Top 1200 Feels Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Feels quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I'm not sure anyone ever feels they belong in showbusiness. I think everyone feels a bit of a fraud, that one day they'll get rumbled.
I don't think anyone feels older. You have this infinity inside you that feels like it could go on forever.
House Music isn't black or white. 
 It just is. 
 It feels good & it feels right. — © Frankie Knuckles
House Music isn't black or white. It just is. It feels good & it feels right.
The more one makes spiritual advancement, one feels humble and as one's devotion is superficial that much he feels that he is a great devotee.
Being where I'm at, standing in these shoes, it feels amazing. It feels like a weight has been lifted.
Refugee today means somebody who has no home. No homeland. No security. No government to protect him or her. And it is of course one feels not only uprooted, one feels useless. One feels always surrounded by hostile forces. Arousing suspicion.
The truth feels different from other things. The closest you can come to describing it is that it feels like taking a perfect breath.
Your soul either feels lifted by something that you read, or it feels squashed by it.
It's fiction's job to express how it feels to be living now, and it's a complex feeling, full of contradiction. To me it often feels like a brutal trivialization of reality.
Be it a weakness, it deserves some praise, We love the play-place of our early days; The scene is touching, and the heart is stone, That feels not at that sight, and feels at none.
Nashville feels like a big little town to me. It's got lots of culture and lots of interesting things to do and lots of interesting people. At the same time, it feels very small and tight-knit and very close. Everyone feels like they know each other.
The more we know the better we forgive. Whoever feels deeply, feels for all who live.
It's constantly fascinating for me that something that feels absolutely right one year, 12 months later feels like the wrong thing to do. — © Damian Lewis
It's constantly fascinating for me that something that feels absolutely right one year, 12 months later feels like the wrong thing to do.
I'm a woman, a mother, a daughter, a sister. I'm a real person operating in the world. For me to discuss the most private thing feels wrong. It feels like I'm betraying myself and my children.
It's difficult to put into words what freedom feels like. You only know what freedom feels like if you know what it feels like to not be free.
Aligning my music with something that feels morally and politically passionate to me feels good.
Old Americana vintage gangster stuff has a fantastical feel; it feels less dirty in a way. It feels like the opera of crime.
One of God's central qualities is compassion, a word that in Hebrew is related to the word for "womb." Not only is compassion a female image suggesting source of life and nourishment but it also has a feeling dimension: God as compassionate Spirit feels for us as a mother feels for the children of her womb. Spirit feels the suffering of the world and participates in it. . . .
When I use my vocal cords, it kind of feels like what it feels like when you put your shoes on the wrong foot.
New York feels vibrant... It feels electric to walk the streets at night.
We only do what feels right. If something feels forced or contrived, then we pull back. We remain the Foo Fighters.
It's no fun being a salesperson when it feels like you're talking to a wall. That's what it feels like when you haven't learned your customer's points of interest.
One thing about Los Angeles is it feels like it's not new. It feels like it's already been built, and it's deteriorating, except for the places they're trying to make nicer. But in general, you drive all through the city, and the city feels like it was new a long time ago.
You have no right to go before a public without an adequate technique, just because you feel. Anything feels - a leaf feels, a storm feels - what right have you to do that? You have to have speech, and it's a cultivated speech.
The album feels like a new era for me -- emotionally, lyrically, sonically. It feels fresh, it feels new. It's still me. It's still stuff that fans know and love but it's a new chapter 100 percent.
Anything that feels familiar and comfortable [is home]. It's wherever I feel safe and safest. Most of the time, that's just Barbados. It's warm, it's beautiful, it's the beach, it's my family, it's the food, it's the music. Everything feels familiar, feels right and feels safe. So, Barbados is home for me.
I always have this fear that one day you are going to discover that I'm not as great as you once thought I was. Nothing feels as good as skinny feels.
I can feel the wind go by when I run. It feels good. It feels fast.
I lost my dad in 2009 and on my album 'Feels,' it's about all different feels.
It happens throughout the year where your swing feels better, or it feels worse; you feel good, you feel bad.
It feels so good to be amongst some of the biggest legends in music - it feels quite surreal.
A humorist is a person who feels bad, but who feels good about it.
What it feels like when you're playing good? I don't know. It feels the same as every other day. Just more putts are going in the hole.
There's a constant contradiction between what feels good and what feels right. But you live with decisions that you make in your life.
Losing feels worse than winning feels good.
When I'm writing solitude feels very good. But when I'm not writing it feels lonely... Having a big family solves that problem.
As long as we respond predictably to what feels good and what feels bad, it is easy for others to exploit our preferences for their own ends.
Everything they do, from smiling to crying, feels like a blessing. Being a father feels amazing. This has been the most spiritual moment in my life. — © Ricky Martin
Everything they do, from smiling to crying, feels like a blessing. Being a father feels amazing. This has been the most spiritual moment in my life.
It's always very important to me to try to create a story that feels unpredictable. You can't jump ahead and see what's coming, but at the end, when you've watched the whole thing, it all feels inevitable.
I believe it is my job to do everything I can so that everyone in our society feels safe, feels that justice is not an abstract concept but a fact of life for all Americans.
My kids are really learning everything from scratch. It's our job to be their tour guides and camp counselors and orientation people. That's a weird responsibility, especially in a world that feels as good as it feels bad.
When I'm making a song that's very Grimes, it just feels very insular and it feels weird to have someone else do something on it.
It even feels absurd to be writing or singing a song at all - in the context of actual death, being alive feels absurd.
It is quite clear that between love and understanding there is a very close link...He who loves understands, and he who understands loves. One who feels understood feels loved, and one who feels loved feels sure of being understood.
I love doing a television show. It just always feels like it's a little while before you find something that feels unique and that feels like a character that you really want to play for awhile.
Writing an op-ed feels like I'm taking the SAT. It's so hard. It feels like homework. And if it feels like homework, it just doesn't get done.
When I've done somewhat scripted stuff, it feels a little flat. It feels like there's not much life behind it.
If something feels right, I do it. If it feels wrong, I don't. It's really very, very simple, but you've got to be willing to take your chances doing stuff that may look crazy to other people - or not doing something that looks right to others but just feels wrong to you.
I design from instinct. It's the only way I know how to live. What feels good. What feels right. What is needed. Give me a problem and I will approach it creatively, from my gut.
It always feels good to tell you the truth.  If I can't share it with you, it feels like it didn't happen. — © Ione Skye
It always feels good to tell you the truth. If I can't share it with you, it feels like it didn't happen.
You cannot beat the feeling of sitting on top of the charts. I had almost forgotten what it feels like... It feels great! It is really a very exciting time and I am enjoying the ride.
I think I always wanna write comedy because that's what feels truest to me; it feels closest to life as I know it, so that's what I want to reproduce.
It's that anonymous person who meanders through the streets and feels what's happening there, feels the pulse of the people, who's able to create.
Well, feel this, why don't you? Feel how it feels to have a bed to sleep in and somebody there not worrying you to death about what you got to do each day to deserve it. Feel how that feels. And if that don't get it, feel how it feels to be a colored woman roaming the roads with anything God made liable to jump on you. Feel that.
Every teenager in the world feels like that, feels broken or out of place, different somehow, royalty mistakenly born into a family of peasants. The difference in your case is that it's true.
I have read a thousand screenplays, and I have acted in a handful of them, and I have felt when it feels good, the writing, and it feels natural, and feels funny or sad or honest or whatever it may be. You connect. And I felt when it feels like writing, when it feels stale, or when it feels artificial or forced, or too theatrical or whatever.
New York feels vibrant It feels electric to walk the streets at night.
I always suspend logic for emotion. If it feels real, or it feels like what I'm going for, we should abandon reality a little bit and go for that. I'm not a documentarian. We're not trying to shoot things for naturalism.
It feels almost soft, like something to be caressed. Only gold feels that way.
I like to build a character, trying to stretch my imagination as far to the walls of my brain as I can to come up with something that feels truthful and feels real - as close to the skin as I can get it.
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