Top 1200 Generous People Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Generous People quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Neither will the horse be adjudged to be generous, that is sumptuously adorned, but the horse whose nature is illustrious; nor is the man worthy who possesses great wealth, but he whose soul is generous.
We must give more in order to get more. It is the generous giving of ourselves that produces the generous harvest.
It's easy to be generous with money. Far harder to be generous with your time. — © Alan Bleasdale
It's easy to be generous with money. Far harder to be generous with your time.
St Paul, in his second letter to Corinth, spells this out further in the important eighth and ninth chapters, where he urges some of the Christian communities to be generous to others so that they may also have the chance to be generous in return.
The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart. And being thoughtful and being generous. Everything else is crap. I promise you. It's just crap that people try to sell to you to make you feel like less. So don't buy it. Be smart. Be thoughtful and be generous.
I love when I meet generous poets, and generous meaning nice people, who give to the poetry community, who do interviews, read other people's books, and talk about them, spread, I guess. That means a lot to me.
A man who isn't generous with his money isn't generous with his love and affection.
In working with Nick Cannon, he's such a generous guy, a generous actor, and he was very protective.
Beauty, to me, is kind, generous, and people that are humble.
Left to themselves people are noble, generous, uncorrupted, they'd create a completely new kind of society if only people weren't so blind, stupid and selfish.
If you give, it will be given to you. And I have found that generous people are blessed people.
If you are not generous when it's difficult, you will not be generous when it's easy. Generosity is a function of the heart, not the wallet.
I really have the good fortune that the actors who work with me on 'The Leftovers' are thoughtful, hard working, open people and generous people. — © Carrie Coon
I really have the good fortune that the actors who work with me on 'The Leftovers' are thoughtful, hard working, open people and generous people.
Funny thing is that the poorer people are, the more generous they seem to be.
Doing more and more with less and less is one form of being generous. In fact, the easiest way to become rich is by being generous.
For the army is a school in which the miser becomes generous, and the generous prodigal; miserly soldiers are like monsters, but very rarely seen.
The people of Pakistan are some of the most hospitable, kinds and generous people I have met anywhere, in the over 70 countries I have visited in my lifetime.
When our attitude towards ourselves is big, and our attitude toward others is generous and merciful, we attract big and generous portions of success.
I've always been generous and like giving to charities and people in need.
Is it not odd that the only generous person I ever knew, who had money to be generous with, should be a stockbroker.
The more compassionate you are, the more generous you can be. The more generous you are, the move loving friendliness you cultivate to help the world.
The world doesn't really need more people who can bend their bodies into amazing positions. What it needs are kinder, more compassionate, generous people.
People say, 'You're still breast-feeding, that's so generous.' Generous, no! It gives me boobs and it takes my thighs away! It's sort of like natural liposuction. I'd carry on breast-feeding for the rest of my life if I could.
Whatever thrift is, it is not avarice. Avarice is not generous; and, after all, it is the thrifty people who are generous.
People say, "You're still breast-feeding, that's so generous". Generous, no! It gives me boobs and it takes my thighs away! It's sort of like natural liposuction. I'd carry on breast-feeding for the rest of my life if I could.
I wonder why anyone would hesitate to be generous with their writing. I mean, if you really want to make a living, go to Wall Street and trade oil futures ... We're writers. We're doing something that is inherently a generous act. We're exposing ourselves to the muse and to the things that frighten us. Why do that if you're not willing to be generous? And paradoxically, almost ironically, it turns out that the more generous you are, the more money you make. But that's secondary. For me, the privilege of being generous is why I get to do this.
If you take all the food aid, America is by far the most generous country. If you take the direct aid, we're very generous. But when you add on our private contributions - see, our tax system encourages private citizens to donate to organisations that, for example, help the folks in Africa. And when you take the combined effort of US taxpayers' money plus US citizens' donations, we're very generous. And we'll do more.
Don't ever be afraid of giving. Give. Give of your time, your forgiveness, your understanding, your love. Give of your money. Give to the creation, and you'll be given by the Creator. Be generous, and the Most Generous will be generous with you.
I don't know of a way to have a generous church without a generous pastor.
I don't understand why people aren't a little more generous with each other.
Excitable, easily distracted, sometimes vacant, prone to gloominess and also extreme euphoria; I can’t be generous with time, but I try to be generous with affection. I’m really lucky to be able to be in some of these situations and it feels really nice to be able to take people along with me for the ride. Oh, and I’m a pain in the ass as well.
The generous way of putting it is that we were not ready for this. The less generous way is to say: How was it possible to return to the politics of appeasement of the 1930s?
It's strange the times people choose to be generous.
Conservatives believe in traditional values. Not because we want to impose our views on anyone, but because to abandon those values would be to ignore our history. Americans are not the most generous people on earth because our laws make us generous. People do not contribute to charity in this country in record amounts because we have a tax break from it. We do so because this nation has been shaped by Judeo-Christian principles that teach us that we have an obligation to care for one another.
You don't have to be rich to be generous. You have to be generous to be generous.
My parents made me who I am. They are kind, generous, loving people.
I tend to like people that are generous and give other people the benefit of the doubt.
The generous person is always just, and the just who is always generous may, unannounced, approach the throne of heaven. — © Johann Kaspar Lavater
The generous person is always just, and the just who is always generous may, unannounced, approach the throne of heaven.
People can be good, people can be generous, people can be helpful. People can help those who are in need when they need it.
The American people are a very generous people and will forgive almost any weakness, with the possible, exception of stupidity.
This is a generous country that realizes people want to work hard.
People are people the world over. Some are good, some bad, some greedy and some generous. Nations are like people and act the same way.
That is a noble idea, though I think it far to generous," Jupiter said. "Once a decade should be sufficient." "I would rather be too generous than not in such cases." "As you wish." [One day, Atticus was amazed to discover that when Jupiter said, "As you wish," what he really meant was "I love you."]
Liberals, it has been said, are generous with other peoples' money, except when it comes to questions of national survival when they prefer to be generous with other people's freedom and security.
Generous people can become more generous as they become richer, giving away vast fortunes to worthwhile causes as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are doing.
Your generosity is reflected in what you do with your own money, not in what you do with other people's money. If I give a lot of money to charity, then I am generous. If you give a smaller fraction of your money to charity, then you are less generous. But if you want to tax me in order to give my money to charity, that does not make you generous.
A Woman who is generous with her money is to be praised; not so, if she is generous with her person
The people in the United States are some of the most generous people in the world. We saw it in Haiti. We saw it with Katrina. When devastation strikes, American people want to step up.
I have been accused of being a Pollyanna, but I think there are plenty of people dealing with the darker side of human nature, and if I am going to write about people who are kind and generous and loving and thoughtful, so what? In my life I have met astonishingly good people.
Actors have an innate sense of self and humanity, the good ones do, and of being generous of heart and generous of spirit. — © Pierce Brosnan
Actors have an innate sense of self and humanity, the good ones do, and of being generous of heart and generous of spirit.
Givers get trust quicker than other people. People trust generous people.
I have to give people time to take a picture, and sign autographs. I have to be generous to people. It is in my heart. Without that, I would not be Manny Pacquiao.
Most people, if they were generous, were so because they thought life was short and that one must make the most of it. Sid Baxter was generous because he knew that life was long. It went on and on even when you had no use for it anymore. It was happiness, not life, that was short, and when it visited - in the form of a fine evening spent talking with a friend - he honoured it.
Either a princess or a pauper can feel generous. Generosity is the quality of the spirit. When you feel generous your life becomes, abundant full of compassion and love.
This is the most generous country in the world when it comes to immigration. There are a million people a year who legally immigrate to the United States, and people feel like we're being taken advantage of.
I must admit that I am not generous with weak people. It's not in my nature or in my personality. My parents were not generous with weak people, see?
We need to be generous with the women following in our footsteps in the hope that they will be generous with us.
If you're famous, you have to [be overly generous], otherwise people say, "Eric Idle came in and only left me $4." I always tip more than people expect.
Share the wealth. Be generous with your joy. Give away what you most want. Be generous with your insights and delights.
Our standard rate. A doubloon a day." It was generous. More than generous--some families would put him up for a week for a single coin. "Half a doubloon a day," she said. "No, you see, the idea behind bargaining is that you ask for a larger amount.
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