Top 1200 Center Field Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Center Field quotes.
Last updated on October 9, 2024.
I don't necessarily take issue with the label 'conservative journalist,' but I never particularly use that to describe myself. But I guess the values and principles that I have may be aligned with issues that are either seen as center or center-right.
A mere 400 years after our fall from the center of the universe, we have experienced the fall from the center of ourselves.
When we discover New Earth - a planet we could call home - the question of the 'plurality of worlds' will come front and center, reminding us yet again that we are not the center of the universe.
We have many different kinds of global centers like the global business center or the special center for Mongolian and Central Asian residents in Seoul. — © Park Won-soon
We have many different kinds of global centers like the global business center or the special center for Mongolian and Central Asian residents in Seoul.
Things happen in American politics in the political center. If the President will meet us in the center, there are things we can accomplish.
Marc Gasol, he's more of a true center. There are guys who play that traditional center role, but the game is also played differently now.
Our culture made a virtue of living only as extroverts. We discouraged the inner journey, the quest for a center. So we lost our center and have to find it again.
For me, the biggest champions out there are not just on the field, but also off the field. Some of the biggest champions around the world, the David Beckhams, the Lebron Jameses, they all hold themselves so well off the field, and do so many great things for the community and socially. So I think it's not just about how you perform on the field, but how you hold yourself off it.
You can be one guy off the field, but when you get on the field the competitive aspect of who you are takes over.
Anytime I'm on the field and my teammates are on the field with me, I just want them to have fun.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate group rivaled only by the Democrat Party. The Southern Poverty Law Center... Folks, if there's anything you should ignore - and there are a lot of things you should ignore - put the Southern Poverty Law Center on the list.
If he does not plant the field that was given over to him as a garden, if it be arable land, the gardener shall pay the owner the produce of the field for the years that he let it lie fallow, according to the product of neighboring fields, put the field in arable condition and return it to its owner.
Brahmacharya is not against sex. If it is against sex then sex can never disappear. Brahmacharya is a transmutation of the energy: it is not being against sex, rather it is changing the whole energy from the sex center to the higher centers. When it reaches to the seventh center of man, the sahasrar, then brahmacharya happens. If it remains in the first center, muladhar, then sex; when it reaches to the seventh center, then samadhi. The same energy moves. It is not being against it; rather, it is an art how to use it.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't expect to have success on the baseball field and the football field. — © Kyler Murray
I'd be lying if I said I didn't expect to have success on the baseball field and the football field.
I'm trying to do big things. It doesn't matter whether it's on the field or off the field.
I once saw, on a flower pot in my own living room, the efforts of a field mouse to build a remembered field. I have lived to see this episode repeated in a thousand guises, and since I have spent a large portion of my life in the shade of a nonexistent tree I think I am entitled to speak for the field mouse.
A process for discernment: God is my ultimate source of truth and wisdom, and dwells forever at the center of my being. Therefore, any thought, emotion, or action that takes me further from my center can be neither truthful, nor wise.
I don't really do it on the field, but off the field, I use it to my advantage. I'll talk a lot of smack.
There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality.
When we discover New Earth - a planet we could call home - the question of the plurality of worlds will come front and center, reminding us yet again that we are not the center of the universe.
There's nothing at the center of what we do...No center. It doesn't exist. All of us-look at our lives: We have an acceptable level of affluence. We have entertainment. We have a relative freedom from fear. But there's nothing else.
Whoever removes the Cross and its interpretation by the New Testament from the center, in order to replace it, for example, with the social commitment of Jesus to the oppressed as a new center, no longer stands in continuity with the apostolic faith.
All Thy works with joy surround Thee, God of glory, Lord of Love; Stars and angels sing around Thee, Center of unbroken praise. Field and forest, vale and mountain, Flowery meadow, flashing sea, Chanting bird and flowing fountain, Call us to rejoice in Thee.
I'm the same as I am on the field as I am off the field. It's not an act. I can't be another person on the field as opposed to being off the field. I am on who I am off.
No organization engaged in any specific field of work ever invents any important developers in that field, or adopts any important development in that field until forced to do so by outside competition.
I think a captain is someone who captains on the cricket field but, most of the leadership that happens is off the cricket field. It's very easy to captain people on the cricket field, but if you can start leading them off the cricket field, and show them that trust, what you have in them.
As I've grown as an artist, I've gotten more and more in touch with my center, and that center is voice and guitar.
When I was 11, I burned a field down by mistake. It was an empty field, probably about 10 acres in size. Me and my friend were lighting firecrackers, and we ended up burning down the entire field. We got found out, and I think I was grounded for about three months.
Just hearing somebody's voice in center field, it helps our guards out to know where they need to go, when the screen is coming, when the back door is coming, when the flare is coming. When different things like that happen and we're talking, it helps us all out in the long run.
As I get older, I start to look back at the field that I've crossed and realize that it was a mine field.
I don't even feel as if I'm the center of my own world, so how am I supposed to feel as though I'm the center of anyone else's?
There is a still center of the universe. Within that still center are all things, all achievements, all loses, everything and nothing exist there.
There will always be rivalry on the field. Off the field, we are friends, but on it, we have to do our job.
Write on a subject you love. Your profit center should also be your passion center.
I don't ask for much. I don't ask to be rich, and I don't ask to be famous, and I don't ask to play center field for the New York Yankees. I just want to get married and have a wife, and a house, and I want to have a kid, and I want to go see him be a tooth in the school play!
Every day you spend becoming an expert in a field, you become more useless in that field.
Wounded vanity knows when it is mortally hurt; and limps off the field, piteous, all disguises thrown away. But pride carries its banner to the last; and fast as it is driven from one field unfurls it in another, never admitting that there is a shade less honor in the second field than in the first, or in the third than in the second.
I was a center in college but I was a high post guy, feeding cutters and rebounding. Going to pro ball, I clearly wasn't big and strong enough to play center against giants like Mikan so I kept evolving.
You can be as nice as you want off the field, but when you're on the field, you're going to do everything you can to win. — © Luke Kuechly
You can be as nice as you want off the field, but when you're on the field, you're going to do everything you can to win.
Stay centered, do not overstretch. Extend from your center, return to your center.
Indian coaches are strict on the field, but off the field, they take very good care of you.
Oscar Charleston was the Willie Mays of his day. Nobody ever played center field better than Willie Mays. Suppose they had never given Willie a chance, and we said that, would anybody believe there was a kid in Alabama who was that good? Or there was a black guy in Atlanta who might break Babe Ruth's home run record? No.
Sometimes people say things on the field that they might regret, but they should stay on the field.
An Old World revolution is only a movement around a motionless center; it never breaks out of the circle. Firm in the center is belief in Authority.
The thought must have its own center of gravity; it cannot just be either here or there. We must find this center of gravity. It is the same for the body; if it is not centered, no movement will be possible. It is the same for the feeling. These Movements are designed to enable us to pass from one center of gravity to another; it is the shift that creates the state. The gesture, the movement, is what is important, not the attitudes.
I was really interested in how a health care center could also be a center for the arts and for music, and for bringing together sort of the isolated elements of the community.
First and foremost is to not allow the reestablishment, if you will, of an extremist sanctuary that can export the kind of terror that ended up with terrorists taking down the World Trade Center and plowing into the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. That's the point: We started this war because the Sept. 11 attack came from this area. And we do not fight alone, but with some 40 allies who share that view.
There is more honor in a field well plowed than in a field steeped in blood.
The really great athletes make their news on the field, not off the field. — © Jimmy Haslam
The really great athletes make their news on the field, not off the field.
First off there is no question that LaDainian is a first-ballot Hall of Famer. His contributions off the field to the community of San Diego are as important as what he did on the field. What he did on the field was monumental.
Non-co-operation in the political field is an extension of the doctrine as it is practised in the domestic field.
An artist is he who has his center within himself. He who lacks this must choose a particular leader and mediator outside of himself, not forever, however, but only at first. For man cannot exist without a living center, and if he does not have it within himself, he may seek it only in a human being. Only a human being and his center can stimulate and awaken that of another.
My own center, my Kingdom Center, which is the highest priced tower in Saudi Arabia, was vacated twice because of terrorist attacks, terrorist threats.
The producer is at the center of entertainment. The producer is being forgotten, and producers must seize the center of activity.
It's kind of crazy to say your home field is Lambeau Field.
Cobb would have to play center field on my all time team. But where would that put Speaker? In left. If I had them both, I would certainly play them that way.
New York is what Paris was in the twenties. . . the center of the art world. And we want to be in the center. It's the greatest place on earth. . . I've got a lot of friends here and I even brought my own cash.
Instead of being a student of a (given) field, I would like you to be the field.
I'm so used to being behind the scenes. I didn't really want to be front and center. One of the elements of my relationships with the artists I work with is that I'm not front and center, and they are.
I've always been comfortable speaking, especially on the field. Probably not as much off the field.
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