Top 1200 France And England Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular France And England quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
In commemoration of the fact that France was our ally in securing independence the citizens of that nation joined with the citizens of the United States in placing in New York harbor an heroic statue representing Liberty enlightening the world. What course shall our nation pursue? Send the statue of Liberty back to France and borrow from England a statue of William the Conqueror?
The good thing about England - like, if I were in France, all people would be doing is rubbing my nose in Donald Trump. As if I voted for him. Just rubbing my nose in him. And in England, they'd be rubbing my nose in it too, except for Brexit. So that means they can't rub my nose in anything!
In England, philosophers are honoured, respected; they rise to public offices, they are buried with the kings... In France warrants are issued against them, they are persecuted, pelted with pastoral letters: Do we see that England is any the worse for it?
England understands good Chinese, Japanese and Indian cuisine; in France, we just get French. — © Eva Green
England understands good Chinese, Japanese and Indian cuisine; in France, we just get French.
An arrant traitor as any is in the universal world, or in France, or in England.
in that small [time] most greatly lived this star of England: Fortune made his sword, By which the world's best garden he achiev'd And left it to his son imperial lord. Henry the Sixth, in infant bands crown'd King of France and England did this King succeed; Whose state so many of had the managing, That they lost France and made his England bleed.
I think that France, Germany, Spain, Holland and England will join Brazil in the semi-finals.
Power is the main difference; it's more powerful in England. Referees are less strict than in France, teams like to play low and in counter-attack, and defenders in general are stronger than in France.
At 78 years old, I am not surprised at much anymore. Germany has taken divergent positions before, so has France, so has England, so has the US.
France isn't burkinis on the beach. France is Brigitte Bardot. That's France.
I consider myself a 'local' actor in France. I started out in France, I went to drama school in France and the French film community was very welcoming to me when I was a young actress.
I learned everything in France, I grew up in France, but England is not the same football. It's very difficult, it's very tough, very physical.
The further off from England the nearer is to France- Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance.
France believes in armed intervention by America only when the intervention is in France to rescue France from occupation by other powers.
In Europe, where human relations like clothes are supposed to last, one's got to be wearable. In France one has to be interesting, in Italy pleasant, in England one has to fit.
I'm opposed to wearing headscarves in public places. That's not France. There's something I just don't understand: the people who come to France, why would they want to change France, to live in France the same way they lived back home?
During a period of time when Italy is talking about splitting northern and southern Italy, France is talking about splitting with Corsica and Normandy, England is talking about splitting with Wales and Scotland and England. And it goes on and on and on.
When America was first made known to Europe, the part assumed by France on the borders of that new world was peculiar, and is little recognized. While the Spaniard roamed sea and land, burning for achievement, red-hot with bigotry and avarice, and while England, with soberer steps and a less dazzling result, followed in the path of discovery and gold-hunting, it was from France that those barbarous shores first learned to serve the ends of peaceful commercial industry.
Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. — © Mahatma Gandhi
Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French.
When you go to that other country you realize that in France and in England, you don't ask somebody what they do for a living when you meet someone. A lot of the obvious things, the shortcuts we take in America - in America you can talk about money all you want. You can ask how much they make, rent they pay, how much their house costs and how much their car costs, and they'll feel comfortable telling you. But it's scandalous to ask anyone in England or France a question like that.
While aromatherapy is practiced by medical doctors in France, this has not been the case in England and the United States.
There are no English, French, German or American Jews, but only Jews > > >living in England, France, Germany or America.
It's sometimes difficult living in France. People are more open minded in England, and of course I'm missing England in terms of football and the passion that the fans show, they're really passionate.
I changed Portugal to France and France to England.
I began to travel by myself, in Europe, when I was eight years old. At that age I was already on the move between India and Swizerland, Switzerland and France, France and England. Administering my own finances like an adult.
When the war was in progress, England and France agreed wholeheartedly with the Fourteen Points. As soon as the war was won, England, France, and Italy tried to frustrate Wilson's program because it was in conflict with their imperialist policies. As a consequence, the Peace Treaty was one of the most unequal treaties ever negotiated in history.
I've lived in England, France, Spain, Portugal and Germany in the '80s. I don't like being settled. It's not really healthy.
Can you imagine a writer in England influencing? Absolutely not. And in France? It used to be, but no more-absolutely not. France used to, at least, have writers as diplomats, but not any more.
King of England, and you, duke of Bedford, who call yourself regent of the kingdom of France... settle your debt to the king of Heaven; return to the Maiden, who is envoy of the king of Heaven, the keys to all the good towns you took and violated in France.
Indeed, the Englishman's history of New England commences only when it ceases to be New France.
The level here in England is much higher than in France.
They like my books better in England than in France; a translation would be very successful there.
Financially, it's true that France does not have the same pulling power as England, Spain or Italy. But this is not the aspect that matters most to me.
Sugar is more present in America or England than it is in France. I think there is an addiction to sweetness.
Love in France is a comedy; in England a tragedy; in Italy an opera seria; and in Germany a melodrama.
I can't move back to England. My home is in France now. I'd love to but I can't. My family's all there now.
Can you imagine writers influencing things in America? Can you imagine a writer in England influencing? Absolutely not. And in France? It used to be, but no more - absolutely not. France used to, at least, have writers as diplomats, but not any more.
In England it was enough that Newton was the greatest mathematican of his century; in France he would have been expected to be agreeable too.
When France resolved, along with England, to lend assistance in the legitimate defense of Poland, the realization burst on us that a conflict of awesome proportions was inevitable.
If Japan had been near to either England or France, war would have broken out long ago. — © Townsend Harris
If Japan had been near to either England or France, war would have broken out long ago.
Having viewed Europe as an extension and projection of itself, France now finds Europe developing a mind and identity of its own which embraces France but is not controlled by France.
I played in Belgium, in France and in Germany, which was very good - but England is very special.
Cheerily to sea; the signs of war advance: No king of England, if not king of France
I grew up in France, I learned football in France, but I found passion in England.
I don't want to return to France; France doesn't tempt me at all. I like England.
If you want to swim across the English Channel from England to France - you have to leave your doubt on the beach in England.
The failure of the Reformation to capture France had left for Frenchmen no half-way house between infallibility and infidelity; and while the intellect of Germany and England moved leisurely in the lines of religious evolution, the mind of France leaped from the hot faith which had massacred the Huguenots to the cold hostility with which La Mettrie, Helvetius, Holbach, and Diderot turned upon the religion of the fathers.
There are a lot of good men's magazines. In England, you have 'Arena Homme+' and 'Another Man;' and in France we have 'L'Officiel Hommes.' But all are looking similar.
If you want to make your mark as a footballer, you think England, Germany, Italy, Spain. Maybe France or Holland. But not China, not the Middle East.
I did not know that the planning for biological and chemical warfare was so widespread in England, and even in France before France fell. It was news to me that there had been talk, even in the First World War, of dropping Colorado beetles on German potato crops and that kind of thing.
With my quality, I feel I can bring a lot to a team that I will join. I want to show it in the big leagues: England, Italy, Spain, Germany, and France.
England against France is such a massive match; you can't get much bigger than that in European football. It's a huge rivalry.
France built its best colony on a principle of exclusion, and failed; England reversed the system, and succeeded.
England and France were rivals, not only on the continent, but in the West Indies, in India, and in Europe. — © Albert Bushnell Hart
England and France were rivals, not only on the continent, but in the West Indies, in India, and in Europe.
'Chocolat' was a joy to make, as we were filming in beautiful locations in France and England. Lasse Hallstrom is such an amazing director - overall it was a wonderful experience.
How rich our German life is compared to France or England: what an abundance of social types and customs with completely different origins... Germany is a world, whereas England and France, with their stereotypically divided three social classes, are but enlarged villages... what a stage for a Balzac.
We have the talent, just not the money and not the audience. People in France don't really like fantasy. You need to go to Spain, England and Germany for that. Many of the people from my crew come either from Spain or England. But I hope to be able to work with them again and I wish to create European cinema on that scale. It could happen and attitudes may be changing. Animated fantasy movie Despicable Me was made entirely in France, so there is the talent here and now maybe the desire too.
There was never a choice to sing in English or French, that's the thing. We started a band and sang right away in English. You reproduce the thing you like, and most of the bands we liked were coming from England or the U.S. We also came to cherish the fact that there was no one in France singing in English -we were so happy Phoenix to be the first. Even if we are traitors to France, our country, which I'll never understand, because we talk about things that are very French.
The best thing I know between France and England is the sea.
I have a cultural background that's shaped in England, France and Germany. Bringing that in is nice, in terms of how an actor plays a role or speaks in an interview.
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