Top 1200 Central Government Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Central Government quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Believe me. When you're talking about trust in government, you're preaching to the choir, whether it's on the financial side, the central banking side: we see areas where the government does good jobs; we see areas where they don't do as good a job.
The Coalition's message of jobs and growth is resonating very, very strongly in North and Central Queensland and one thing they're particularly fearful of is the possibility of a Green-Labor government, a government in which the Green tail wags the Labor dog.
If I could say something about Capricornia, and it came out in your previous report, there is no doubt that the end of the mining boom has led to an economic downturn in central Queensland, and that is why people in Capricornia, and elsewhere in central Queensland too, are so desperate for a government that will protect their jobs and create new opportunities for jobs in the future. And that is why [Malcolm] Turnbull government's message of jobs and growth and its six point economic plan is so important to them.
Capitalism means free enterprise, sovereignty of the consumers in economic matters, and sovereignty of the voters in political matters. Socialism means full government control of every sphere of the individuals life and the unrestricted supremacy of the government in its capacity as central board of production management.
I'm grateful to the state and central government for all their support for my academy. — © Mary Kom
I'm grateful to the state and central government for all their support for my academy.
We need a unifying presence in the central government in Iraq, and so we think the stability and security of Iraq, and especially the central government, is important.
In a mature economy like India's, which is becoming modern and a financially-oriented economy, an independent central bank, responsible central bank, is really central to success.
No government can be trusted, that does not trust its own people with military-style arms of greater weight and power than those possessed by the central government itself.
Bringing an end to mass government surveillance needs to be a central pillar of returning to the principles we have put in jeopardy in the early 21st century.
The lesson for Asia is; if you have a central bank, have a floating exchange rate; if you want to have a fixed exchange rate, abolish your central bank and adopt a currency board instead. Either extreme; a fixed exchange rate through a currency board, but no central bank, or a central bank plus truly floating exchange rates; either of those is a tenable arrangement. But a pegged exchange rate with a central bank is a recipe for trouble.
There is an urgent need for the Central government to take the lead in ensuring health and nutrition service delivery.
The government has completed the entire process to do away with interviews for lower rank jobs. There will be no requirement of interview for Group D,C and B non-gazetted posts in central government.
My view was that government officials could not sit on the board of the central bank, and I am very happy that has been upheld.
Every central government worships uniformity: uniformity relieves it from inquiry into an infinity of details.
If a debt crisis results from government profligacy and mismanagement, rather than from a market failure, it is true that the central bank should not intervene. — © Gita Gopinath
If a debt crisis results from government profligacy and mismanagement, rather than from a market failure, it is true that the central bank should not intervene.
States are the architects of UDAY, not the central government.
The central con of the political coalition assembled by Ronald Reagan and maintained by his successors was that government was a common enemy.
America is very decentralized in how it supports the humanities, unlike European countries where virtually everything stems from the central government.
Under both the welfare state and communism, the responsibility for the welfare, security, and prosperity of the people is presumed to rest with the central government.
One of the extraordinary features of the Blair government has been its slavish support for the central tenets of Bush's foreign policy - above all, the war in Iraq. During the Cold War, the Wilson government resisted the suggestion that it should send troops to Vietnam.
The Democrats have come right out and said it: the power of the central government shall have no limits at all.
Central to achieving progress in Afghanistan - and to setting the conditions necessary to transition security tasks from the international community to the Afghan government - is increasing the size and capability of ANSF.
A government cannot be expected to allow independence to its central bank unless that bank is also accountable to it and to the wider public. That is, the central bank must be able to be judged on whether or not it has achieved its agreed objective.
Obama believes in a big central government, where the federal government controls everything in our lives. That's socialism.
What government has been doing, we've got major programmes now, of billions of pounds, which are directed by central government into these areas of deprivation.
When I speak of Team India I believe that the foundation for India's development will not be the single pillar of the Central Government, but 30 pillars comprising the Central Government and all our States.
There's no excuse for the macro corruption, but Afghanistan was always an informal society with a weak central government.
Demonetisation was not a decision of UP government. It is the central government's decision.
We have seen a central government promote the power of labor-union bosses, and in turn be supported by that power, until it has become entirely too much a government of and for one class, which is exactly what our Founding Fathers wanted most to prevent.
If I am ever forced to choose between my identity as a Tamilian and an award from the central government, I will choose the former.
It is not for me but for the people to rate the central government.
There is no central government database that allows officials to monitor water tests by local systems.
If the central contest of the twentieth century has pitted capitalism against socialism, then F. A. Hayek has been its central figure. He helped us to understand why capitalism won by a knockout. It was Hayek who elaborated the basic argument demonstrating that central planning was nothing else but an impoverishing fantasy.
That's what I think regions are about, making central government more accountable and fairer.
Government central planning means over-riding other people's plans.
In a difficulty in the company of the central and the instigator, be successful your central.
The government, whether state or central, is elected. That means we have a responsibility to elect the right kind of leaders.
Central banks have gotten out of the central banking business and into the central planning business, meaning that they are devoted to raising up-if they can-economic growth and employment through the dubious means of suppressing interest rates and printing money. The nice thing about gold is that you can't print it.
The man who puts all the guns and all the decision-making power into the hands of the central government and then says, ‘Limit yourself’; it is he who is truly the impractical utopian.
Economic and social misery increases in direct proportion to the size and power of the central government of a nation or state. — © Kirkpatrick Sale
Economic and social misery increases in direct proportion to the size and power of the central government of a nation or state.
It is always and everywhere the province of the central bank to monetize any spending, the government's or the private sector's, by printing enough money to pay for it in depreciated dollars.
When government gets too big, freedom is lost. Government is supposed to be the servant. But when a government can tax the people with no limit or restraint on what the government can take, then the government has become the master.
I thought he was an interesting central figure, central character, one who is definitely not your typical central character figure in a film, who's easy to like. He's not easy to like. It forces you to involve yourself with what's going on.
The principle that a central bank, charged with controlling inflation, should be independent from the government is unassailable. It may also be true that it's easier for the central bank to guard its independence from political pressure when it mainly holds government securities.
The Seoul city government has been cooperating with the central government to stabilize the housing market, and we plan to brainstorm all possible ways with the government to better counter the issue.
There is one central characteristic of anarchism on the matter of means, and that central principle is a principle of direct action - of not going through the forms that the society offers you, of representative government, of voting, of legislation, but directly taking power.
The central government possesses no plan of finding the way out of this blind alley.
There is no doubt that in the last years of the UPA's rule, a certain lethargy had set into the way the central government went about its business.
The media believes that what Obama was gonna do when he took over, go dictator immediately, that was what this country needs, finally central government running everything.
Do not waste your vote by voting for other parties - they will not form the government - as it will only split the votes, but vote for AIADMK which is going to be part of the Central government.
We have tried to remind Government servants that they are servants of the public and have restored discipline in Central Government offices. I have done a small thing, one that appears small from outside. I regularly interact with officers over tea; it is part of my working style. Philosophically, I feel that the country will progress only if we work as teams. This is the only way we can successfully develop the country.
Unless the power of the corporation can be organized on an accepted principle of legitimacy, it will be taken over by a Central government — © Peter Drucker
Unless the power of the corporation can be organized on an accepted principle of legitimacy, it will be taken over by a Central government
[T]he central problem of government is a religious one; and anyone who assumes that he can form his political beliefs without consulting his ethics, which have their basis in religious conviction, is deceiving himself either about the true nature of government or his moral responsibility for his actions
The central issue of our time - of all times - is the size, power and scope of government.
Irresponsibility breeds irresponsibility. The finances of government are so central. You'd think that would be pretty obvious.
When you own gold you're fighting every central bank in the world. That's because gold is a currency that competes with government currencies and has a powerful influence on interest rates and the price of government bonds. And that's why central banks long have tried to suppress the price of gold. Gold is the ticket out of the central banking system, the escape from coercive central bank and government power.
I've lived in Washington now for 44 years, and that's a lot of folly to witness up close. Whatever confidence and optimism I felt towards the central government when I got here on January 1, 1970 has pretty much dissipated at the hands of the government.
And how the government communicates about homeland security is central to how the public responds.
The Iranian government is the government that supplied the arms on the Karin-A to the Palestinian Authority several years ago, they are the world's largest central banker for terrorism, if they thought it was in their interest to give a terrorist group a nuclear weapon to use against America or against Israel, I don't think they'd hesitate.
Among our neighbors of Central and Southern America, we see the Caucasian mingled with the Indian and the African. They have the forms of free government, because they have copied them. To its benefits they have not attained, because that standard of civilization is above their race. Revolution succeeds Revolution, and the country mourns that some petty chief may triumph, and through a sixty days' government ape the rulers of the earth.
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