Top 1200 Form And Substance Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Form And Substance quotes.
Last updated on October 18, 2024.
Form may be of more account than substance. A lens of ice will focus a solar beam to a blaze.
[T]he Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost [are] three ... not in condition, but in degree; not in substance, but in form; not in power, but in aspect; yet of one substance, and of one condition, and of one power, inasmuch as He is one God, from whom these degrees and forms and aspects are reckoned, under the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Far from creating a new formalism, what these can yield is something far transcending surface values since they not only embody form as beauty, but also form in which intuitions or ideas or conjectures have taken visible substance.
Faith was the raw material substance that the Spirit of God used to form the universe. — © Kenneth Copeland
Faith was the raw material substance that the Spirit of God used to form the universe.
Preserve substance; modify form; know the difference.
Everything is substance plus name and form. Name and form come and go, but substance remains ever the same.
Designs are a revelation to me. It's like taking something that is not alive and giving it form, shape, substance, and life.
Transient bodies are only subject to destruction through their substance and not through their form, nor can the essence of their form be destroyed; in this respect, they are permanent.
God is all there is - God includes everything, all possibility and all action, for Spirit is the invisible essence and substance of all form.
There is universal substance which is divine substance because where else can it be?
Man can be that which he wishes to be; form and substance, they are but shadows. The mind, the ego, the essence of the god-dream -- that is real, that is immortal.
Transient bodies are only subject to destruction through their substance and not through their form, nor can the essence of their form be destroyed; in this respect they are permanent.
Substance is a subspecies of value. When you reverse the containment process and define substance in terms of value the mystery disappears: substance is a "stable pattern of inorganic values." The problem then disappears. The world of objects and the world of values is unified.
Unlike the older, more humanly shaped arts, which begin with a seed and accumulate their form organically, photography clips its substance out of an actual continuum.
Harassment doesn't just happen to 'social observers' and 'comedians' - women who express themselves publicly are reliably verbally attacked online and in person, not for their substance but for their form.
Form and Substance are opposite ends of the same coin. — © Ronald Reagan
Form and Substance are opposite ends of the same coin.
Sex and love are like tea and milk. They can be mixed or they can be taken straight. Each has certain distinctive characteristics, but when they are combined they form a unique substance.
Your past is your shadow. It has form but no substance, except in the places you allow it to touch you. (
The proximity of an army causes prices to go up; and high prices cause people's substance to be drained away. When their substance is drained away, they will be afflicted by heavy exactions. With this loss of substance and exhaustion of strength, the homes of the people will be stripped bare, and their incomes dissipated.
Man's shortcomings and sins are all due to substance of the body and not to its form, while all his merits are exclusively due to his form.
Designis a revelation to me. It's like taking something that is not alive and giving it form, shape, substance, and life.
The well-known fact that the form of a specific substance, e.g. water, and hence its properties can alter without a change in composition was disposed of by the formal view that a physical, not a chemical, process was involved.
The only requirement of a symbol is that it have substance underneath: The first thing to do is to try to establish the substance. The style comes after the substance. Only then can the style help the substance, and vice versa.
Color is sensitivity in material form, substance in its purest form.
Form can only be destroyed accidentally, i.e., on account of its connexion with substance, the true nature of which consists in the property of never being without a disposition to receive form.
Form and substance are one and the same. Form is the life expression and substance the living painting.
Don't let form become more important than the substance of your heart and mind. Don't let commerce determine what you do exclusively.
Addiction isnt about substance - you arent addicted to the substance, you are addicted to the alteration of mood that the substance brings.
How a man perceives substance dictates the amount of substance in a man. To know the depth of anyone's true substance, simply measure the weight of what consumes and excites their inner drive.
When sunlight falls on a crystal, lights of all colors of the rainbow appear; yet they have no substance that you can grasp. Likewise, all thoughts in their infinite variety are utterly without substance.
love is form, and cannot be without important substance
Without the aesthetic, the computer is but a mindless speed machine, producing effects without substance, form without relevant content, or content without meaningful form.
Evil has no substance of its own, but is only the defect, excess, perversion, or corruption of that which has substance.
There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, and fills the inter spaces of the universe. A thought in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.
Addiction isn't about substance - you aren't addicted to the substance, you are addicted to the alteration of mood that the substance brings.
Facts of experience are valued in Zen more than representations, symbols, and concepts-that is to say, substance is everything in Zen and form nothing.
A thought-form held in thinking substance is a reality; it is a real thing, whether it has yet become visible to mortal eye or not.
Painting is concerned with the ten things you can see: these are darkness and brightness, substance and color, form and place, remoteness and nearness, movement and rest.
Politics, as hopeful men practise it in the world, consists mainly of the delusion that a change in form is a change in substance. — © H. L. Mencken
Politics, as hopeful men practise it in the world, consists mainly of the delusion that a change in form is a change in substance.
Ten properties of an object, according to Leonardo: light and dark, color and substance, form and position, distance and nearness, movement and stillness.
Grit is the grain of character. It may generally be described as heroism materialized,--spirit and will thrust into heart, brain, and backbone, so as to form part of the physical substance of the man.
Creative power is that receptive attitude of expectancy which makes a mold into which the plastic yet undifferentiated substance can flow and take the desired form.
Through death you find yourself, because you no longer identify with form. You realize you are not the form with which you had identified ­ neither the physical nor the psychological form of "me". That form goes. It dissolves and who you are beyond form emerges through the opening where that form was. One could almost say that every form of life obscures God.
There are two elements to nailing a job interview: form and substance. 'Form' describes the outer layer of your character - your manners, your demeanor, your social skills. 'Substance' describes the inner core of your character - your intellect, your empathy, your creativity.
The Universal mind is not only intelligence, but it is substance, and this substance is the attractive force which brings electrons together by the law of attraction so they form atoms; the atoms in turn are brought together by the same law and form molecules; molecules take objective forms and so we find that the law is the creative force behind every manifestation, not only of atoms, but of worlds, of the universe, of everything of which the imagination can form any conception.
No form remains permanently in a substance; a constant change takes place, one form is taken off and another is put on.
When we consider the being and substance of that universe in which we are immutably set, we shall discover that neither we ourselves nor any substance doth suffer death. For nothing is in fact diminished in its substance, but all things, wandering through infinite space, undergo change of aspect.
I tell my students, with a feeling of pride that I hope they will share, that the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen that make up ninety-nine per cent of our living substance were cooked in the deep interiors of earlier generations of dying stars. Gathered up from the ends of the universe, over billions of years, eventually they came to form, in part, the substance of our sun, its planets, and ourselves. Three billion years ago, life arose upon the earth. It is the only life in the solar system.
The ideas of things intellectually known pass into the substance of the intellect much more than do foods into the substance of the body.
Substance is enduring, form is ephemeral.
The concentration of the ferment iron in living substance is very small, being in the region of 1 g to 10 million g of cellular substance. — © Otto Heinrich Warburg
The concentration of the ferment iron in living substance is very small, being in the region of 1 g to 10 million g of cellular substance.
In its most primitive form, life is, therefore, no longer bound to the cell, the cell which possesses structure and which can be compared to a complex wheel-work, such as a watch which ceases to exist if it is stamped down in a mortar. No, in its primitive form life is like fire, like a flame borne by the living substance;-like a flame which appears in endless diversity and yet has specificity within it;-which can adopt the form of the organic world, of the lank grass-leaf and of the stem of the tree.
To make use of your mind to think conceptually is to leave substance and attach yourself to form
Mere form without substance must collapse of its own weight.
Behavior is the substance of religion. Belief is the substance of relationship.
Substance is enduring, form is ephemeral. Failure to distinguish clearly between the two is ruinous. Success follows those adept at preserving the substance of the past by clothing it in the forms of the future. Preserve substance; modify form; know the difference.
Man's shortcomings and sins are all due to the substance of the body and not to its form; while all his merits are exclusively due to his form.
Some news managers have been slow to grasp that good television news is always substance over form.
The world changed somewhat in form during its progress, but never in substance.
The closest thing to a law of nature in business is that form has an affinity for expense, while substance has an affinity for income.
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