Top 25 Staffing Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Staffing quotes.
Last updated on October 2, 2024.
Unlike traditional nursing homes, Green House homes provide elders with a high quality of life and quality of care in a setting that feels like a real home. By altering the facility size, interior design, staffing patterns and service-delivery method, the Green House model provides residents better, safer and more personalized care.
Usually, those persons closest to the incoming President will be the main leaders of the Transition effort. They are most familiar with his policies and practices, and are able to interpret his wishes regarding the structure and staffing of the new Administration.
Any staffing changes that disproportionately cut the number of African Americans at CNN - intentionally or otherwise - are an affront to the African American journalism community and to the African American community as a whole.
I remembered staffing a volunteer table for ACT UP in San Francisco's Castro neighborhood in 1991, on the corner of Castro and 18th Street, and on my table were posters, stickers, and t-shirts that bore the same slogan in all caps - ACT UP slogan house style. I wore one of those shirts to model for passers-by.
The age of celebrity editors and monstrous staffing are over. — © Felix Dennis
The age of celebrity editors and monstrous staffing are over.
It is critical that firefighters and emergency responders have the proper equipment, training and staffing to do their jobs.
My goal is to live out my dreams, to have a long NBA career, win championships and provide for them. My mom works two jobs. She does security and event staffing. My sister is a waitress. Anytime I'm down or don't want to work out, I remember our situation and what I've got to keep doing.
The lack of substantial resources and staffing along the Northern U.S. border poses a real security threat.
Finding specialty food items was a bit of a challenge in Asia in the early days of getting the Mozza's up and running. Everything is built on relationships, and when you start somewhere new, it takes time to develop that. Staffing can also present challenges.
Strapped by tight credit and plummeting sales, businesses have overhauled the way they manage supply chains, inventory, production practices, and staffing.
Strapped by tight credit and plummeting sales, businesses have overhauled the way they manage supply chains, inventory, production practices and staffing.
Donald Trump's staffing up a pretty traditional, very conservative Republican government, not a populist outsider government, at least not yet.
For an omnipotent and omniscient being, God has made some really lousy earthly staffing decisions.
The tools Facebook provides make discrimination easy. Facebook has monopoly profit margins, so it could easily provide real staffing to protect against discrimination, if it wanted to. It doesn't want to.
I think it is important also to recognize that our Customs border protection officers who secure our borders and conduct inspections of people in vehicles and cargo are also facing staffing shortages.
What I find in a creative company is while there is a desire to build a management foundation that can feel clear and consistent, the unique product we're in Illumination Entertainment making doesn't always allow for that. So rather than following management strategy that talks about building your structure and then staffing that structure, I tend to build the structure around the strengths of the individual people we have.
It's no wonder that new ventures such as The Daily look first to Gawker Media when staffing up. We should not wait for a poaching expedition to pay someone what they deserve. I apologize if that has been the case and will do better in 2012.
What do intellectuals and opinion makers get from big government? An increasing number of cushy jobs in the bureaucracy, or in the government-subsidized sector, staffing the welfare regulatory state, and apologizing for its policies, as well as propagandizing for them among the public. To put it bluntly, intellectuals, theorists, pundits, media elites, etc. get to live a life which they could not attain on the free market, but which they can gain at taxpayer expense.
Technology, outsourcing, a growing temp staffing industry, productivity efficiencies, have all replaced the middle class.
"The area in which the executive first encounters the challenge of strength is in staffing. The effective executive fills positions and promotes on the basis of what a man can do. He does not make staffing decisions to minimize weaknesses but to maximize strength."
There is inevitably a trade-off between staffing and safety, and as a society we must decide where that balance should be struck.
One of our six key strategic priorities was the reinforcement of all professional staffing and solutions business.
If you go to chefs all across America and ask them, 'What's your biggest problem right now?,' It is finding people to cook in their restaurants. They're having an enormous, countrywide problem here staffing their operations.
Exceptional teaching requires more time and space for teachers to address the differing needs of a classroom, with assistance in staffing and funding. — © Dawn Foster
Exceptional teaching requires more time and space for teachers to address the differing needs of a classroom, with assistance in staffing and funding.
Staffing branches with tellers can be considered a premium service in a world where fewer customers visit bank branches for transactions.
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