Top 1200 I Will Wait For You Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular I Will Wait For You quotes.
Last updated on October 15, 2024.
God is found in this Life ... to wait for another is folly.
I want to write stories that are different from the ones I've written so far, Junpei thought: I want to write about people who dream and wait for the night to end, who long for the light so they can hold the ones they love. But right now I have to stay here and keep watch over this woman and this girl. I will never let anyone-not anyone-try to put them into that crazy box- not even if the sky should fall or the earth crack open with a roar.
Fuzzy logic will produce a computer that will even seem to have a personality. It will seem to have a character. It will be able to talk to you. It will be able to translate from one language to another instantaneously. You will be able to give it instructions. You will be able to tell it stories. If it doesn't understand something, it will ask you.
Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it. — © Cathy Hopkins
Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it.
While I can’t have you, I long for you. I am the kind of person who would miss a train or a plane to meet you for coffee. I’d take a taxi across town to see you for ten minutes. I’d wait outside all night if I thought you would open the door in the morning. If you call me and say ‘Will you…’ my answer is ‘Yes’, before your sentence is out. I spin worlds where we could be together. I dream you. For me, imagination and desire are very close.
You can't stand around and wait to be asked to dance.
Successful entrepreneurs don't wait for the perfect moment - they create it
When I'm recording, which is synonymous with writing, I'll play things over and over again until it sounds like I've got the right guitar part. Whereas I think, as the much younger player I tended to do things much more consciously. I didn't wait for the moment where inspiration might strike. That's what I do now. I wait for it to naturally start to replay itself in my mind. As I say, I don't force it. So I like to think of myself as a receiver. I'm a telephone line to who knows where, but until I hear it through that receiver, I don't usually do it. It's got to start writing itself somehow.
All comes at the proper time to him who knows how to wait.
Seize the moment – don’t wait for anyone to give you permission.
I can't wait for the iPhone 6. It's my only ambition in life to have it quickly.
If you wait, you grow old, nothing more.
Adjust to your surroundings, because the world don't wait for you.
All of us can't wait to get out there whatever way. — © Ronnie Wood
All of us can't wait to get out there whatever way.
Don't wait to find solid ground. Dance in emptiness.
When things aren't going well, I complain a lot and get depressed. I whine and I eat and I go to sleep. I do all kinds of things. And if I'm smart, I'll go and clean out a drawer or a closet or go and pay my bills. I do get myself into situations where I'm not happy with what's going on. But you just have to wait it out and have faith that that dry well will fill up again.
I was delighted to not go to university. I couldn't wait to be out of education.
We serve a God who is waiting to hear from you, and He can't wait to respond.
No man can give me any word but Wait.
I will gladly give lessons as a favor, particularly when I see that my student has talent, inclination, and anxiety to learn; but to be obliged to go to a house at a certain hour, or to have to wait at home for a pupil, is what I cannot do, no matter how much money it may bring me in. . . I am a composer and was born to be a Kapellmeister. I neither can nor ought to bury the talent for composition with which God in his goodness has so richly endowed me. . .
Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.
I don't wait for someone to appreciate me for what I am doing.
I would always wait to take you home.
Friends ask you how you are and wait for an answer.
I can't wait to make you the love of my mortal life.
Before you say cut, wait 5 seconds
Keen appetite And quick digestion wait on you and yours.
The wheel of government will continue to work, even as these people come in and we wait for them, but the issue is, there's always one thing, that a new administration confronts.For the Bush administration, it was terrorism. For this administration, it's going to be cyber-security, not Russian hacking. That's a symptom of the bigger problem, but the bigger issue of cyber, how they deal with that. So, we may see something else we're not anticipating. That's going to be their challenge.
How do I change? If I feel depressed I will sing. If I feel sad I will laugh. If I feel ill I will double my labor. If I feel fear I will plunge ahead. If I feel inferior I will wear new garments. If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice. If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come. If I feel incompetent I will think of past success. If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals. Today I will be the master of my emotions.
Wait until you see him up on a horse
Appearances can be deceptive. The fact that we cannot see what God is doing does not mean that He is doing nothing. The Lord has His own timetable. It is we who must learn to adjust to it, not vice versa. When God's time comes nothing will stand in His way. We can therefore wait for Him with this happy confidence: "As for God, His way is perfect" (2 Samuel 22:31).
It [The Gesundheit Institute] also won't separate the healing arts. All of them work together - traditional medicine and surgery with acupuncture, homeopathy, etc. We want to make the hospital a place a person can't wait to come to, whether they are working there or being there as a patient. Because we are interested in promoting wellness, we will integrate medicine with performing arts, arts and crafts, agriculture, recreation, nature, and social service. Those are some skeletal parts.
If you don't want to lose, you should wait for the right opportunity
Hey, wait a minute, I was a Spice Girl once!
I love conversations with kids in the meet and greet lines — little people with little voices! I love babies. Someday I would love to be a parent, but I want that time to come when I’ve experienced so much of the world. My life will be devoted to making that child’s life as wonderful, beautiful, magical and perfect as it can possibly be. I want to wait until there is no ounce of me left that has anything self-centered to experience.
Stop squandering yourself, child. Wait for love.
Health comes before everything else and football can wait.
We could hardly wait to get up in the morning.
Why do we wait until a pig is dead to "cure" it? — © Steven Wright
Why do we wait until a pig is dead to "cure" it?
A wine is ready when you can't bear to wait for it any longer.
I couldn't wait to come to New York to reinvent myself.
Wrinkles and bones, white hair and diamonds: I can't wait.
I'm the kind of person who doesn't wait for opportunities to fall from the sky.
It seems to be my mission in life to wait on a dog.
My films are like Christmas: you can't wait to open it.
They also swear who only stand and wait.
You're at the hotel and after that you go to the venue and sit there and wait.
I try and keep it simple and wait for the right opportunity.
As an actor you have to wait for someone to cast you, so you're relying on the business. — © Mia Wasikowska
As an actor you have to wait for someone to cast you, so you're relying on the business.
One day while Lloyd George was making a political speech before a big crowd, a heckler yelled, "Wait a minute, Mr. George. Isn't it true your grandfather used to peddle tinware around here in an oxcart hauled by a donkey?" Lloyd George replied, "I digress just a moment and thank the gentlemen for calling that to my attention. It is true, my dear old grandfather used to peddle tinware with an old cart and a donkey. As a matter of fact, after this meeting is over, if my friend will come with me, I will show him that old cart, but I never knew until this minute what became of the ass."
I guess good things come to those who wait.
Let evil wait for the day on which it must fall.
For the yesterdays and todays, and the tomorrows I can hardly wait for - Thank you.
First thing you learnis that you'vealways got to wait
One does not necessarily have to wait for a revolutionary situation: it can be created.
Don’t wait to be hunted to hide, that was always my motto.
Well, in regards to surfing, I’ve learned that there is always another wave coming. Translated that means there is always tomorrow. No matter how badly you get caught inside, if you can just hang in there and keep paddling, the set is going to pass and there will be a lull afterwards. So don’t give up, just take your pounding, wait until the set passes, then make your move.
I can't wait until we get to the stage where we don't have to explain anymore.
So you say, with your shiny hair and pouty lips - and those breasts - just wait till you start dropping whelps, they'll be at your ankles one day, big as they are - not the whelps, the breasts. The whelps will be in your hair - no, not the shiny hair on your head, well, yes, that hair, but only as a manner of speech.
I loved science. Bunsen burners - I couldn't wait for an explosion!
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