving yourself.
That's the most important thing, improving myself in training, and improving in the things I don't do better, so improving in all aspects, in all areas, in training, to improve game by game and hopefully they will keep coming and hopefully we'll get to the top.
At the international level, one has to keep working hard and develop new skills. International cricket is all about improving yourself.
Making a company is a great way to improve the world while improving yourself.
With any mannerisms or dialogue, you have to be careful you're not just serving yourself. What happens with improving is a lot of times, if you're not in the framework of the script, you're just making everything easier so it fits you. It's much more interesting and challenging to go to it, rather than it coming to you.
Do it because it's in your heart. Not because you want something in return. Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.
While the rest of the world has been improving technology, Ghana has been improving the quality of man's humanity to man.
Improving yourself is a lot more profitable than trying to improve others.
The arts can play a vital role in revitalizing neighborhoods, using and improving vacant space, bringing new jobs and new sense of opportunity, and improving public safety by generating more foot traffic and more eyes on the street.
David Agus is one of America's great doctors and medical researchers, a man dedicated to improving the health of as many people as he can. Written in a style and format that will truly engage readers, The End of Illness presents a dramatic, new way of thinking about our own health-a way that could lead to greatly improving the quality of life for millions, starting right now.
Don't you know alcohol kills brain cells...any damn brain cell that can't live through a good drunk deserves to die. You're doing yourself a favour, getting rid of all them nonhacking, underachieving ones. I'm working on improving your efficiency.
It's about getting a more democratic Wales for the purpose of improving our economic performance, for improving the delivery of health care, for raising educational standards.
God, we don't have nearly enough skilled carpenters, electricians, plumbers for the work that needs to be done in taking every single building in Canada and making it carbon-zero, a net-neutral building, by improving insulation, modernizing furnaces, improving the geothermal possibilities, heat pumps.
I pattern my actions and life after what I want. No two people are alike. You might admire attributes in others, but use these only as a guide in improving yourself in your own unique way. I don't go for carbon copies. Individualism is sacred!
No matter what your mission is, have some notion in your head. Forget the model, whether it's government or nonprofit or profit. Ask yourself the more important question: Is my mission improving the world? Are you sure about it? Seek to disconfirm that all the time. And if you can, change your mission.
I personally think that we can win the World Cup. We are improving with every game. With such a young average age in the squad we can only carry on improving. — © Ruud van Nistelrooy
I personally think that we can win the World Cup. We are improving with every game. With such a young average age in the squad we can only carry on improving.
Pressure brings out the best in me. It's the only way to keep improving: putting a bit of pressure on yourself.
In a world where everything revolves around yourself-protec t yourself, promote yourself, comfort yourself, and take care of yourself-Jesus says, 'Crucify yourself. Put aside all self-preservati on in order to live for God's glorification, no matter what that means for you in the culture around you.'
We are working for a revolution. If we do not start it by improving the life of the soldiers, all slogans of reforming and improving society are but empty words.
Doctor Strange is an origin story so there's a certain room for me improving as well as the character improving.
Push yourself to keep improving or you'll stay as close to the bottom as you are to the top
You must learn to forgive yourself as easily as you forgive others. And then take a further step and use all that energy that you used in condemning yourself for improving yourself. After that I really started to get somewhere - because there's only one person you can change and that's yourself. After you have changed yourself, you might be able to inspire others to look for change.
Each game helps me to continue improving, which is what I want. I want to improve in defense, on the ball, score more goals. I never want to get tired of improving.
There will always be someone out there that is better than you, and you have to accept it and focus on improving yourself.
Being positive and believing in yourself is important, not only in football but also in improving as a person.
Embrace and love all of yourself - past, present, and future. Forgive yourself quickly and as often as necessary. Encourage yourself. Tell yourself good things about yourself.
The only real security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way.
Responsive governments committed to improving the broader trade facilitation and business environment can help companies of all sizes by improving infrastructure: roads, transportation, ports, information and communication technology, and electricity.
The words "I Can't" should be permanently stricken from your vocabulary, especially the vocabulary of your thoughts. You must see yourself always growing and improving.
Learning from our mistakes is critical for improving, but even I don't have patience for ranking my regrets. Regret is a negative emotion that inhibits the optimism required to take on new challenges. You risk living in an alternative universe, where if only you had done this or that differently, things would be better. That's a poor substitute for making your actual life better, or improving the lives of others. Regret briefly, analyze and understand, and then move on, improving the only life you have.
It might be easy to identify me as so-and-so's son, especially to begin with, but you only get that one first film, after which you have to prove yourself and keep improving.
Know yourself. Feel yourself. Love yourself. Respect yourself. Take good care of yourself. You are your most precious possession on Earth.
Hedonic Engineering -- The human nervous system studying and improving itself: intelligence studying and improving intelligence. Why be depressed, dumb, and agitated when you can be happy, smart, and tranquil?
With any mannerisms or dialogue, you have to be careful you're not just serving yourself. What happens with improving is a lot of times, if you're not in the framework of the script, you're just making everything easier so it fits you.
Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give everyone a smile. Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others. Be too big for worry and too noble for anger.
Retire into yourself as much as possible. Associate with people who are likely to improve you. Welcome those whom you are capable of improving. The process is a mutual one. People learn as they teach.
I feel very strongly, we've got to give animals a good life. I've worked really hard improving slaughter plants and animal handling and transport. And people have said to me, why don't you work on improving conditions on pig farms? And basically, to be effective on making real change out there on the ground, you can only work on so many things. You know, you get too distributed, you're not effective.
I like to think about music as a sport. But only in terms of golf, as far as the course being music and me being the golfer. So it's competitive but only with yourself. With the last one doing well, it made it a challenge to feel like I was improving in some way.
We're not saints, any of us. Maybe somebody is, but I don't know those people. But we all know people who behave very smugly and are very egotistical and put you down as a manner of improving their own place in the world or improving their own place in the world.
Everybody is improving but I am improving slowly, which seemingly widens our distance. — © Yao Ming
Everybody is improving but I am improving slowly, which seemingly widens our distance.
We nationalize hydrocarbons, so now the economy is improving and the fight against poverty is also improving in Bolivia.
If you're serious about improving your play, be brutally honest with yourself.
Every day I'm getting shaped and molded. Keepin' on, being a better artist, and improving on this, improving on that. The more I'm in it, the more I'm practicing and the more I'm advancing.
Obviously I'd love to work with any of these great directors because every time I've worked with them I've gained a tremendous amount as an actor. Each director has his own way of pushing you towards improving yourself.
As ideas are preserved and communicated by means of words, it necessarily follows that we cannot improve the language of any science, without at the same time improving the science itself; neither can we, on the other hand, improve a science without improving the language or nomenclature which belongs to it.
Maturity is about Challenging yourself and Improving! And then taking that experience to help others.
If you make a decision in your life, even one as eminently logical and self-improving as "Why'd you start washing your hair every day?" and you start getting questioned hourly about it, you're going to start second-guessing yourself.
I think the world is always improving and always not improving. I think that both are simultaneously happening all the time.
By improving yourself, the world is made better. Be not afraid of growing too slowly. Be afraid only of standing still.
As a small-business man myself, I believe strongly that improving the health of small businesses is the key to improving the economy, growing the middle class, and creating innovative products and services.
How is Angeline?” asked Dimitri. “Is she improving?” Eddie and I exchanged glances. So much for avoiding her indiscretions. “Improving how exactly?” I asked. “In combat, in following the dress code, or in keeping her hands to herself?” “Or in turning off caps-lock?” added Eddie. “You noticed that too?” I asked. “Hard not to,” he said.
You've really got to keep on improving and improving and improving. It still involves work. It's not like you get to a point, and then you're good and that's it. — © Patty Schemel
You've really got to keep on improving and improving and improving. It still involves work. It's not like you get to a point, and then you're good and that's it.
Everyone knows that my key drivers to moving health care policies is improving access and reducing costs and improving outcomes.
I don't feel bad about telling somebody I see a psychologist. I don't feel that you should feel bad about improving yourself.
No one ever got ahead by going through the motions. You have to constantly be improving yourself. Make your life the masterpiece you want it to be.
Keep working towards improving on yourself and keep working towards your dreams and goals because no one else will for you.
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