Top 1200 Human Capacity Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Human Capacity quotes.
Last updated on October 4, 2024.
Children are a wonderful gift. They have an extraordinary capacity to see into the heart of things and to expose sham and humbug for what they are.
As all human beings are, in my view, creatures of God's design, we must respect all other human beings. That does not mean I have to agree with their choices or agree with their opinions, but indeed I respect them as human beings.
A capacity for hating the object of desire is, perhaps, the best cure for love in cases of disappointment. — © Norm MacDonald
A capacity for hating the object of desire is, perhaps, the best cure for love in cases of disappointment.
Technology's role in human trafficking cannot be ignored. But if we focus on how to prevent human trafficking, technology also has a powerful role. Like Ashton Kutcher's app Thorn, which directly spots human trafficking and connects you with officials.
What is the importance of human lives? Is it their continuing alive for so many years like animals in a menagerie? The value of a man cannot be judged by the number of diseases from which he escapes. The value of a man is in his human qualities: in his character, in his conscience, in the nobility and magnanimity, of his soul. Torturing animals to prolong human life has separated science from the most important thing that life has produced - the human conscience.
To be happy, one must rid oneself of prejudice, be virtuous, healthy, and have a capacity for enjoyment and for passion.
My parole officer always believed in my capacity for redemption, even when my actions did not inspire confidence.
People underestimate the hip-hop audience and the capacity to understand politics when it's part of music.
I suppose I have a highly developed capacity for self-delusion, so it's no problem for me to believe that I'm somebody else!
Reason must sit at the knee of instinct and learn reverence for the miraculous instinctual capacity for creation.
We are taught to understand, correctly, that courage is not the absence of fear, but the capacity for action despite our fears.
The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.
Most of all I admire Mozart's capacity to be both deep and rational, a combination often said to be impossible. — © Allan Bloom
Most of all I admire Mozart's capacity to be both deep and rational, a combination often said to be impossible.
I had a hollow leg. I could drink everyone under the table and not get drunk. My capacity was terrifying.
Teaching for creativity aims to encourage self-confidence, independence of mind, and the capacity to think for oneself.
Rebellions tend to be negative, to denounce and expose the enemy without providing a positive vision of a new future...A revolution is not just for the purpose of correcting past injustices, a revolution involves a projection of man/woman into the future...It begins with projecting the notion of a more human human being, i.e. a human being who is more advanced in the specific qualities which only human beings have - creativity, consciousness and self-consciousness, a sense of political and social responsibility.
Something sacred, that's it. We ought to be able to say that such and such a painting is as it is, with its capacity for power, because it is "touched by God."
Neither the United States nor Israel has the capacity to impose a unilateral solution in the Middle East.
While doing work if the mind continues to be active let it be so, but there must be at the same time a capacity for silence.
You give me the feeling that the universe Was made by something more than human For something less than human. But I identify myself, as always, With something that there's something wrong with, With something human.
William F. Buckley was a man who had a great capacity for fun and for amusing himself by amazing others.
Politics is an act of faith; you have to show some kind of confidence in the intellectual and moral capacity of the public.
If you have the capacity to tremble with indignation every time that an injustice is committed in the world, then we are comrades.
Nothing remains great without a capacity to change and to accommodate the conditions of a changing world.
I'm a huge fan of Bill Macy, so working with him in any capacity was exciting for me.
When we confront facts and fears, we achieve real power and unleash our capacity for change.
The hallmark of courage in our age of conformity is the capacity to stand on one's own convictions - not obstinately or defiantly
Everything that the human race has done and thought is concerned with the satisfaction of deeply felt needs and the assuagement of pain. One has to keep this constantly in mind if one wishes to understand spiritual movements and their development. Feeling and longing are the motive force behind all human endeavor and human creation, in however exalted a guise the latter may present themselves to us.
Only that which points the human spirit beyond its own limitations into what is universally human gives the individual strength superior to his own. Only in suprahuman demands which can hardly be fulfilled do human beings and peoples feel their true and sacred measure.
Duty is that mode of action which constitutes the best application of the capacity of the individual to the general advantage.
I don't believe in any form of unjustified extremism! But when a man is exercising extremism -- a human being is exercising extremism -- in defense of liberty for human beings it's no vice, and when one is moderate in the pursuit of justice for human beings I say he is a sinner.
The human mind evolved always in the company of the human body, and of the animal body before it was human. The intricate connections of mind and body must exceed our imagination, as from our point of view we are peculiarly prevented from observing them.
I hope to remain connected with the game that's given me so much in some capacity, whatever that proves to be.
Relativism should be confronted where it damages fundamental human rights, because we're not relativists if we believe that the human being should be at the centre of society and the rights of every human being should be respected.
We don't consider manual work as a curse, or a bitter necessity, not even as a means of making a living. We consider it as a high human function, as the basis of human life, the most dignified thing in the life of the human being, and which ought to be free, creative. Men ought to be proud of it.
The British security industry has the capacity to be a world leader and it should be our shared objective to achieve this.
What sets disciplined people apart? - The capacity to get past distractions. Focus on the task at hand.
Faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ will provide strength and capacity needed for a successful life. — © Richard G. Scott
Faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ will provide strength and capacity needed for a successful life.
A compassionate open home is part of Christian responsibility, and should be practiced up to the level of capacity.
I was a professor at Princeton University. And, in that capacity, I studied for many years the role of financial crisis in the economy.
The guy who sits in front of the TV set with headphones on has lost the capacity to react to the tactile environment.
I have the capacity of being more wicked than any example that man could set me.
I will always serve my country in any capacity, but I'm very happy with what I'm doing right now.
The capacity to be either happy or unhappy is determined by the manner in which you react to whatever happens.
Civil disobedience means capacity for unlimited suffering, without the intoxicating excitement of killing.
I think the least important thing about science fiction for me is its predictive capacity.
There are novels that end well, but in between there are human beings acting like human beings. And human beings are not perfect. All of the motives a human being may have, which are mixed, that's the novelists' materials. That's where they have to go. And a lot of that just isn't pretty. We like to think of ourselves as really, really good people. But look in the mirror. Really look. Look at your own mixed motives. And then multiply that.
Curiosity is a gift, a capacity of pleasure in knowing, which if you destroy, you make yourself cold and dull. — © John Ruskin
Curiosity is a gift, a capacity of pleasure in knowing, which if you destroy, you make yourself cold and dull.
Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.
Poor human nature, what horrible crimes have been committed in thy name! Every fool, from king to policeman, from the flatheaded parson to the visionless dabbler in science, presumes to speak authoritatively of human nature. The greater the mental charlatan, the more definite his insistence on the wickedness and weaknesses of human nature.
the reward for total abstinence from alcohol seems, illogically enough, to be the capacity for becoming intoxicated without it.
Leadership is tested not by one's capacity to survive politically but by the ability to make tough decisions in trying times.
Marx is thought of as an implacable foe of capitalism. But go back and read the first section of the Communist Manifesto. Notice how it contains a paean of praise for the way capitalism and the bourgeoisie have both enriched the human powers of production and also enabled us to see with clear vision the nature of human society and human history.
Certainly the first true humans were unique by virtue of their large brains. It was because the human brain is so large when compared with that of a chimpanzee that paleontologists for years hunted for a half-ape, half-human skeleton that would provide a fossil link between the human and the ape.
There has to be a force on the horizon that can come very quickly. But the way we run and fund peacekeeping, this capacity is unavailable.
Women have the capacity to lead us to a more peaceful world with compassion, affection, and kindness.
Find a purpose in life so big it will challenge every capacity to be at your best.
One thing, however, I must premise, that without the assistance of natural capacity, rules and precepts are of no efficacy.
I'm conscious of race whenever I'm writing, just as I'm conscious of class, religion, human psychology, politics — everything that makes up the human experience. I don't think I can do a good job if I'm not paying attention to what's meaningful to people, and in American culture, there isn't anything that informs human interaction more than the idea of race.
I believe there is nothing we endure in life that you can't recover from. Failure is not fatal. Everyone has the capacity to fail up.
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