Top 1200 I Get Butterflies Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular I Get Butterflies quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The more Opening Days the better. It never gets old. It's one of those things where as it comes you embrace it, get ready, you still get those butterflies, which means you care.
When I am on my own, I get nervous and have butterflies.
Prizes are like butterflies, colorful butterflies that fly away. I don't believe in prizes much. — © Lina Wertmuller
Prizes are like butterflies, colorful butterflies that fly away. I don't believe in prizes much.
I get butterflies before I go out to say hello at a party.
I've never been afraid of big moments. I get butterflies.. I get nervous and anxious, but I think those are all good signs that I'm ready for the moment.
Lord Akeldama did so love to know all the gossip about the mundane world, but it was in the manner of a cat amusing himself among the butterflies without a need to interfere should their wings get torn off. They were only butterflies, after all.
Even if we're in fifth place in September, I get butterflies before a game. I'm nervous.
Don't waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden, and the butterflies will come.
I still get a little nervous before performing. You don't want to forget a lyric; you don't want to make a mistake. I still get butterflies. You can try to judge an audience, but you can only really judge things by the applause.
I mean, I can tell within the first two minutes if I'm into someone or not. I can always tell if I get butterflies.
I used to get butterflies. Now we're always ready to hit the stage and rock out.
You know those adages about smelling the roses and chasing butterflies? The markets are my butterflies and my roses.
I get terrible butterflies. Before I go onstage, I'll have to freak out for five minutes. I scream. It seems to help! — © Josh Groban
I get terrible butterflies. Before I go onstage, I'll have to freak out for five minutes. I scream. It seems to help!
I get butterflies in my stomach before I perform. I love them! They let me know I'm ready to perform, that I'm ready to rock out on stage.
When people say they aren't nervous, I think they are lying about it. If you are human and you love the game, before any competition you still get those same butterflies in the stomach.
I think the thing that I get most excited about is the fact that I know I'm gonna have a great match. That's when I get the butterflies. When it's just a regular match or something like that, I may not get that.
Even if you only play a cameo in a film, it becomes a part of you and you get butterflies in your stomach on release day.
I still get butterflies. It's because there's a certain level of responsibility you carry when doing a concert. You've got to sound at least as good as the record.
I have discovered that I cannot enhance anybody's performance without getting them not only to live with the butterflies that come with high-pressure jobs but to embrace that kind of physical response, enjoy it, get into it. That's the first real ticket to being a performer who thinks exceptionally.
Sometimes I get butterflies before I get up on stage.
The beginning of love is all about the butterflies, but the end of it is when you can't get out of bed in the morning.
Your tattoos are supposed to be some connection to your personality. That's a lot more important than going in and just picking one off a wall. I've never understood why people get butterflies tattooed on their bottoms or whatever. That's really weird.
Adding wings to caterpillars does not create butterflies. It creates awkward and dysfunctional caterpillars. Butterflies are created through transformation.
I don't get butterflies. I get a good feeling in my stomach before I compete. When I don't, I get worried.
I only ask to be free. The butterflies are free. Mankind will surely not deny to Harold Skimpole what it concedes to the butterflies.
Nerves and butterflies are fine - they're a physical sign that you're mentally ready and eager. You have to get the butterflies to fly in formation, that's the trick.
She liked being reminded of butterflies. She remembered being six or seven and crying over the fates of the butterflies in her yard after learning that they lived for only a few days. Her mother had comforted her and told her not to be sad for the butterflies, that just because their lives were short didn't mean they were tragic. Watching them flying in the warm sun among the daisies in their garden, her mother had said to her, see, they have a beautiful life. Alice liked remembering that.
Butterflies were small and light, and very magic sensitive. For some reason I made them feel safe and they gravitated to me like iron shavings to a magnet. They ruined my ferocious badass image, but you'd have to be a complete beast to swat butterflies.
I get that every game. High school. At Duke. When I do the introductions, I get a little butterflies. Once I step on the floor, I'm fine.
I get butterflies just like everyone else. So I meditate for at least ten minutes before I perform. I breathe in and out slowly for ten minutes, and that literally helps me slow my heart rate and relax.
Of course you get butterflies as a manager.
I love you so much when i see you i get butterflies
There is no point in getting nervous. I get a few butterflies in my stomach, but it isn't really nerves but things that will help your game.
I get so nervous before I go onstage - beyond butterflies!
I still get butterflies when England are playing.
When I try to describe how I feel when you hold me, I get butterflies, I hear lullabies, it's hard to explain -- like the scent of a rose or the sound of the rain. It's too precious and too wonderful to give it a name.
Vladimir Nabokov was a writer who cared nothing for music and whose favorite sport was the pursuit, capture, and murder of butterflies. This explains many things; for example, the fact that Nabokov's novels, for all their elegance and wit, resemble nothing so much as butterflies pinned to a board: pretty but dead; symmetrical but stiff.
I'd definitely have some butterflies if the day ever came when I'd get to sit down with Oprah. — © Brooke Baldwin
I'd definitely have some butterflies if the day ever came when I'd get to sit down with Oprah.
I get butterflies in my stomach. I'm so nervous that I can't bring myself to visit a theatre to catch the first show. But I do attend the closed door screening of the film, usually held a day ahead of its release.
I get a lot of butterflies at auditions because I get so scared. It's scary because you've never met the people before. You have to meet them, and you have to hurry up and get to know them in five seconds. And then, you have to spill your emotions out to these strangers. It's funny.
You always get nervous on stage because when you get up there, you want to do great. The crowd has you pumped up so there are always a little bit of butterflies. That's all part of it. But as far as getting stage fright, clamming up there, not generally, I just enjoy it on stage and have a great time.
I've always felt kind of safe on stage, protected. I've talked to other performers about this and they feel the same things, particularly in the live arena. I never get nervous going on stage to do a play. Doing film or television I'll have more butterflies.
I get butterflies before going out to ride every day, but they disappear as soon as I am on a horse, and I think that is the same for most jockeys. Then it is just down to you and the horse, and there is a certain freedom in that.
I like to feel the butterflies in the stomach, I like to go home and have a restless night and wonder how I'm going to be able to accomplish this feat, get jittery. That hunger and those butterflies in the stomach are very essential for all creative people.
It is all too common for caterpillars to become butterflies and then to maintain that in their youth they had been little butterflies. Maturation makes liars of us all.
For me, my rule in this industry is I've got to listen to my butterflies. So if I got butterflies, then those are the scripts I go after.
I never think about any of my accomplishments and I always get butterflies in my stomach and I never get too comfortable with the status.
I got to Broadway a year after I came to New York. I starred in 'Butterflies Are Free' and got a Tony for it. Right out of the gate. Maybe that's why I wasn't very gracious about it. I wasn't driven. And right after 'Butterflies Are Free', I got married and then started a family. I always wanted that.
Even when you're right in the middle of a tour and you've done 30 or 40 shows, you still get them butterflies in the stomach right before you go on stage. — © Paddy McGuinness
Even when you're right in the middle of a tour and you've done 30 or 40 shows, you still get them butterflies in the stomach right before you go on stage.
Like the entomologist in search of colorful butterflies, my attention has chased in the gardens of the grey matter cells with delicate and elegant shapes, the mysterious butterflies of the soul, whose beating of wings may one day reveal to us the secrets of the mind.
Yeah, I obviously do get nervous before the matches. I obviously have butterflies. I obviously want to do well.
I still get butterflies on the first tee. I still get sweaty hands, and my heart pumps a lot going down the 18th. But I know what winning is all about now, and that's a feeling that I like.
I feel most sexy when I'm in love. My stomach flips. I get butterflies.
It's OK to have butterflies. Just get them flying in formation.
I just think about what I am doing on my side of the net, which requires focus. Even after all the years I've been playing, I still get butterflies before each match.
I used to get butterflies when I'd see big dudes. I don't get butterflies no more.
The one time I get butterflies at my fights is during the ring walk, and to get to do that with my home crowd is special, emotional.
The future is always fairyland to the young. Life is like a beautiful and winding lane, on either side bright flowers, and beautiful butterflies and tempting fruits, which we scarcely pause to admire and to taste, so eager are we to hasten to an opening which we imagine will be more beautiful still. But by degrees, as we advance, the trees grow bleak; the flowers and butterflies fail, the fruits disappear, and we find we have arrived--to reach a desert waste.
You get butterflies when you see all the fans screaming.
Every time you go out there, you want to be a little nervous, have a little bit of butterflies in your stomach and get the juices flowing.
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