Top 1200 Fleet Street Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Fleet Street quotes.
Last updated on October 4, 2024.
The fleet sailed to its war base in the North Sea, headed not so much for some rendezvous with glory as for rendezvous with discretion.
In daily or everyday life, I am so impressed with tiny details, like when I look up at a street lamp falling on the street, it seems to have meaning or so much information in it.
My actual statement during the campaign was I want to be the sheriff of Wall Street, Albany and Main Street. I'm going to go after crime and corruption, wherever it is.
I almost got kidnapped trying to find a taxi in the street. In Saudi Arabia, it's not normal for a woman to walk in the street alone, and I don't cover my face, so I am an open target.
Because I do it with one small ship, I am called a terrorist. You do it with a whole fleet and are called an emperor. — © Saint Augustine
Because I do it with one small ship, I am called a terrorist. You do it with a whole fleet and are called an emperor.
Each of us A cell of awareness Imperfect and incomplete Genetic blends With uncertain ends On a fortune hunt that's far too fleet
I never left my street until I was 16 years old. I didn't have to. I was entertained on that street forever. We were outside all day. The only reason to go inside was to sleep and eat.
Fame is like getting across the street. It's like, if there's nothing to be across the street for, it's a pointless destination. It's like, "I gotta get across the street, man! I gotta be there! I gotta be there!" Then you get across the street and you're like, "Yeah I'm here!" And then, that's it. Fame doesn't make you particularly happy.
The issue is the Republican Party has been paying too much attention to Wall Street and not enough attention to Main Street.
It's time to bring tough medicine to Washington. No longer will policy be set by K Street, it will be dictated by Main Street.
I think the money for the solutions for global poverty is on Wall Street. Wall Street allocates capital. And we need to get capital to the ideas that are successful, whether it's microfinance, whether it's through financial literacy programs, Wall Street can be the engine that makes capital get to the people who need it.
Mubarak would meet with me when I was at Central Command. He would lean and put his hand on my knee, as if a father figure, and say, 'General, don't ever forget the Arab Street. Listen to the Arab Street.' I'd like to go to him now and say, 'Mr. President, what about that Arab Street, what's that all about?'
I played a lot at the school across the street from my house. That's how I started, really. Playing street basketball and challenging the guys out on the court who were older than me.
Having three operational vehicles in the fleet affords the shuttle program great schedule flexibility as we move toward flying safely and completing the international space station.
If there's anyone who's against Wall Street, it's Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton, who basically lives off of the funding from Wall Street.
We spent most of our life almost like street rats just running around the street until we were ten years old. — © Quincy Jones
We spent most of our life almost like street rats just running around the street until we were ten years old.
Do you have any idea how cheap stocks are? Wall Street is now being called Wall Mart Street
Ultimately there is no dividing line between Main Street and Wall Street. We will rise or we will fall together as one nation.
It was at a gym near Liverpool Street. I came off the street - I was just a kid - and I was just excited about getting to punch someone in the face.
Nobody now fears that a Japanese fleet could deal an unexpected blow on our Pacific possessions. Radio makes surprise impossible.
Nuclear is an important part of the heritage of Duke. We operate the largest regulated nuclear fleet in the U.S. We love the diversity of the generation.
As a kid, I played my share of football in the street or in a vacant lot. When we were playing in the street, it was more touch football, so we didn't hit each other into cars.
Alas, by what rude fate Our lives, like ships at sea, an instant meet, Then part forever on their courses fleet.
How fleet is a glance of the mind! Compared with the speed of its flight, The tempest itself lags behind, And the swift-winged arrows of light.
A fleet of the most powerful vessels would be of little use in war without a personnel at least as efficient as that of our possible enemies.
When shopping was still connected to the street it was also an intensification and articulation of the street. Now it has become utterly independent - contained, controlled, surveyed.
Once our carrier fleet went all nuclear in 2005, we went from having two aircraft carrier homeports on the East Coast to one.
I played street basketball for a while and wanted to play competitively, but I was so used to the street-style of game that I would have fouled out by the end of the first quarter.
Everywhere I go - from Main Street to Wall Street - people ask, 'What's happened to our political system? Why can't Washington folks work together?'
Wall Street can never be allowed to threaten main street again. No bank can be too big to fail, no executive too powerful to jail.
The speed of the fleet is not determined by the fastest vessel; rather it is determined by the slowest one.
I lived on Fulton Street in an enormous studio - I needed a bicycle to get to the toilet, about half a mile between two streets - next to Wall Street.
I'm a street footballer and you still get street footballers from Africa, South Africa and really poor parts of Europe.
If I see a black kid in a hoodie and it's late at night, I'm walking to the other side of the street. And if on that side of the street, there's a guy that has tattoos all over his face, white guy, bald head, tattoos everywhere, I'm walking back to the other side of the street, and the list goes on of stereotypes that we all live up to and are fearful of.
Trump has the courage to stand up to Wall Street, to the K Street lobbyists, and say our trade deals have not been best for the ordinary, average citizen American.
In the 20th century there's was the long-running division in the Republican Party between what was known as Wall Street and Main Street Republicans. And sort of different expectations about the use of the federal government.
Wall Street can be a dangerous place for investors. You have no choice but to do business there, but you must always be on your guard. The standard behavior of Wall Streeters is to pursue maximization of self-interest; the orientation is usually short term. This must be acknowledged, accepted, and dealt with. If you transact business with Wall Street with these caveats in mind, you can prosper. If you depend on Wall Street to help you, investment success may remain elusive.
Naturally, we will continue to offer very powerful vehicles in the future. Nevertheless, no other manufacturer has reduced the CO2 emissions of its fleet as substantially as the BMW Group.
I'm not wedded to covering the markets. I'm intrigued by the markets. If I can connect Main Street with Wall Street, then I've succeeded.
Divinity is not playful. The universe was not made in jest but in solemn incomprehensibl e earnest. By a power that is unfathomably secret, and holy, and fleet. There is nothing to be done about it, but ignore it, or see.
I grew up playing in the streets. We played two-hand touch from street pole to street pole. That's how I learned the game. — © Malcolm Jenkins
I grew up playing in the streets. We played two-hand touch from street pole to street pole. That's how I learned the game.
Never in my life did I think I would be walking down the street and people would shout 'Jesus!' at me in the street. It's quite amusing.
The mugger who is arrested is back on the street before the police officer, but the person mugged may not be back on the street for a long time, if ever.
I felt only as a man can feel who is roaming over the prairies of the far West, well armed, and mounted on a fleet and gallant steed.
Our nation's power plant fleet must include a mix of solar, wind, hydro, natural gas and nuclear plants.
Memories are made of peculiar stuff, elusive and yet compelling, powerful and fleet. You cannot trust your reminiscences, and yet there is no reality except the one we remember.
Los Angeles is Hollywood and Hollywood is Hollywood Blvd. It's the first thing you want to see. It's the only thing really that you know about as far as Los Angeles is concerned. And so you go and you look at Joan Crawford's hands and feet and the whole history of American filmmaking is encapsulated in that one little area on that one street. That street, to me, has always been the street of dream.
I was a huge 'Street Fighter' fan, and I actually still am. The only game I really was good at was 'Street Fighter.'
I like singing in the street, so if you saw a little Indian kid walking on the street singing loudly, that was probably me.
If this is a war, my side has the nuclear bomb. We have K Street. We have Wall Street. Debbie doesn't have anybody. I want a government that is responsive to the people who got the short straw in life.
Denmark is a country built on a commercial fleet. That's basically what we have been doing. We're just a small country of islands, and every family has a sailor. — © Tobias Lindholm
Denmark is a country built on a commercial fleet. That's basically what we have been doing. We're just a small country of islands, and every family has a sailor.
Some say an army of horsemen, or infantry, A fleet of ships is the fairest thing On the face of the black earth, but I say It's what one loves.
When I moved to the East Village in the late seventies, I wanted to be a street performer, so I practiced daily. I never did work up the skills or the courage to perform on the street, though.
I've got four houses in my street. I live in two, and the others are empty. I'll buy more as they come up, because I think it would be great to have the entire street.
I sincerely desire to be appointed Commander in Chief of the air fleet to attack Pearl Harbor so that I may personally command that attack force.
Everything I do is going to be gangsta rap, street based, street oriented... I'm from Gary, Indiana, and everybody's damn near at the poverty level.
It was supposed to be in the second street project for Main Street. But who knows? Maybe it will be built one of these days. We never throw away any idea.
Having witnessed first-hand the prowess of the Western Fleet, I am confident that the Indian Navy is fully capable of defending the nation against any form of threat.
It's not just fleet of foot or speed. It's about who gets caught and gets knocked out.
I'm not going to let Wall Street get away with murder. Wall Street has caused tremendous problems for us.
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